"My Lord, please take me with you." Zhang Xiaoyu pleaded.

"Give me a reason with you!" Xue an said with a smile.

"I I can help you take care of Mr. Sha! "

"But Xiaosha is an egg now, so I don't need to take care of it!"

"Who said the eggs should not be taken care of? Xiao Sha likes cleaning best. Even if she becomes a dragon egg, she has to wipe and clean it carefully every day, otherwise she will suffer a lot! " Said, chapter small fish pitifully looking at Xue an.

One side of an Yan said: "husband, then take her with you! Just on the way, think about how many playmates you can have

Xue an Lue a ponder, then also nodded, "that good!"

"Thank you, my Lord! Thank you, mistress Zhang Xiaoyu's happy tentacles have formed a heart-shaped.

Xue an has collected the dragon eggs from Xiaosha into Fubao building.

One of the most important things is to find a way to revive Xiaosha.

In addition, there are many things to prepare, such as adding some things that need to be used on the road.

Of course, these are Anxian and Huying and other people to worry about, Xue an does not have to worry about.

When I finally finished taking care of everything.

Xue an is ready to leave the news did not reveal to anyone, only an Qing and Tang xuan'er and so on a few people.

Of course, chan'er, who was brought back from the sealed world by Xue an, is also there.

Because of the limitation of her practice, she could not follow xue'an to the heavens.

For this, she has been crying for several days.

Now seeing xue'an going away, it's even more tearful.

"Young master..."

Although Xue an corrected several times, chan'er still couldn't change the name, and finally let it go.

Xue an also dotes on this small Chan son very much, smell speech to smile to knock her small head.

"Well, young master, I don't want to come back. Remember to practice the skills I gave you at home. When I come back, I will test your accomplishments."

Chan Er nodded forcefully, "mm-hmm! Young master, I understand! Take good care of yourself on the way

And an Yan said with a smile to Tang xuan'er: "xuan'er, take good care of the house and wait for us to come back."

The two girls were reluctant to part with Tang xuan'er's clothes. "Aunt xuan'er, when we come back, we will bring you a lot of delicious food."

"Good! Aunt xuan'er is waiting for you to fulfill your promise Tang xuan'er pinched her face with a smile.

At this time, Xue an looked at an Qing who was still confused and sighed slightly, "have you figured it out?"

Anqing shook her head.

Recently, she is in a painful struggle.

The cruelty and ruthlessness of Zerg's heart and the kindness and warmth of human nature are fighting in her body.

Now she is really confused.

Xue an smiles, "it's not easy to think about things clearly, but I just want to tell you one thing!"

At this point, Xue an's look became more serious.

"If you lose animal nature, you will lose a lot, but if you lose humanity, you will lose everything!"

Anqing whole body huge shock, the mouth whispers this sentence, imperceptibly already infatuated.

It was not until Xue an's family had boarded the starboat that Anqing woke up from confusion and yelled at the star boat.

"Thank you, brother-in-law! I see! "

An Yan some strange asked: "husband, Qing'er understand what?"

Xue an a smile, "nothing, I just told her, how to control the non-human power just!"

At the same time.

The star boat rises from the ground, and in an instant the speed rises to the extreme, and then disappears in the vast night sky.

Tang xuan'er looked at the distant spot of light and said in a soft voice, "xue'an, have a good journey!"

This time it's more than twice as fast as the last one.

In just a few days, Xue an's star boat has already crossed a galaxy, to the vast sea of stars.

This time, an Yan did not guard in Fubao building, but let Zhang Xiaoyu accompany him to think and read, and she accompanied Xue an in the star boat.

Of course, with Hu Ying's strong protest, she also has three hours of free time every day to enjoy the wind in the star boat, but the rest of the time has to go back to Fubao house.

This makes Hu Ying very dissatisfied, but when Xue an said, or go back to Qingqiu fox country first.

Hu Ying immediately became extremely clever and did not dare to say one more word.

Through the porthole, you can see the beauty of the starboat outside.

What's more, the planet is no longer barren, and many of them have already bred life.

It's just that these lives are often very primitive.

One of the most advanced of these is just breeding some creatures that can run on land.Naturally, there is no civilization in such a place, let alone monks.

Hu Ying looked out of the window at the stars passing by, and said with some sigh: "if this is in those prosperous galaxies, it is estimated that each one will be full of people. How can such a blank star appear?"

Said, she some doubts to Xue an said: "brother Xue, have you found it? Although we have gone a long way, but here is still a barren! And I don't know the star map here

Xue an laughs. "The vastness of the sky is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. For these vast central galaxies, they are nothing but a drop in the ocean."

With that, Xue an looked at the shining stars all over the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

If you do not enter the heavens, you will not know the vastness of the world.

And even the known heavens, for this vast universe, may be just a humble corner.

At this time, the starboat suddenly began to vibrate violently.

And the starlight in the porthole seems to be distorted.

Xue an's eyes changed slightly, "it's the turbulence of time and space. It seems that there is a whirlpool of time and space in front of you!"

Walking in the candlelight sky, the danger comes from all aspects.

But this space-time vortex is absolutely the greatest danger.

Because you don't know when it's going to show up.

This is why many places have become forbidden areas.

However, this space-time vortex may be dangerous for others, but Xue an didn't take it seriously.

But at this time, an Yan called out, "husband, look, there is a flying boat in front of you!"

Xue an looks up.

Sure enough.

In the distance, a huge whirlpool is taking shape, and at the edge of the whirlpool, a flying boat is struggling.

It's a pity.

The whirlpool of time and space is too big, and compared with the huge suction formed, the struggle of the star boat is simply weak and pitiful.

Seeing it will fall into the whirlpool of time and space and be torn apart completely.

An Yan is a little anxious, "husband..."

Xue an faint smile, "I understand, save people first!"

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