At an order.

A mysterious and wonderful law of the road came to the night ryukyan palace and the body of the gods.

Night Ryukyu flame whole body huge shock, hiss the fierce roar way: "control cause and effect, how can you have this kind of big magical power?"

At the moment, he finally felt the real fear.

Even if he was the son of the emperor, he did not condense such magical laws.

Who is this man?

Just as he was full of fear.

Xue an light way: "reverse!"


The gods in the sky are like fragile porcelain dolls, which are directly torn up by the force of incomparable cause and effect, and turn into nothingness, even leaving no trace of existence.

Gong Wujian's body gradually turned into nothingness, and he cried out in horror: "Lord, save me!"

Night Ryu Yan that was tempered by the law of Dara body, in the cause and effect of the road under the erosion also showed a small crack, but he cold hum.

"What if you really control cause and effect? Even the real fairy is not, still mole ant general

Said, he suddenly stomped his feet, light drink a, "to firm!"


With him as the center, within a certain range, the space suddenly covered with cold metal light, becoming extremely solid.

Even the laws of heaven became solid in an instant.

Gong Wujian felt that the force of cause and effect, which had been madly eroding himself, was cut off, and he could not help but breathe.

Then he looked up in horror.

We can see that the turbulent force of cause and effect is surging like a wave, while the magic power of night ryukiya is like a reef, standing still.

The direct confrontation of these magical laws gradually made the surrounding heaven and earth unable to bear it, and began to show cracks in Taoism.

Night Ryukyu Yan laughed, "xue'an, although your control cause and effect is fierce, but my most firm law is not vegetarian!"

Say, night Ryukyu Yan's eyes twinkle with greedy light.

He's going to get it now.

You should know that the night Ryukyu flame can condense this kind of immortal product rule, is already fluky day's luck, and with thousands of years from Hentian's savings to succeed.

But compared with Xue an's control of cause and effect, this is far less powerful.

Now night ryukiya has only one idea, that is, how to condense the power of cause and effect from Xue an's mouth.

In particular, Xue an is not even a real immortal now, which makes night Liuyan salivate and thinks that Xue an must control some amazing secret arts.

At this time, the confrontation between the two magic laws had gradually separated.

Although causality is the first law recognized by all the heaven and the world, Xue an is still only a half step true immortal, and his cultivation is not enough to give full play to the real power of this magical power.

And night Ryukyu Yan is a master of the law of Dara, which has been condensed in his heart.

It's a trade-off.

Actually, the force of cause and effect was gradually suppressed, and the field of yeliuyan's Zhijian began to expand gradually.

Seeing this, ye Liuyan sneered, "Xue an, I really admire you very much. It's really not easy to cultivate this amazing ability in such a wild place! But in the face of absolute strength, everything is vain. If you admit defeat now, I will spare you and never die! "

Everyone's heart goes up to the throat.

Many people look at the lonely figure in the sky with complicated eyes.

They know that Mr. Xue has done his best.

Come back from the endless void, and then fight again and again, in order to save the world.

He has done well enough.

But now, it's all over.

Although Mr. Xue's cultivation is amazing, after all, he is only a half step immortal!

Many people close their eyes in despair.

But just then.

Xue an, standing on the sky with a faint smile, then raised her head to cross the starfish boat and said, "Yan'er, lend me your pan!"

This sentence reminds people.


Mr. Xue did not come back alone.

He also has a lot of helpers!

But when you take a closer look at the crowd coming out of the starfish crossing boat, many people can't help but vent their anger.

These people are basically golden immortals.

If put aside in the past, this power is enough to sweep the world.

But in front of the great Luo of night ryukiyan, it is nothing.

And an Yan, has been quietly watching Xue an war in the back.

Unconsciously, the palms of her hands became moist because of excessive tension.

So when she heard Xue an's cry, she was stunned.

It was only after a second that she regained her consciousness and nodded, "good husband!"

As she turned her hand, the pan appeared in her hand and threw it down.

"Husband, go on!"The pan is full of color.

In mid air, the voice of the nine turn thunder Zun in the pan reverberated.

"What is this for?"

Then it controls the mind to look down, can not help but hiss exclamation, "lying trough, big Luo strong! No, I can't beat him. I'm going home

Nine turn Lei Zun is almost crying.

It may be OK to bluff Jinxian with his own strength, but in front of Da Luo, he is not even a fart.

Maybe when someone blows, he disappears.

So it cried and wanted to run away.

Xue an puts out her hand.

A great suction draws the pan back and grabs it in the hand.

"No, boss! I want to live a few more years! " Cry and cry.

Xue an said faintly: "cry what! It's not for you to die

Nine turn Lei Zun cry more sad, and big Luo confrontation, this with the death of what difference?

And at this time night Ryukyu Yan also saw this scene, can't help but embrace the shoulder, full face sarcasm said: "Xue an, how? Think you can't beat me? Looking for a helper? But do you think the guy in your hand can shake me a hair? "

Xue an shook his head. "You guessed wrong! I don't want to fight you with this! "

Night Ryukyu Yan sneered and said, "that you..."

The voice did not fall.

Xue an took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and said faintly, "almost!"


What's almost there?

Not only is night Ryukyu flame, all people are confused by Xue an's action, can't help but look up.

I saw the sky blue as wash, there is no difference.

The crowd could not help but look puzzled.

What is Mr. Xue doing?

At this time, I heard someone trembling: "look, what's that in the sky?"

People look for voice to see, from the very far sky, there is a black line, is crazy to come here.

But in the blink of an eye.

See innumerable black as black clouds will flood the sky, so that just clear sky thousands of miles of the world into the night.

The city is covered with dark clouds and the thunder is dim.

It was as if there was a giant beast standing outside the sky, growling in a low voice, ready to launch a fatal blow.

So powerful was the air that stopped flowing.

Everyone was staring at it.

And Xue an stood in front of the thunder light, smiling, "do you know what I'm waiting for now?"

"I'm waiting for ray to come."

At the same time.

Many experienced monks trembled and roared.

"Thunder robbery!"

"My God, I've never seen such a violent thunder robbery!"

"Mr. Xue is going through the robbery!"

And night Ryukyu Yan's face color is suddenly become gloomy incomparable, and then bite teeth, a word a meal said.

"The disaster of the real immortal!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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