Xie Jingjing was lying on the bed. Her face was almost the same as that of the dead. The only thing that could prove that she was alive was the almost imperceptible breath between her nose.

On the other side, it was the body of Lao Xie, who had been blown to pieces.

As soon as the fat aunt saw her two most important relatives dead and injured, she could not help but sob in a low voice.

Xue an walks to the bedside and looks at Xie Jingjing in silence.

It has not been seen in three years.

The girl has grown up completely.

Not only the appearance becomes mature, but also the cultivation is praised by many people.

Even Xue Angang had heard that she had won the crown in a contest of young monks last year.

It is such a girl who has found her own goal in life, but after hearing the news of her death, she goes to fight against the gods.

This can be called stupid behavior, but let Xue an some speechless.

Finally, he sighed a little and whispered, "what a silly girl!"

At this time, after hearing Xue an's sigh, the fat aunt's mind trembled and asked cautiously, "Xiao an, what's the matter with Jingjing? Isn't her injury very troublesome? "

Xue an smile, "fat aunt rest assured, no matter how many injuries, I will let Jingjing recover as before, you can rest assured!"

Fat aunt this just put down the heart, stood in the distance dare not speak.

Xie Jingjing's injury is really serious.

Although the night Ryukyu flame is just a seal.

But because the gap in strength is really too big, it is this random blow, it almost shattered Xie Jingjing's spirit.

Now Xie Jingjing has broken all the meridians in her body, and her knowledge of the sea is full of holes. Even the bones of the five zang organs are erosive.

Such injuries, if placed on other people, would have died 800 times.

But Xie Jingjing is miraculously holding up to now.

Even Xue an could feel that in Xie Jingjing's sea of knowledge, there was an extremely weak but extremely tough spirit.

Xue an was moved by this will to survive.

That's why Xue an promised to the fat aunt.

Because he didn't want to disappoint the girl's desire to survive.

Xue an's eyes were slightly narrowed, and the huge mind first covered Xie Jingjing's consciousness sea, protecting her extremely fragile consciousness sea, and then remolding her body with supreme cultivation.

This process can be said to be extremely breathtaking.

Because very few people dare to do this.

The human body is extremely delicate, a little mistake, will lead to a big mistake.

But Xue an is extremely calm and uses cultivation to repair Xie Jingjing's body.

This time, it took half an hour.


Xie Jingjing's body recovered as before, and her face became ruddy.

But Sheehan knew that was just the beginning.

The hardest part is still to come.

Because Xie Jingjing's spirit has been shaken to pieces, all rely on a thought barely to maintain.

If this time a careless, then Xie Jingjing will become a living dead.

In the whole world, Xue an dares to repair the spirit in this way.

Because Xue an's mind is not only powerful to abnormal, but even his control ability is beyond our reach.

This is the basis for doing so.

See a line of subtle deities will Xie Jingjing's soul fragments, and then as a jigsaw puzzle of the general splicing.

Be careful at every step.


When Xue an's forehead is full of sweat, Xie Jingjing's spirit is assembled.

But the spirit is lifeless, like the dead.

Xue an slightly frowned, and then he threw himself into Xie Jingjing's sea of knowledge.

The idea of sticking to the present in the sea of knowledge should be the key to everything.

When Xue an appeared in the incomplete sea of knowledge, he saw a figure almost transparent floating quietly in the air.

There was a very weak murmur echoing in the sea of knowledge.

"Brother ANN, help me!"

Xue an listened quietly and finally sighed, "Jingjing!"

Hearing this, the figure, which was almost transparent, looked up at Xue an, and then began to cry.

"Brother Ann..."

Xue an is a little sad.

He is very clear, Xie Jingjing this wisp of remnant soul is to bear how much pain just insist to now.

So he took the hand of the ghost and said, "go, brother Ann will take you home!"


The fat aunt, who was watching outside, looked with worry.

She did not know what happened, but found that her daughter's face was ruddy, but her breath was more and more weak.

It made her heart ache.Can't Xiaoan save Jingjing?

At this moment.

See Xue an gently vomited a tone, as if relieved to say: "good!"

Fat aunt a Zheng, and then see lying on the bed Xie Jingjing shaking open her eyes.

The fat aunt wept with joy and was just about to come forward.

But see Xie Jingjing again fainted in the past.

Fat aunt Leng in that, "Xiaoan, Jingjing, she..."

Xue an chuckled: "it's OK. She's just suffering from a severe injury and needs some time to recuperate."

The fat aunt was relieved.

After that, Xue an went to Uncle Xie's body.

Because the fat aunt has been moistening with aura, uncle Xie's body did not appear any decay, even with a trace of blush on his cheek, lying there, if you don't look at the fried half, it's just like sleeping.

"Xiao an, you thank uncle he Can you save it? "

Look at Auntie Xue, but you can't look at it until you look at it, but you can't tell me that it's difficult to raise your head

The fat aunt immediately nodded, "Xiao an, you can say that I can accept anything! I don't mind cutting off half of my body and connecting it to him! "

Xue an smiles, "it's not like that! It's just You'll have to accept a different uncle Xie later

After a while.

The fat aunt went out of the room with a strange face and said to Liu Keke, a puppet of Xianzong outside, "Miss Liu, Xiao an wants you to go in!"

Liu Keke was stunned, "call me in?"


Liu Keke didn't dare to neglect him and went into the house in a hurry.

The rest of the group looked at each other outside, not knowing what Xue an asked Liu Keke to do.

Chen Rushi, on the other hand, looks at the room with hope.

Now, in addition to fat aunt, she is looking forward to Xue an Neng's resurrection of Uncle Xie.

Because only in that way can his grandfather Chen Xiuhe be resurrected.

I don't know how long it took.

About an hour or so.

I heard a loud noise coming from the room.

Then there was a strange roar.

Everyone was stunned, and the fat aunt was the first to rush in.

All the people followed in,

he saw that Lao Xie, who had been blown to pieces half of his body, had stood up from the ground.

It's just that the other half of the body is not a body, but a sophisticated machine.

The combination of the two, at first glance, looks like the robot in the terminator.

Before the resurrection, Xue an told the fat aunt about the risks, so she was prepared.

So when he saw old Xie standing up again, he could not help but shed tears on his face. He stepped forward and said, "Lao Xie! You... "

The voice did not fall.

Seeing Lao Xie back a few steps, he roared like a wild animal.

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