Some people drag the bodies of Chen Xiangshang and Chen beilie away like a dead dog.

Then he saw twenty-four strong young men come forward with neat steps. There was a big man who was just about to call up his spirit.

Xue an waved his hand, stopped him, and then turned to point to the fire phoenix special forces just arrived.

"Come and carry the coffin!"

"Yes All the people led by Cheng Linghao to come to the fire.

"Wake up!" Xue an has a light drink.

The coffin rose from the ground and Xue an helped the spirit.

"Go! Send the old man on his way

At an order.

In front of him suddenly made way for a passage.

Chen Rushi knelt down on the side of the road, crying into tears.

When the fire phoenix people carrying the coffin passed in front of her, Chen Rushi deeply kowtowed.

"Go all the way, grandfather!"

This sad cry made the whole audience moved.

When the coffin came out of the door of the Chen family, all the powerful families of the hall woke up from the shock just now, and then they could not help but take a breath of cold air together.

"My God, I read it right! How can you carry the coffin with the fire phoenix? " Someone said in shock.

We should know that the status of the fire phoenix special forces among the Chinese people is so high that it seems to be a military God.

What's more, fire phoenix is the lowest of all immortal cultivation, among which there are many strong immortal, and even the highest cultivation has broken through to golden immortal.

No matter where they go, they are respected by thousands of people. How much face do they have to give Chen Xiu and lift spirit?

"Didn't you see that Mr. even Xue helped the Spirit himself? Now Mr. Chen is very sad and proud! " Some people exclaimed with envy.

"Yes! Now, Mr. Xue has given the Chen family enough face! "

Everyone sighed.

At this time, someone called out, "what are you doing? Go to see him off for the last time

A word reminds people in the dream that all the powerful families of Zhongdu are scrambling to run out for fear that they will fall behind others.

Because even a fool can see now, the Chen family will soar and even surpass the past.

Chen Rushi was accepted as an apprentice by Xue an in public, and thus he put gold on the face of the late Chen Xiuhe.

This is clearly telling people.

Chen family, I Xue security!

In this way, who dare not respect?

As a result, a spectacle has appeared in today's Zhongdu.

We can see that there are huge funeral teams in front of us, while in the back are more and more big Zhongdu families.

Even a lot of just did not come to condolence, after hearing the news, also rushed to come.

Although Mr. Xue doesn't care at all.

But if his family is absent from this grand event, he will probably be excluded by other powerful families, and the loss will be great.

The people who came to see them off spontaneously were also shocked.

"My God, it was Mr. Xue who helped the Spirit himself!"

"Hiss! Even those who carry the coffin are fire phoenix people

"Look, almost all the big families in Zhongdu are coming! The face of the Chen family has been revealed to the zenith! "

It's a long way from the Chen family to the cemetery.

But more and more people gathered along the way.

It's all open to everyone.

As the coffin passed by, everyone was in awe.

And the sky, I don't know when, also changed from a clear sky to cloudy.

In this atmosphere.

The coffin finally passed through most of the capital and arrived at the cemetery.

Chen Rushi was helped to come here by several close female dependents.

Although he had already prepared everything, Chen Rushi cried again when he watched his grandfather who had raised him settle down.


The voice was shrill and shrill, and all the people who heard it wept.


The coffin fell into the earth.

When the last spade of earth is covered.

The sky began to drizzle.

In the silence, Xue an filled a bowl of wine.

"Mr. Chen, I'd like to offer you this one! May you go, carefree world, no more fetters

After that, Xue an drinks up the wine in the cup, and then suddenly smashes the bowl and chants.

"It's no clothes. I'm in the same robe with my son. The king is building a teacher. I'm cultivating my spear and fighting with my son."

At first, Xue an was just reciting, and then the fire phoenix people standing behind him also began to chant.


All the people present began to recite the war song thousands of years ago.Its voice is strong and its potential is shocking.

It seems that even heaven and earth are trembling in front of this battle song which has been passed down for thousands of years and embodies the spirit of the Chinese nation.

The originally cloudy sky gradually tore open a hole, and the sun was shining down on Chen Xiuhe's tomb.

Many people were stunned by the spectacle.

But an Yan said in a soft voice: "such as poetry, don't cry, see? Seeing this, Mr. Chen is very happy to rest in peace! "

Chen Rushi wiped away the tears on her face, and her expression gradually became firm and resolute, "sister Yan, I understand! These days, I have drained all my tears of my life. From then on, I will never cry again

When the poem was finished, Xue an turned to look at all the people and said, "I killed two people today! Two mortals

There was silence.

Xue an went on to say: "in my capacity, these two people are not worth doing at all! But I did! Do you know why? "

The whole scene is very quiet, and everyone looks at Xue an quietly.

Xue an turned her head and looked at Chen Xiuhe's tomb and said, "because these two men were trying to rob the family property before the old man Chen's body was cold, and even used despicable means to target the loyal and martyrs!"

"Do you think you should kill such a person?"

Cheng Hao of the fire phoenix stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "it's time to kill!"

People also began to agree, "yes, it's time to kill!"

"Well done!"

Xue an gave a faint smile, looked around the audience, and then said coldly, "I don't care who you are or what your status is. But if someone dares to slander or target the martyrs who died for the Chinese people..."

Xue an raised his hand, a sword straight cut and cut through a mountain not far away.

The sound of the mountain breaking.

Xue an said faintly: "my sword, but not alive!"

The whole scene was awe inspiring. Some people who had ghosts in their hearts were even more scared and their hair stood on end. They quickly gave up the idea in their hearts.

Then Xue an looked at the fire phoenix people, "Fire Phoenix listen to the order!"

"Yes Cheng Hao and others all bow their hands.

"If anyone dares to slander Chinese Martyrs wantonly after I leave this world There is no mercy for killing

"Yes Fire Phoenix, all of them answered in unison.

Zhou Daniao stroked his big bald head and said with a grim smile, "don't worry. Whoever dares to do so will be the first one to screw his head off!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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