The red lotus leaves.

The world is solemn.

Many people can't help but shed tears.

Although the time for the gods to invade was very short, the loss of human beings, especially the Chinese people, was extremely heavy.

If Xue an didn't arrive in time.

Maybe all the people present are gone now.

Therefore, after seeing the great enemy refined by Xue Ansheng.

Many people have mixed feelings and don't know what it's like in their hearts.

At this time, Xue an turned to the void and said with a smile: "when are you going to hide?"

With the voice.

There was a slight tremor in the void, and then two frightened figures appeared.

It was Odin and Gaia, the God of blood.

These two gods are very lucky not to fall in the initial cause and effect explosion, and then take advantage of the war, want to escape.

But they underestimated Xue an's killing intention.

From the beginning, Xue an was afraid that there would be a fish that would miss the net, so he directly used his own cultivation to block the whole world.

In this way, if they want to run, they have to beat Xue an.

This is clearly impossible.

So they had to hide in the place where the void and the world were connected, shivering in the hope that Xue an would forget himself.

But this wish is obviously in vain.

"Big My Lord, spare your life When Odin emerged, he heard this.

Odin's face turned pale in an instant, "no My Lord, I was forced to return to the earth only when the night flame forced me! Please let me go

Xue an shook his head, and his expression became colder. "Before ten thousand years ago, you betrayed the earth in order to survive. Now you have to deal with your former compatriots. Your sin is I'll kill you

Xue an is not finished.

Odin's eyes changed, taking advantage of Xue an's negative hand and standing, as if he didn't notice himself, bravely moved his hand.

He understood.

Xue an will never let go of himself.

So in order to survive, he also fought!

This Odin is known as the king of northern Europe. After taking refuge in Li hen, his power has increased a hundred times, so his strength is very good.

This time, in order to survive, it is a move to kill.

Although the spear of eternity was broken, when he gave a full blow, the momentum was still amazing.

Xue an just looked at it coldly, without any movement.

Until Odin's fist was in front of him.

Xue an Cai turned his head to an Yan with a smile, "Yan'er, what kind of badge do you like?"

An Yan was stunned.

But Odin was overjoyed.

Even the night Ryukyu Yan does not dare to be so big in the face of himself. Xue an, you are too arrogant! go to hell!

Odin grinned grimly.

But his smile has not yet completely emerged, it has solidified.

Because Xue an raised his hand and caught the blow of Odin in a short time.

Then he said faintly, "it's too slow! No wonder you've been a running dog for so many years

Odin was stunned, and then sent out a terrible howl.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Because from the palm of xue'an's hand, the red and white flame rose and burned, and spread up Odin's shoulder.

Odin is also a cruel character. In order to survive, he cut off his arm without hesitation.

But all this is useless.

The fire of the red lotus is like the maggot of tarsal bone, spreading and burning with unstoppable potential.

In an instant.

The whole body of Odin was completely covered.

This power and the pain of burning his soul made him struggle and wriggle.


A bang came from Odin's body.

Then you can see the illusion in the void.

In this illusion.

Seriously injured by fan Mengxue, Vidal is convalescing in Odin's kingdom of God.

Odin is the king of gods, and the kingdom of God is naturally vast.

Vidal is even in the mood to feed a lot of goddesses in it and play freely every day.

But he never thought that the Father God, who was almost omnipotent in his eyes, would be defeated.

Even the kingdom of God was destroyed.

Therefore, in the illusion, we can see that Vidal, who is enjoying himself and drinking, looks up in horror and then is also covered by the fire cage of red lotus.

In a flash.

The flame dissipated, and the father and son, once the God King, completely disappeared.

In the void.

There was only a mass of light that was shining brightly.

As soon as Xue an reached out, the light ball fell into his hands.It is a star like, crystal clear material to almost transparent, there is a crystal with endless luster.

This is the spirit of Odin.

Xue an smiles and hands it to an Yan.

Then he raised his head and looked at Gaia, who was shaking like chaff.

"Strange, why don't you cry for mercy?"

Gaia was shocked and said, "please Please forgive me

Xue an shook her head. "No way!"

Gaiya is going to cry.

No, you want me to yell?

Isn't this playing with me?

"Do you have to shout for mercy to show your sincerity? Otherwise, it will be boring! And you can rest assured that I have accumulated almost all the blood beads of your blood clan. If you only want to take the main medicine, you can make a furnace of incomparable medicine. Are you very happy to hear this news? " Xue an said with a smile.

Gaia really cried.

Together with this killer, the blood clan is regarded as a card. If you collect it completely, you can refine pills, and you are the rarest card.

No one can be happy about this kind of thing.

What can we do if we can't?

This Asian heart thought a little, and then trembled: "your honor, please let me go. I'd like to tell you important information about those people who slaughtered the Chinese people!"

A lot of people heard this.

But Xue an laughed.

It's just that there's a hint of sarcasm in the smile.

"If it was someone else, I would believe it, but you..."

Xue an light way: "why is your divinity incomplete, still use me to say?"

Gaia's face changed greatly when she heard it, "you How do you know? "

Xue an said coldly: "you obviously participated in the war at the beginning, and you may even have seen those guys with your own eyes. Unfortunately, it is estimated that those people don't trust you, so they will dig out more than half of your divinity after using them, in order to completely erase that memory! Am I right? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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