The fat aunt was stunned, and then asked in a trembling voice, "Xiao an, how is this going on?"

Xue an looked at Lao Xie and sighed: "the way of life and death is an inviolable law of heaven. Now I go against the heaven. Although uncle Xie has been revived, his spirit has already been scattered in the world. Although I tried my best to search for it, I only found more than half of it. That's because he has a deep fetter on you."

"Therefore, I will replace half of his body with a mechanical puppet, because only in this way can his remaining spirit control his body with the help of the mechanical puppet! So now he is as intelligent as a baby! "

Hear Xue an's explanation.

The fat aunt looked sad. "Can he recover?"

Xue an shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not!"

"No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!"

She waved to Lao Xie and said in a trembling voice, "Lao Xie, come here!"

No response!

"Thank you! I am your wife

Still no response!

Xue an said: "you'd better talk with your usual attitude towards him, so as to arouse his subconscious mind."

The fat aunt bit her teeth, pretended to be fierce, stamped her foot, pointed to Lao Xie's nose and roared, "Xie, don't roll over for me!"

At an order.

Originally to all people are full of vigilance Lao Xie, in the eye shows a trace of blankness color, then obediently walked to the fat aunt side.

This scene made Xue an and the people cry and laugh.

To death, this old Xie is still so henpecked!

Chen Rushi has been looking at all this with a complicated look.

I don't know when Xue an appeared beside her and sighed: "Miss Chen, I know what you think, but the head of the Chen family is willing to sacrifice. The soul without fetters will disappear in the world in an instant! So... "

Chen Rushi shook his head, "Mr. Xue, don't mention it!"

Then she raised her head and looked enviously at the fat aunt who was "scolding" Lao Xie. Her tears fell down, but she said with a smile: "maybe my grandfather doesn't want to revive at all! Since he's gone, let him go

Xue an was silent.

Chen Rushi cried, "but I really can't bear it

Seeing her cry, many people shed tears.

In particular, all the people in Zhongdu all burst into tears.

Chen Xiuhe, who has been in charge of the Chen family for several decades, has already become the general existence of Dinghai Shenzhen in Zhongdu.

How much turmoil, the old man is calm to come over.

I didn't expect to die in the hands of a group of alien gods.

However, Chen Xiuhe did not lose the integrity of a Chinese man.

On this basis, it is worthy of people's admiration.

Just when the atmosphere became very dull, an Yan Ran in flustered.

"Husband, something happened!"

Hearing this, Xue an eyebrows picked, "Yan'er, what's the matter?"

Anyan was at a loss, "the news just came back from Europe, Mengxue Mengxue, she... "

"What's wrong with Meng Xue?" Xue an was frightened.

Naturally, he also knew the news that fan Mengxue was seriously injured and comatose. He was preparing to take care of things here, so he rushed to Europe.

"She She's gone! " An Yan eyes red said.


An Yan nods.

Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, and his turbulent mind swept the world in an instant.

Sure enough.

In Europe, the dark black spirit had disappeared.

Xue an Huoran stood up, "Yan'er, you stay at home. I'll go to Europe and see what's going on!"

After that, Xue an rose to the sky and disappeared in the sky.

At the current speed of Xue an, it is only a blink of an eye to travel from China to Europe.

By the time he landed in the dark castle, it was a mess.

All the faces, including the skeletons of the guards, were full of panic.

So when they saw Xue an's arrival, people came up one after another.

"My lord..." Exclaimed Anastasia, the dark witch.

As Xue an stepped in, he asked in a deep voice, "what's going on? Tell me in detail!"

"Yes Anastasia hastily introduced the situation.

"That day, Mengxue defeated the gods of Odin who had invaded here, and just returned to the castle, she fell into a coma due to serious injury! But fortunately, it's not life-threatening! So all of us are in the castle to protect Meng Xue

"In this war, we all focused on China! But I can guarantee with my life that from the beginning to the end, this dark castle is under close protection, and no one has ever been in or out of it"But when the matter is over, when I enter Mengxue's room, I find

At this point, Anastasia had a look of panic in her eyes.

"What did you find?"

"I found that the bed was empty, and there was only a dark air lingering in the room."

"Oh?" Xue an slightly Zheng, eyes flash a complex look, and then a light way: "say it!"

"At that time, I thought Mengxue woke up and got out of bed. I was very happy, but when I explored, I found that there was no trace of Mengxue in the whole castle!"

At the end of the day, Anastasia's voice was filled with tears.

And all the people in the dark Council are full of grief and indignation.

Especially Titans.

The strong man had already lost his love, and now even the most important person in the dark Council has disappeared.

This series of blows, let his eyes red, full of crazy killing intention.

"Adults, we are not good, did not take good care of Mengxue!" Anastasia cried.

Xue an's face was as heavy as water. He ignored these words and went straight up the stairs to the room where fan Mengxue had lived.

When the door is opened.

The layout inside is simple and simple.

And different from the medieval style of the dark castle, it is just like the boudoir of an ordinary Chinese girl.

But at the moment of opening the door, it seems that a black gas flashed by.

There was a flash in Xue an's eyes, and then he stepped into it.

There was a faint fragrance of maiden in the room, but there was nothing strange about it.

All of them did not dare to speak. They just looked at Xue an quietly.

At this time, Xue an walked slowly to the bedside and put a picture on the bedside table.

Xue Anshun took it up.

This is a picture of an outing.

Above is the childhood self and fan Mengxue.

Looking at the picture although green, smile is incomparably brilliant fan Mengxue, Xue an suddenly some silence.

He remembered when the picture was.

That was when I was in high school.

After the college entrance examination, the school organized an outing.

And that is the last time I met fan Mengxue in high school. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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