Words are full of strong confidence.

After all, in terms of intelligence, Wei Rulan has never been against anyone.

Although Wei Ruyan tried to stop it several times, xue'an was determined and didn't dare to say anything. She had to look at it helplessly.

Two people sit opposite each other, Xue an raises a hand, "if orchid girl please first!"

Wei Rulan said with a confident smile, "although the advantage of the four layers is not as big as that of ordinary go, I don't want to take advantage of Mr. Xue. I will post five and a half eyes!"

Xue an said no, "whatever, I can do it!"

Wei Rulan was very uncomfortable with Xue an's careless attitude. He thought that although you are a great master of weilulan, you can compare it with your intelligence and talent. How many days have you worked hard to achieve your present performance? I don't believe that I will lose to you!

Therefore, she opened the chess game without politeness.

Wei Ruyan is watching.

At the same time.

Wei's family was also shocked.

Including Wei Ruyan's father and the owner of the Wei family, almost all the senior members of the Wei family came.

After all, Mr. Xue is here in person. Of course, the Wei family should show enough enthusiasm.

However, when the master of the Wei family saw that Mr. Xue actually played chess with his niece Wei Rulan, he quickly raised his hand and prevented people from going on.

Then these people all stand in the distance quietly watching, for fear of disturbing the two people who are playing chess.

At the beginning.

Wei Ruyan can barely keep up with the speed of their chess playing.

But after that, they went down faster and faster.

Dazzled, Wei Ruyan can only see red and green light spots are shuttling back and forth at a crazy speed, and even drag out a long light tail.

After a few seconds, Wei Ruyan felt dizzy and bloated, and her eyes were blackened. She was scared to close her eyes and dare not look again.

But it was just then.

Just listen to a crack.

The chess game stopped, Xue an's face indifferent to the opposite Wei Rulan said: "you lost!"

There was an earthquake.

Wei Ruyan looked up quickly.

I saw my cousin sitting there, her eyes full of incredible light.

Wei Ruyan was surprised.

At the beginning, she really thought her cousin would win.

Because from small to large, Wei Ruyan has not seen Wei Rulan lose in brain games.

Now this myth has been broken.

Wei Rulan not only lost, but also extremely tragic.

Then Xue an said, "you lost to me 112 eyes. If you add five and a half eyes, it will be 117 eyes and a half. Do you have any objection to miss LAN?"

Wei Rulan raised his head to see Xue an.


There was a burning light in her eyes, "no objection! Mr. Xue, I lost! The loser is convinced

She stood up and cried three times as if she couldn't wait.

"I am a fool! I am a fool, I am a fool

Then he looked at Xue an with extremely keen eyes. His voice trembled and said, "Mr. Xue, this chess game You didn't create it

Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked with interest, "why do you say that?"

Wei Rulan said with a serious face: "because when you play chess, there are a lot of routines that obviously have templates. That should be the ready-made chess scores!"

Xue an laughed at the speech.

Among the laughter, many senior members of Wei's family are happy.

It seems that Mr. Xue appreciates Rulan very much!

Xue an restrained his smile and said with admiration: "miss Rulan, your intelligence is one of the best among the people I have ever seen! It's true that I didn't create this chess game. In fact, it's a very popular game among the heaven and the universe! "


Xue an nodded. "In fact, it's not just a game. It's also the only standard used by many schools and ethnic groups to test whether the spirit is strong or not."

Xue an's words seem to open a new door for Wei Rulan.

She asked in a trembling voice, "how is strength generally divided?"

Xue an light smile, "general five for the entry, nine for the room, and strong, can reach hundreds of layers!"

This speech is like a heavy blow, which directly made Wei Rulan, who was somewhat proud of himself, pale.

"So I am proud of everything, but even the entry-level is not ah! " Wei Rulan said with some self mockery.

Xue an shook his head. "I can't say that. This chess game has been popular in the sky for a long time. There are already mature training methods, and there are many ready-made chess scores in circulation. It's easy to learn!"

"But you are completely relying on self-study to come to the four levels of realm, which has been very difficult!"Hearing Xue an's words, Wei Rulan is no longer so desperate. Then she blinks and looks at Xue an with hope.

"Well What is Mr. Xue's realm now

"Me?" Xue an smiles faintly.

"As a matter of fact, I haven't finished yet. The chess game used by the real strong is not just a small chess game, but a huge chessboard that covers ten, one hundred, or even thousands of miles."

Wei Rulan was shocked.

For her who knows the game, she knows what it means.

If the chessboard expands a little bit, it means that the complexity increases exponentially. If it is really a big chessboard that can easily be imagined by ordinary people, the complexity is no longer what ordinary people can imagine.

Even a slightly weaker monk will damage his spirit if he looks at it more.

At this time, Xue an stood up and said, "and my realm , then the void is the chess game, and the stars are the chess pieces! "

This simple sentence, but in Wei Rulan's heart set off a storm, her face dull whisper.

"The void is the chess game, and the stars are the chess pieces! This Is it really powerful? "

At this time, Xue an waved his hand and instilled Wei Rulan with a special skill for cultivating spirits.

Then he said in a low voice, "your talent is good, and this skill will be given to you! I hope to see your progress when I come back from the heavens again

Having said that, Xue an did not wait for Wei Rulan and others to react, then rose to the sky and disappeared in the sky in a twinkling of an eye.

Wei Rulan looks at it stupidly, and suddenly blushes slightly, and then gives a deep salute to the empty sky.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xue I will live up to your expectations

On this day, Xue an sealed the sky and taught Wei Rulan the skill. Then he took an Yan to leave the crowd, leaving Zhongdu and returning to Beijiang.

On the road, an Yan quietly asked: "husband, you seem to appreciate that Wei Rulan?"

Xue an smiles. "Her talent is really good, so I don't want her to be buried! What, jealous? "

"Bah, what do you think of me? Vinegar jar

Xue an Wen Yan looked at an Yan several eyes, nodded, "almost, just more beautiful than the general vinegar jar!"

An Yan spat Xue an, "will be nonsense!"

Then she asked again, "but husband, no matter how good this chess game is, it's just a chess game! What's the use of it? "

Xue an looked at the unknown place and said faintly, "this chess game is far from as simple as you said..."

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