Lord Lei's killing is the most brutal.

It can be yang to Yin and Yin to Yang.

When the thunder light is condensed to the extreme, a trace of vitality will sprout from the endless killing.

This kind of vitality is the most precious, but it can even change the fate against the heaven and reshape the spirit.

But the night before, Ryukyu Yan always thought that this was just a rumor that had been misrepresented.

I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today.

It can be immediately.

The corner of the night Ryukyu Yan's mouth appears a trace of sneer.

What if it's the thunder of birth and death?

If you want to get the life of heaven and earth, you have to bear the endless power of killing in front of you.

So It's the real terrible disaster!

Sure enough.

See nine turn Lei Zun is about to be scared crazy, anxiously said: "adult, run quickly, don't run again, it will be too late!"

Xue an's white suit was made by the wind, and he laughed faintly, "Lei Zun, are you afraid of pain?"


I haven't waited for the nine turn Lei Zun to react.

Xue an sprang up and rushed to the thunder light with resolute posture. Meanwhile, he said faintly: "it's useless to be afraid. Prepare to bear all the following!"

The voice has just dropped.

Xue an's body has already met this ray of thunder.

There is no earth shaking momentum, or even unnecessary sound.

But under the colorful thunder.

Xue'an's scarred body began to disintegrate and break in large areas, as if it were made up of sand.

As for the pan, when it first came into contact with this ray of thunder, it became nothing.

Inside the nine turn Lei Zun screamed and was directly evaporated by the colorful thunder light.

"Husband!" An Yan is shocked and pale at the sight of it, and will rush forward regardless of everything.

At this time, Hu Ying hugged an Yan and said, "sister an, don't go! Brother Xue is in the process of being reborn. This is a great chance that others can't ask for! "

"But..." Anyan is still full of anxiety.

Because at this time, Xue an's figure had gradually faded, and almost disappeared.

Hu Ying said with a smile, "sister an, this thunder robbery may be a must for others, but for brother Xue, it's nothing at all! You have to have faith in him! "

An Yan hears speech a Zheng, final shell teeth nibble vermilion lip, stupidly looking at the field.

Hu Ying is confident.

Because the whole audience, perhaps only she had seen Xue an's demeanor when she was the immortal.

Therefore, Hu Ying believes that Xue an was deliberately responsible for the thunder robbery.

Otherwise, Xue an won't let it take shape at all.

At this time, Xue an's figure was finally completely submerged by the colorful thunder light, and then heard a bang.

After a while, the strong light of the sun gradually dissipated.

All people look at the empty sky, all look changed.

"And Mr. Xue?"

"No, Mr. Xue was robbed by thunder and evaporated directly!"

The faces of the audience were dignified, and the billions of people watching the scene through satellite transmission were even more shocked.

At this time, the night Ryukyu Yan burst out laughing.

"Xue an, you are a genius, even thunder robbery is so rare, but you still overestimate yourself, the result is not a dead end?"

Although not able to catch Xue an's spirit, but night Liuyan still feel very happy, and secretly grow a breath.

If you don't catch the spirit, you don't catch it.

When he died, he was a complete cure.

Because the night Ryukyu flame has been Xue an's endless means to make afraid.

At this time, I saw an Yan wailing, "husband!"

Then his eyes blazed with fire and rushed to the night Ryukyu flame.

As soon as he saw the beautiful and gorgeous Anyan, the night Liuyan's eyes were bright. Then he said with a smile: "are you Xue an's family? Well, since he's dead, I can't help but take over. "

"Shameless!" An Yan angrily denounces, then already rushed to the near front, raises the palm then to blow down.

But now Anyan's accomplishments are just half step golden immortal. For the night Ryukyu flame, this is not even a mole ant.

So he laughed, "woman, don't be so anxious!"

Say, a raise a hand, then like slow solid fast grasp to an Yan's hand.

An Yan is surprised, want to dodge, but despair to find that under the shadow of the night Ryukyu flame, he can't move at all.

An Yan's eyes show a determined color.

Even death cannot fall into this man's hands.

Therefore, with a despairing smile, she closed her eyes and prepared to commit suicide.

But it was just then.

There was a faint voice in her ear."Silly face!"

Anyan was shocked and opened her eyes.

And at the same time.

The palm of night Ryukyu flame has also been blasted to.

But in this moment, I saw a long and powerful hand with distinct bony joints, slowly reached out, and grasped the palm of the night Ryukyu flame in the time between, and then abruptly broke off.

There was a crack.

The palm of night Ryukyu flame was broken directly.

The night Ryukyu Yan was startled, stepped back two steps and looked up.

I saw standing beside an Yan, not Xue an, who is it?

This time, the whole audience was shocked.

Countless people are excited about it.

"Sir, come back!"

"I said, sir, is everything all right?"

"Bah, when did you say that? You just cried the loudest

In the shouts of surprise.

Anyan felt her tears could not stop.

Xue an some distressed for her to wipe tears from the corner of her eyes, "OK, don't cry! No matter what your husband I do, I will do it only when I am sure of it. You are not allowed to be so impulsive in the future

An Yan cried and thumped Xue an's shoulder, and said with tears and laughter: "I just that didn't worry about you? Boo Hoo Hoo

This scene of dog abuse makes many women face a trace of resentment.

At this time, ye Liuyan regained his composure, licked his lips, and said in a grim voice, "xue'an, your life is really big! Even the thunder of birth and death can't kill you! But do you really think that's going to change anything? "

Xue an looked at him faintly, suddenly said: "you just used that hand to hit my wife?"

"Well?" Night Ryukyu Yan subconsciously looked at the right hand that had been restored as before.

Xue an nodded. "Good. In a moment, I'll cut off your right hand first."

"Arrogant!" "Night Ryukyu Yan anger extremely counter smile," well, this good play I accompany you to play long enough, also should end! Today, I'll let you know what a real strong man is! "

Said, night Ryukyu flame body momentum began to climb madly, and then in the night Liuyan eyebrows, showed a little cinnabar mole.

Night Ryukyu Yan grimly said with a smile: "let me use this move, Xue an, you can be proud of yourself!"

He stroked his forehead with his hand and pulled it out.

A long red sword with a strong ominous smell appeared in his hand.

Then the night the Ryukyu flame raised his sword and fell.

"Liuyan chopping sword!"

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