Xue an sneered, "I've been a running dog for a long time, but in the end it ended up like this. Gaia, you blood God should What a coward

Caiya's face was as grey as death.

"All right, make a drug guide at ease, and I will avenge you then!" Xue an said lightly and raised his hand.

"Thor, you are still the best at dealing with this kind of evil, so Break it and condense it into blood beads

"There's no money in the boss's mouth, and there's no such thing as a small voice from the boss

But he didn't dare to disobey Xue an's orders, so he rose to the sky.

"Come on, that monster, look at my palm thunder!"

With that, a thunderbolt came down.

Although Gaia was not willing to do so, when he faced Lei Zun, who had been proved to be the God of Lei Bu, he was knocked to the ground only a few times.

Finally, it was condensed into a blood bead.

At this point, the war of astonishing heaven has come to an end.

And this war, from the beginning to the end, took a whole day.

During this period. The ups and downs of the situation have made the hearts of all people around the world fluctuate.


The gods who invaded the earth were slaughtered.

Everyone breathed a sigh.

Then they all looked at Xue an's figure with admiration.

It can be said that without xue'an, the whole world would be a plaything under the iron feet of the gods.

But at this time, Xue an jumped up to the top of the sky again.

They looked up, puzzled, not knowing what Xue an was going to do.

However, Xue an looked down on a mess of heaven and earth, which was harmed by the gods, and stamped his foot suddenly.

"Reverse Yin and Yang, reshape heaven and earth!"


At an order.

Spirit into rain, falling down, moistening the earth.

Yunmeng lake, which had been dried up, was suddenly covered with sparkling water, and the broken land due to the war was closed at an amazing speed.

All the injuries on the scene were quickly recovered under the spirit rain.

And the scope of this spirit rain is gradually expanding.

At first, it was limited to Beijiang, and then it expanded rapidly to the whole North.


The whole country of China is bathed in this spirit rain.

The injured began to recover, and the healthy people benefited a lot. Many monks directly crossed the pass and improved their accomplishments.

As for the number of animals in the mountains and rivers, because of the spirit rain and opened the wisdom, that is an unknown number.

All the foreigners are very envious of watching this scene.

Some monks would like to join the state of China and become a member of the Chinese people.

Finally, everything returned to its original state, and even the spirit of China was even better than before.


Many of the monks have gone.

But more people didn't leave.

These people are basically Xue an's old acquaintances.

Wait for Xue an to fall to the ground.

All these people came up.

"Mr. Xue!"

"My Lord!"

"Brother Xue!"

These shouts come and go.

Xue an nodded with a smile, "let's go and have a talk in the villa."

After just a spirit rain baptism, Tianzi No. 1 villa has been completely transformed into an immortal cave.

After the crowd entered, they didn't wait to be seated.

Tang xuan'er, with red eyes in her eyes, came forward to see her, "Xue..."

Xue an looked at the haggard girl and sighed, "OK, xuan'er, it's all over!"

He knew that Tang Xuaner was under heavy psychological pressure.

But it's just now.

Zhang Xiaoyu rushed forward with tears. He knelt down in front of xue'an and said with a snot and tears: "adult, look at Xiaosha adult quickly! She She... "

"What's wrong with her?" Tang xuan'er was surprised.

"She's turned into an egg!"

When Xue an walked into the inner room, he saw a huge egg the size of a man lying on the soft bed in the room.

Zhang Xiaoyu cried and said, "I had been guarding Xiaosha's side all the time, but I didn't expect that after watching the adult's war, when I came back, I found that Xiaosha had become an egg!"

Xue an stepped forward, reached out and rubbed the smooth eggshell, silent.

At this time, an Qing, who had been silent at one side, suddenly said, "she is dead!"

As soon as this is said.

The audience was shocked.

Zhang Xiaoyu was stunned, and then he was furious.Of course, she also knew that Anqing was an adult's sister-in-law, but she still pressed down her anger and said, "you're nonsense. Lord Xiaosha is not dead at all. She must be waiting for rebirth when she turns into an egg."

Anqing did not pay attention to Zhang Xiaoyu's words at all, but said faintly: "I can feel that her Qi machine has been completely destroyed!"

An Yan frowned, because she found that her sister had changed a lot after sleeping for three years.

"Qinger, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! She is dead indeed Anqing is not affected.

At this time, Xue an turns to look at Anqing coldly, but anqing looks at Xue an with no weakness.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Until a moment later.

Xue an Cai lowered his eyes and said, "Qing'er, it's a good thing that you have mastered the Zerg's heart, but I don't want your heart to be blinded by this feeling. Otherwise, even if you are stronger, you at that time Is it you? "

This words is like a heavy hammer, smashed on an Qing's mind.

Her eyes became confused in an instant.


Since her rebirth, she has mastered powerful abilities and even become a rare Zerg queen among the myriad worlds. Over time, her achievements will be limitless.

But unconsciously, his heart is also dominated by the Zerg will.

The mood became calm to almost cruel, and the heart gradually became cold-blooded.

In this case, are you still yourself?

The expression on Anqing's face is changeable, and she falls into deep questioning to herself.

On the other hand, he said, "how about Xiaozhang? When will you wake up? "

Xue an didn't answer her directly. Instead, she said to her worried aunt, "what's the matter with Jingjing?"

"I haven't woken up yet. I'm still in a coma, and my breath is getting weaker and weaker." As she said this, her tears burst into her eyes.

And her once fat body, in this short few days has also been crazy thin down.

"Fat aunt, don't cry, I'll go and have a look! And Bring uncle Xie's body, too

Hearing Xue an's words, the fat aunt's body was shocked, and immediately her face appeared a color of ecstasy.

"Xiao an, you mean you thank uncle he..."

Xue an nodded. "I'll try it."

Then he left the room and went outside.

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