Under Xue an's gaze.

Chen felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar and his blood was going to be solidified.

He was shocked.

Is this the power of immortals?

Seeing money as his life, how could he give up the fat in his mouth? So he said calmly, "Mr. Xue, you are the strong one who saved the whole world. What you said will naturally be obeyed by us!"

"But I don't think it's right for me."

"Oh? What's wrong Xue an said lightly.

"You know, although my poetic sister is brilliant, she is a girl after all, of course! I don't mean to look down on women, but after all, women have to marry

"But if Ru Shi's sister becomes the head of the Chen family and gets married again, will the Chen family change its surname?"

"So I don't think it's right."

Chen upward began to say when there are still some stumbling, but after waiting for the more said more smooth.

And Xue an was so quiet listening, until he finished, just faint smile, "sounds like some truth, but I don't know who you are?"

Chen Xiangshang smiles. "My name is Chen Xiangshang. Mr. Chen is my second brother and his cousin to Ru Shi's sister."

Hearing him say so, Chen Rushi could not help but snorted, "ha ha, yes, this is my good cousin!"

The words were full of chills.

Chen didn't change his color to the top, "sister Rushi, I'm also for you!"

"For my good? Chen Xiangshang, what kind of wishful thinking do you really think I don't know? " Chen Rushi's eyes are about to burst out fire. She can't wait to rush up and bite this guy.

"You..." Chen Xiangshang is trying to talk.

Xue an waved her hand and said calmly, "OK, it's like a poem!"


"After that, you will be the master of the Chen family!"

Chen Rushi was stunned.

The whole audience was stunned.

Chen Xiangshang couldn't believe his ears even more. "Mr. Xue, didn't you just ask people what opinions they have? I am... "

Xue an coldly glanced at him, "I asked what opinions, but I said to adopt it?"

Chen almost vomited blood when he said this, but he still managed to calm down and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xue, although I have great respect for you! But I'm afraid you won't convince the public if you do this! "


Chen went up coldly and said, "to know who will be the master of this family is all the internal affairs of our Chen family. Mr. Xue, although you have achieved amazing accomplishments, you can't interfere in the affairs of our Chen family without authorization! After all, it has nothing to do with you! "

Let's say that.

There was silence.

All eyes focused on Xue an.

Xue an touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then he began to smile.

"It seems that That's what happened

Chen Xiangshang was delighted.

Chen Rushi's heart gradually sank.

But in Chen Xiangshang's face is not completely released.

Xue an light way: "if poem, kneel down!"

Chen Rushi a Leng, but still obediently knelt in front of Xue an.

There was even more commotion.

"What does Mr. Xue want to do?"

"I don't know. Keep looking!"

Then Xue an said with a smile to Chen, "although I don't have to worry about your bullshit, since you said it, I'll let you believe it!"

With that, Xue an turned her head and said to Chen Rushi, who was kneeling on the ground: "Ru Shi, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"


This sentence is like a heavy bomb, which shocked everyone in the audience.

What? Did Mr. Xue plan to take Chen Rushi as his apprentice?

This is a good thing that countless people dream of!

You know, with Xue an's present status and status, people who want to learn from him can circle the earth more than ten times.

For a time, countless people's envious eyes were red.

And Chen Rushi is the whole body huge shock, until an Yan quietly called out, "such as poetry!"

She just woke up from the daze, and then knelt down without hesitation, "master, I'm like a poem, please see my master!"

When he said this, Chen Rushi's heart naturally infinite joy, but in the joy also mixed with a touch of gloom.

Because Chen Rushi understood that he would never be able to get close to Xue an from then on.

But Chen Rushi thought again.

It's lucky to be a master and apprentice.

She No longer dare to ask for more.

And see Chen Rushi a head knock to the ground, Xue an just raised his head to look at a face muddled Chen upward and Chen beilie and others, light way."You just said that I am just an outsider and can't interfere in the affairs of your Chen family! Now Chen Rushi has become my disciple. I, as a master, should take care of her affairs! Do you understand that? "

Chen's face suddenly turned pale as paper.

He was still wondering.

It was not until then that he understood why Xue an did this.

"I I... " Chen Xiang, who has always been good at speech, became tongue tied at this time.

Chen beilie, on the other hand, has already fought a double battle and can hardly stand up.

All of a sudden, he knelt down on the ground and cried, "Mr. Xue, my cousin Chen Xiangshang planned all this! Listen, I've got proof here! "

With that, Chen beilie took out a recording pen from his pocket. After opening it, Chen's words came from inside.

"When the funeral is over, I'll find a man to send Chen Rushi away. By then, all the family property of the Chen family will be mine!"

As soon as this is said.

The audience was shocked.

The rich families who came here to express their condolence are not fools. They have already seen the situation clearly at the moment, so they jump out one after another, pointing to Chen Xiangshang and starting to curse.

"Wolf ambition, really wolf ambition!"

"That's right. I'm so cruel to my cousins, and I'm ready to rob my family property. I'm really ashamed of Mr. Chen's spirit in heaven!"

"Bah! Chen family is a hero. You are not worthy of the surname Chen! "

Chen looked up like ashes, full of despair.

Because he knew he was done.

Even if Xue an doesn't kill him, he has already been ruined, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

At this time, Chen beilie flattered and said: "Mr. Xue, like the poem sister, this matter really has nothing to do with me! This Chen pushed me all the way up

This reminds Chen upward, his full of anger ignited at once, and then directly rushed to the past, grabbed Chen beilie's neck and roared in a ferocious manner.

"You mean little man, I'll strangle you!"

Not willing to be outdone, Chen beilie began to counter.

The two cousins fought in front of the hall.

Chen Rushi's eyes showed a sad color.

Just then, Xue an waved.

A wisp of sword directly nailed the two people who were fighting together on the ground.

Chen Xiangshang and Chen beilie raised their heads and wanted to say something, but how could they bear the power of the sword? They just shivered and died.

Then Xue an Cai said faintly: "it's late. Let's send Mr. Chen on the road."

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