"This This is... "

Seeing this flame, the night Ryukyu flame was just like seeing a ghost and screamed, "who are you? Why is there such a thing? "

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "me? I'm Xue an! "

Night ryukiya sweat like rain, before the arrogance has disappeared, the face squeezed out a flattering smile.

"Xue Xue'an, we are all strong. We can discuss everything. Why do we have to stop it

"Absolutely?" With a cold smile, Xue an turned his head and looked at the people whose seal was gradually lifted because the palace was destroyed.

"If I didn't come back, would these people have already turned into powder?"

Night Ryukyu's face was white, and he was trying to explain.

Among the crowd, Chen Rushi, who had already cried into tears, broke out first and knelt down in the sky.

"Mr. Xue, my grandfather, he..." Speaking of this, Chen Rushi has choked.

At the same time, the fat aunt jumped out and yelled: "Xiao an, your uncle Xie has also died in the hands of these people, including Jingjing, who has been seriously injured and unconscious!"

For a moment, the crowd was furious and Wanfu pointed to it.

Night Ryukyu Yan's face became more and more pale.

Xue an turned to look at him and asked, "this Is that what you say is easy to discuss? "

As she spoke, Xue an stepped forward.

"Xue Xue an, I'm the son of Li hen Tian Jun. if you really dare to kill me, my father will not let you go, he will not let go of this world Night ryukiya yelled, as if in the general with their own courage.

Xue an sniffed a cold smile, "from hate the emperor? No, soon there won't be anything to hate the emperor! Do you think that if you die, how long will it last? "

Night Ryukyu flame whole body trembles, incredible looking at Xue an, "you..."

The voice did not fall.

Xue an raised his hand.

One after another, red and white lotus covered the sky and came, trapping the night Ryukyu flame to death.

"Today, I will temper the great Luo to sacrifice the dead!"

With the words, we can see that the sky is full of red lotus flowers, and the red and white flames completely cover the night Ryukyu flame.

The flame rose, but the onlookers could not feel the slightest temperature.

But in the eyes of the night Ryukyu flame trapped in it, the flame is more terrible than the hellfire.

"Xue an, you have a cruel heart! Don't Ah ah ah ah ah! Please let me go

At the beginning of this night, Ryukyu Yan cursed xue'an wildly, but when the flame and body devoured his body mercilessly and consumed his spirit source.

This night, Lu Yan was completely flustered.

The broken body can be reborn, but if the spirit is destroyed, it is really dead.

So he began to frantically beg for mercy.

But Xue an is not moved at all, just quietly watching the night Ryukyu flame struggling in the fire for mercy.

It's like Waiting for something!

Sure enough.

At the time when the fire of red lotus has already refined the limbs of night Ryukyu flame.

A sigh came from the unknown.

Someone sighed: "the strong man of the Chinese nationality should be forgiven and forgiven. Although my son is wrong, you have already slaughtered the gods. You have taught him enough lessons. Can you spare him for the sake of the emperor?"

Hearing this sound, Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile, light way: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, finally willing to appear? I hate the emperor

With the voice.

Just above the flame, a figure of nothingness drift began to emerge, and finally an old man with gray hair and dignified appearance appeared.

With his appearance, the fire of red lotus was suppressed and darkened.

And night Ryukyu flame is as if to seize the straw, crazy cry up, "father save me!"

The old man smiles at the night Ryukyu flame, "my son doesn't need to panic!"

Then he turned his head and gazed at xue'an and sighed: "I didn't expect that we haven't seen you in ten thousand years. You are such a talented young man in China!"

Xue an was not moved, just looked at coldly.

At this time, Li hen Tian Jun then said, "the strong man of Chinese nationality, I will give you an account of this matter, but please let my son go. What do you think?"

There was silence.

Everyone looked at the old man who suddenly appeared.

Because everyone knows.

This must be the father of Ye Liuyan, the man who claimed to be away from the king of heaven.

Night Ryukyu flame is so strong, which is more unfathomable from the power of hate emperor.

Then all eyes were focused on Xue an.

Many people are worried about how Mr. Xue will deal with it.At this time, Xue an slowly raised his eyes, tone indifferent way: "account?"

"Yes From hate the emperor said with a smile.

Xue an nodded. "OK, I'll listen. What are you going to give me?"

Said, Xue an a point to the people, "die in your son's hand countless people, this account, how do you plan to calculate?"

Li hen Tian Jun was stunned, and then he laughed, "the strong man of Chinese nationality, I thought you wanted to say something, but just a group of ants. I can compensate you for countless Lingjing skills. How about that?"

Xue an smiles.

It's just a smile, full of chilling intent.

"Mole ants, my relatives and friends, are just a group of ants when they come to your mouth?"

From hate the emperor said: "strong Chinese, you have entered the real immortal, unlimited future, these ordinary people, naturally do not care!"

He wanted to go on.

Xue an Leng drinks, "enough!"

Then he raised his hand and pointed to Li hen Tian Jun in the air. "Now I have only two requirements. First, tell me who ordered you to slaughter the Chinese people before Wanzai."

"Second, you son, you must die!"

Hearing these two demands, Li hen's face changed greatly, and then he snorted: "the strong Chinese, I treat you politely because I value your future. Don't think I'm afraid of you! And you want to know who is in charge! Ha ha

From hate the emperor that ethereal cheek on a trace of fear, "that is even I dare not provoke the existence, so I advise you or obediently close the best hand!"

Xue an laughed, but the laughter was full of sadness and anger, "OK! Good! Since you don't want to say it, I'll see if you say it when I kill you in the sky

"And no matter who the other party is, I Xue an, I will kill it!"

With that, Xue an raised his hand.

Originally suppressed, the fire of red lotus rose suddenly, and the night Ryukyu flame sent out a terrible cry.

"The madman dares!" From hate the emperor roared.

Xue an said coldly, "there is no one I dare not to do! And don't worry, it's your turn soon

With a wave of Xue an's hand, the statue was broken and scattered in the wind.

At the same time.

Night Ryukyu Yan's scream stops suddenly, only the fire of red lotus is still swaying.

Xue an's eyes are full of cold light.

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