Zhongdu, Weijia.

Wei Rulan is sitting under the tree, playing chess with himself.

But her way of playing chess is quite different from others.

Because her chessboard is four layers hollow.

That is to say, it is composed of four checkerboard layers of 19 times 19, and each layer is connected by thin glass wires.

And her method of playing chess is also different, is to move the pieces by clicking the light point.

Moreover, these pieces are not only to deal with the plane, including the four layers connected in the middle is also a chess game.

In this way, the complexity of the game has increased countless times.

At least Wei Ruyan looked dizzy on one side, but could not understand anything.

Especially at the end of the game, I couldn't even see the move of the chess pieces. I could only see some light spots crisscross the chessboard. It was dazzling.


The speed of the pieces gradually becomes slow, after a long time of thinking.

Wei Rulan shook his head and pressed the reset key.

In an instant, all the pieces return to their original position.

"How about it? Who won this time? " Wei Ruyan said with some teasing.

Wei Rulan light way: "this is a draw!"

Wei Ruyan a Leng, and then said: "their own chess with their own draw?"

Wei Rulan nodded seriously, "of course there will be!"

Then she looked at the special chessboard and froze.

This unique way of playing chess is not her original creation.

In fact, this is totally based on a small game that Xue an taught to the Chinese military.

Its purpose is to train people's mind.

But wait for Wei Rulan to know this game, but madly addicted to it, can no longer extricate themselves.

Because of the simple plane go, Wei Rulan has been able to deduce all the possibilities through his own mind.

This makes playing chess a very boring thing.

Often before the opponent has made three steps, Wei Rulan has already pushed all the possibilities behind the performance and knows the victory or defeat in advance.

How can such a chess game have fun?

But the emergence of this game, but to Wei Rulan a surprise.

Because she found that when the plane chess game becomes three-dimensional, the complexity increases exponentially.

When two layers of chess are superimposed, it is a thousand times more difficult than a plane game.

And three layers, it's a million times.

As for the fourth floor, it is even more complicated and unimaginable.

It can be said that each additional layer, the difficulty can be superimposed to a stunning degree.

Now after extremely hard training, Wei Rulan has been able to play four levels of go.

This is the best achievement of China and even the world.

Even the latest supercomputers can't do it.

So Wei Rulan is quite proud of this.

I don't know Mr. Xue, who is a man of astonishing accomplishments. What's the result of this chess game?

If you have a chance to play a game, maybe you can win him!

When Wei Rulan was wandering outside.

Suddenly listen to his cousin Wei Ruyan, very surprised to say: "such as LAN, look at the sky quickly!"

Wei Rulan looked up at the sky.

A figure appeared above the sky.

Although the distance is very far away, Wei Rulan, who has become a God now, can see at a glance who it is.

"It's Mr. Xue! What is he going to do? " Wei Rulan was surprised.

It's not just her.

The whole Zhongdu, and even the strong men of the whole country of China, felt the strangeness in the sky. They could not help but look up, and their eyes were full of doubts.

What is Mr. Xue going to do?

At this time, Xue an stood at the top of the sky, raised his slender and powerful hand and gently drew a horizontal line.

This row, the air will show a stagnant mark.

Then Xue an began to write.

Emptiness is like paper, fingertips like ink.

In an instant.

A very mysterious and complex ancient seal characters gradually emerged in the air.

After the last stroke.

The whole world trembled.

Many monks were even more shocked.

Because they feel that even the way of heaven is shaking.

At this time, Xue an looked down on the world and said, "this is the word for town. I'll seal the sky with this word. If there is another God coming into the world, I'll hang it directly! But you can't slack off. After all, there are many powerful people in the world. Only by making great progress can we have a place in the forest of strong families

Xue an's voice was not very loud, but it drifted into everyone's ears, which made them all stand on edge.

"Yes! I'll wait to understand! "

"Don't worry, Mr. Xue. We will make great efforts to live up to your high expectations."Countless monks arched their hands to the sky and cheered in unison.

Xue an smiles and nods slightly, "very good!"

After saying that, his sight seems to be inadvertently swept through the zhongduwei house, and then a flash, and came to the back garden of the Wei family.

Wei Ruyan and Wei Rulan sisters feel a flower in front of them. When they look again, Xue an has already appeared in front of them.

This shocked both sisters.

"Mr. Xue!" said Wei Ruyan

Xue an waved his hand with a smile, "master Wei, don't be so polite!"

Wei Ruyan smell speech face a red, "in front of you, how dare I call myself a master?"

"Master Wei is too modest. Your cultivation may not be the best, but this flower art is the best in the world. Even in the sky, you can be regarded as a flower master!"

"Really?" Wei Ruyan a Leng, and then very happy to say.

Xue an nodded.

He's telling the truth, too.

Among the myriad realms of heaven and earth, there are many schools of practitioners, and there are many who enter the Tao with flowers. Even Xue an has seen several of them with his own eyes.

But these friars are all from the spirit or flower demon and other close to the nature of the alien race.

There are only a few people who enter the Tao with flowers.

Although Wei Ruyan's cultivation talent is not very good, but a natural heart is very pure. With time, his achievements will be extraordinary.

Get Xue an's affirmation, Wei Ruyan is excited in the heart.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and looked at the four layers of chess on the stone table with a faint smile.

"I didn't expect miss Rulan could play four levels of chess just by self-study! Talent is really good! "

Hearing Xue an's praise, Wei Rulan's face showed a touch of satisfaction. "In fact, I think it's quite simple. After a few months of training, I can even challenge the five level chess game!"

"I just don't know if Mr. Xue, who created the game, is interested in playing a game with the little girl?" Wei Rulan said cunningly.

Wei Ruyan smell speech facial expression a cold, "if orchid..." We should yell and stop.

Xue an waved his hand, then looked at Wei Rulan with a smile, "OK! Anyway, there is plenty of time, so I will accompany you in the next set! Only on one condition! "

"What conditions?"

"If you lose, shout three times. I'm a fool!" Xue an squeezed his eyes and said in a narrow voice.

Wei Rulan Lue hesitated, then nodded, "OK! Mr. Xue, that little girl is not polite! "

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