If the golden immortal is a watershed between man and immortal.

Then the true immortal is the dividing point between the ordinary man and the strong one.

Only when you become a real immortal, can you really be called a strong one in the universe.


The real immortal became a natural moat in front of countless friars.

It's not just because of qualification, but also because of it.

If you want to be a real immortal, you must cross the robbery first.

This robbery has big and small, it is completely based on your bone quality and strength.

But no matter how big or small, the robbery is extremely dangerous.

From ancient times to the present, how many amazing talents were powerful for a time, but finally fell down in this real immortal robbery.

As a result, countless people talk about the robbery and turn pale.

And look at this.

The scale of the thunder robbery was unprecedented.

This makes the night Ryukyu Yan look cloudy and sunny.

We should know that when he was crossing the real immortal's calamity, he had to rely on the help of his father's separation and hatred.

What's more, ye Liuyan knew that even the immortal gods in the void big religion in the depths of the stars had to rely on the protection of their elders to survive the disaster of true immortals.

It's been a long time since I heard that anyone can survive this disaster on their own.

Seeing Xue an's appearance now, it is obvious that he intends to face the natural calamity alone.

This makes the corner of the mouth of night Ryukyu Yan show a sneer gradually.


When you fail to survive the robbery and are about to die, I will snatch a wisp of your spirit, and then squeeze out the secret of cause and effect.

In this way, it is to save their own effort.

At the same time.

See Xue an toward the pan of nine turn Lei Zun smile, "I take you to cross the robbery, you are not very moved?"

Nine turn Lei Zun is about to urinate, smell speech is even more crying, "wuwuwu, adult, don't scare me, I'm so scared, I want to go home!"

As a creature bred by thunder pool, jiuzhuan Lei Zun can feel the horror of this thunder robbery than anyone else.

That cloud in the faint flickering thunder light, each has the ability to destroy the sky and the earth, with its a small thunder Zun, may be a face will be gone.

Xue an was dumbfounded and laughed, "what am I afraid of? This is a big chance I specially sent you!"

Nine turn Lei Zun almost cried faintly.

"My Lord, can I not have this chance?"

"Shh, don't talk!"

Xue an light said, looked up to the sky, a pair of eyes in the eyes is full of excited luster eager to try.

"Let's go!"

With that, Xue an sprang up and rushed to the thunder clouds.

"No..." Nine turn Lei Zun shrieked.

At the same time.

The thunder clouds all over the sky seemed to be infuriated by Xue an's provocation.

There was a ray of thunder, like a snake and a python, flickering through the clouds, then converging sharply.

In an instant, it formed a huge thunder light with the thickness of ten li, and then fell down.

This moment.

A lot of people think it's morning.

The whole sky and earth are illuminated as day by the thunder.

Everyone looked up in astonishment.

Xue an stood at the top of the endless sky, facing this huge thunder light, but without any fear, he raised his hand and made a fist.


A loud noise makes the whole world lose its voice.

Then the thunder light was smashed by Xue an's fist, and the electric light splashed everywhere. Xue an said with a faint smile, "come again!"

The sky was full of thunder and angry.

Ten times more powerful than just before, the thunder light began to gather again, and then a thunderbolt of 20 miles was smashed down.

This time, Xue an still did not retreat, but went forward, and broke it with his fist.

"Not enough, come again!"

Thirty miles of thunder.

Forty miles!


In a flash.

The sky was full of thunder clouds, and nine thunder robberies had been blown down.

Each is bigger and bigger, and stronger than the other.

The final strike even brought down a huge thunder light of a hundred Li.

Even if it was the night of Ryukyu.

When I was crossing the robbery of the real immortal, I fell seven thunder lights.

The first five are the only ones who rely on themselves to resist the past.

The latter two, all rely on his father to leave hate the emperor's hand, only then did not have the accident.

Unexpectedly, Xue an faced nine thunder robberies with his own strength.

If this news spreads, all the sky will be shocked.

But Xue an didn't pay the price.

The power of the nine thunder robbers superimposed together, which made his indestructible body show a series of shocking cracks."Husband!" An Yan cried out with worry.

Xue anchong smiles at an Yan in the distance, and then his lips move.

Anyan knows that Xue an is saying I'm ok.

But unknowingly, her tears still fell down.

She loved Xue an so much that she wanted to fight with him now.

Can an Yan also understand, some things, is oneself, also cannot replace him to complete.

Because there are some roads, I can only go by myself.

At this moment.

Someone was full of startled trembling voice: "look at that thunder cloud!"

Everyone looked up.

We can see that nine thunder lights have fallen, and the thunder clouds are gathering together madly.

The night Ryukyu flame all over a shock, in the eye also shows the shocking light.

What's going on?

Didn't you have nine thunderlights?

Why hasn't the thunder cloud dispersed?

Is there going to be a tenth way?

But the universe, never heard of who should have ten thunder robbery!

When he was full of doubts.

I saw the sky full of thunder clouds have gathered together, and began to crazy compression.

A black cloud began to take shape.

Even if it is very far away, all those who have witnessed this thundercloud can still feel the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

All the people turned pale.

In the middle, we were scared by the thunder

"Run away? Why run? I've been waiting. This is the thunder

The eyes are still tired, but Xue an's head is full of bruises.

The voice has just dropped.

In the thunder cloud, a finger thick colorful thunder light suddenly formed, and then straight down.

Compared with the thunder light of ten miles, this colorful thunder light looks very weak.

But no one dares to despise it.

Because of the colorful thunder, the space will be broken through a deep gap.

And see this thunder light, the pupil of night Ryukyu Yan suddenly shrinks for it, and then the voice quivers of whispering way.

"Death This is the thunder of birth and death

Ye Liuyan has heard of it.

If there is a real talent to break through the real immortal, it may trigger extremely rare thunder robbery.

There are ten to nine robberies, but there are thunder robberies.

And the last one is the thunder of birth and death.

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