A flash of red flame from the sword cut the sky and the Jedi.

All the people who witnessed the knife had a chill in their hearts, and their eyebrows were stinging.

It's as if just taking a look at it, the knife has already cut itself in half from the brow.

"Is this the power of Darrow?" Someone whispered.

Xue an at this time but smile, and then a flip hand, the hand will appear in the hands of a myriad of wild thunder around the pan.

"Nine turn Lei Zun, this is the first battle after you testify to be Lei Bu Zheng Shen. Don't lose!"

Nine turn Lei Zun.

Oh, it's time to call Raytheon now. After hearing this, he was silent, and then he yelled hysterically, "my Lord, do you want to kill me?"

When he was just responding to the robbery, Xue an brought this pan because he knew that this time's thunder robbery was extraordinary. It would be a pity if it was wasted. It happened that this Lei Zun could take this opportunity to break through the nine turns and prove himself as a God.

That's why he took it with him.

But Xue an didn't expect that the final birth and death thunder would be so violent.

I have nothing to do with myself.

But this nine turn Lei Zun is a big sin.

Because they belong to the Department of thunder, the nine turn thunder Zun is specially taken care of by this thunder robbery.

It was born and died hundreds of times in a flash.

Each time, it is completely broken up, and then re cohesion.

This kind of pain is hardly enough for humanity.

In fact, this nine turn Lei Zun is still not crazy, which is a miracle.

But it also benefited a lot, at least directly from the nine turns, and became God.

But now listen to Xue an's words, it seems that he is not going to let go of himself.

The Thor was naturally filled with resentment.

Xue an didn't listen to his nonsense at all.

The pan flew out.

"Ah, ah, ah, Xue an, I hate you!" The thunder god roared, but he had to face the thunder flame chopping Tiandao.


The two sides have been in contact.

Under the power of Ryukyu flame, the pan controlled by Thor is failing.

"Boss, help Thor panicked.

But Xue an is not moved at all. Instead, she holds her shoulder and looks at it.

By this time, the knife had been cut in half.

The Thunder God finally said, "today I've been dead for hundreds of times. I don't care about this one more time. What can Da Luo do? I can't miss it!"

The voice has just dropped.

There were thunder snakes exploding.

The powerful power will directly break this record of Ryukyu flame chopping sword.

Night Ryukyu Yan a startle, "how to return a responsibility?"

Xue an waved at this time.

The pan flew back to his hand and handed it to an Yan.

"Yan'er, just now there is a ray of thunder in it. It's not safe for you to use it, but now it has been sent out! This is your new weapon

Thunder can't help but cry: "I can't help but say to the God of thunder that I can't help but cry

Xue an ignored it.

An Yan took over this brand-new pan, and felt a strong power.

The strength is more than 100 times stronger than before.

Then Xue an turned around and looked at the night Ryukyu flame, whose face was cloudy and clear.

"Are you ready?"

Night Ryukyu Yan a Zheng, immediately furious, "arrogant, suffer death!"

With that, he struck again.

But the knife was only halfway through and began to disintegrate.

When Xue an came near, he suddenly turned into nothingness.

"What's going on?" The night Ryukyu flame was startled.

Xue an at this time Sen ran a smile, "cut a good time, but now it's my turn!"

Said, saw a startling momentum from Xue an body suddenly rushed out.

Its power is so powerful that it even shows all kinds of illusions.

"This is What an immortal Someone exclaimed.

And Xue an is at this moment diffuse voice chant: "even if there are thousands of years, horizontal eight barren, the future is like the sea, only I Chinese people!"

"Today, I will kill you and raise the prestige of the Chinese nation."

"Make a mystery!" Night Ryukyu Yan said with a grim smile, and in his hand was a knife.

At this time, Xue an stepped on the void and pointed to the front, "the blade of cause and effect! Now


Since Xue an's body week, countless swords have emerged, and there are also extremely killing causality rules on them.

in front of the full sky sword, the sword of night ryukiyan broke soundlessly without even a ripple.

Then Xue an raised his hand and said, "kill!"


The sky was covered with swords.The night Ryukyu flame is frightful and startled, want to avoid, but it is too late.

The sword is like rain, and the force of cause and effect above is madly eroding his body.

It's not the same as that.

After Jin entered the real immortal.

Xue an's way was stable again, and the power of his supernatural powers soared.

So this time, the force of cause and effect is more powerful than before.

Therefore, in the twinkling of an eye, there are many terrible cracks on the body of night Liuyan.

This makes night Ryukyu Yan all for it panic.

And the palace on one side of the palace is even more screaming.

"Master Shao Jun, help me quickly!"

Her big Robben is urged to come out, the body is not stable at all, so in the face of this blow, even the ability to struggle.

Night Ryukyu Yan a gnash teeth, "to firm!"

Once again, he showed his magic power and tried to fight against Xue an's force of cause and effect.

But this time.

After a few breaths, his magical realm exploded.

The sword came surging.

Gong Wujian screamed and was drowned by the force of cause and effect, and then there was no sound.

Night Ryukyu Yan see heart broken, no longer fighting heart, but turn around and run.

He is now full of deep fear of Xue an, because God knows what strange tricks he will use later.

So night ryukiya just wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

When I go back, I will report the details to my father, and then I will send a large team to kill here.

Night Ryukyu Yan thought in his heart that more than half of his body had been hidden into the void.

You should know that Darrow is the existence of the so-called fight undead.

It is because it is very difficult to kill the strong at this level.

As long as there is a chance, you can escape.

Moreover, Da Luo can cross the void in flesh, so he is invincible.

Can be in the night Ryukyu Yan secretly relaxed tone, think oneself finally want to leave this ghost place time.

A calm voice sounded from his ear, "come and go if you want to. Do you really think this is your back garden?"

Night Ryukyu flame whole body huge shock.

Just wanted to say something.

Xue an reaches into the void and pulls back.

The night Ryukyu flame was dragged back from the void by Xue an.

Night Ryukyu Yan was furious, "Xue an, what can you do even if you are a real immortal? I don't believe you can kill me

Xue an sniffed a cold smile, "do you really think I can't kill you?"

With that, Xue an raised his hand and a flame of red and white leaped on his fingertips.

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