When the funeral, which was too high for most people to imagine, was over, the whole thing was boiling.

There was a lot of discussion, but the focus of discussion was nothing but Xue an's words.

Although there are still a small group of elite mutter that Xue an is too overbearing and does not pay attention to human rights.

But these voices soon drowned in the sea of people.

Almost everyone agreed with Xue an's proposal and practice.

This is not because of Xue an's strong strength and respect for identity, but because his practice conforms to the people's will.

This is called the general trend.

And in the outside world because of this matter and noisy when.

In the Chen family.

Xue an said to Chen Rushi with a serious face: "if you are like a poem, you should think clearly about your choice!"

Chen Rushi's expression is firm and resolute, "master, I have already thought very clearly! This road is my choice. I will go down on my knees! "

The atmosphere suddenly became somewhat stagnant.

Looking at the resolute and unshakeable Chen Rushi, Xue an's eyes flashed a complex light.

After the funeral.

Xue an is ready to teach Chen Rushi a skill.

However, Chen Rushi is not interested in everything else. She has only one request to become the strongest in the shortest time.

For this, she is willing to pay any price.

Xue an sighed slightly, "Rushi, I understand your mood. You want to be the God for your grandfather. But once you choose this road, you will die alone. Unless you can break through the confinement in your lifetime, otherwise Even I can't help you! "

"Disciple Yes Chen Rushi didn't even blink his eyelids, and his heart was as firm as iron.

Xue an seemed to have known that she would say so, and shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Well, then I will teach you Cut off love

Among the myriad realms of heaven and earth, there are endless varieties of skills and schools.

But if you want to ask which school in the early training speed is the fastest, it must be the broken love road.

The so-called "cut off love" means to cut off feelings and destroy desires.

This is a very cruel practice.

To say that it is cruel does not mean killing innocent people and killing living creatures like demon or ghost repair, but it means that its demands on those who practice are cruel to the point of abnormality.

The requirement is only eight words.

Cut off all feelings, cut off six desires.

At that time, people will become a machine, and the only thing left in my mind is to become stronger.

This kind of cultivation without any miscellaneous thoughts will naturally make him advance bravely and even crush all schools of skills in the early stage.

However, there is no one to practice this kind of skill, whether it is the empty big religion or the Holy Son.

There is only one reason.

That is, this skill is easy to cultivate into a complete madman.

Just imagine that without love and hatred, there is only a monk with obsession in his heart. What's the difference between him and a madman?

But anyone who has a little pursuit is not willing to give up all worldly things to practice this kind of thing.

What's more, this skill is very limited in the later stage. If you can't break through yourself when you practice to the true immortal, and change from broken love to supreme love, you will stay in the true immortal forever, and there is no possibility of survival.

Xue an told Chen Rushi about these shortcomings in detail.

But she didn't listen to it. Instead, she only heard the four words of practicing speed.

"I don't know if this is helping you or harming you, but now I just want to ask you one last question, do you really want to practice this skill?"

Chen Rushi nodded, and then said in a trembling voice, "master, I know my talent very well. Depending on my strength, if I want to become a true immortal in my lifetime, no, even if it is a golden immortal, it is absolutely impossible!"

"But I don't accept it. I want to be stronger and become as strong as the gods. Even if this will give me all I have, I will not hesitate!"

"Because The Chen family has to avenge the Chen family! "

Chen Rushi's words moved Xue an. He nodded, "OK! Then I will help you to enter the way of breaking love! But you should remember that you should never forget your original intention. When the true immortal comes, if you can surpass yourself, you can become a real strong man, and even a great hope! "

"Yes! Thank you, master

Xue an's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his huge mind was instantly condensed on his head, and then he burst into Chen Rushi's sea of knowledge.

If you want to break the love road, you must first erase all your seven passions and six desires.

This is a key step. If people with less strength and mind, they will easily become a complete machine.

Of course, it doesn't exist for Xue an.

In an instant, his mind suppressed and blocked all the emotions and desires in Chen Rushi's spirit, and then instilled a whole set of skills into it.When it's all done.

Xue an stepped back and said in a deep voice, "OK!"

Chen Rushi was shocked, then slowly opened his eyes.

Everything that had been nimble in these wonderful eyes no longer exists.

Yes, it's just a void.

"Like a poem!" Xue an called softly.

Chen Rushi's eyes gradually glowed with brilliance.

It's just the brilliance, full of cold.


Even the sound became dull. At first it sounded like the sound of a machine.

Xue an sighed, "like a poem, I hope to see you break through your own day!"

Chen Rushi was silent for a moment, then nodded with emphasis, "yes!"

After the Chen family's affairs have been dealt with.

Xue an plans to return to Beijiang to clean up and then leave the earth again.

After all, the outside world has a lot to do!

But at this time, an invitation was sent to the Chen family.

Xue an smiles after seeing it. "Well, I was going to see you, but it's easy now."

The person who invited was the general of the town.

When Xue an saw him, he had just finished a meeting, then rushed to come.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xue. I didn't expect you to come so soon." The general said apologetically.

Xue an smile, waved his hand, "needless to say so much, what do you want me to do?"

However, he finally said, "Mr. Xue, will you leave this time?"


Sure enough!

There was a worried look on the general's face. "This time I invite you here to discuss with you what to do if there is another God after you leave the earth again? After all The Chinese can't afford to go through this again! "

The great general of Zhenguo is very reasonable in his worries. Now the strength of the Chinese people has not really recovered. If there are any gods coming to the world, they will surely die.

This time, Xue an came back in time, but what about next time? Can it be so timely?

Xue an laughs, "your worry is very right, and this matter is you do not ask, I will also tell you!"

Said, Xue an raised his head to look at the sky, light way: "do you think town and seal these two words which is better?"

The general of Zhenguo was stunned? Mr. Xue, what are you talking about

He didn't hear Xue an.

Xue an smiles, "nothing!"

He stood up on the sky and said, "look at me A sum of money will cover the sky

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