Xue an upgraded and strengthened the starfish crossing boat after he was promoted to Zhenxian.

In particular, although the star boat that ye Liuyan passed through from Li Hentian was destroyed by Xue Ansheng, the materials could be used directly.

So now the starfish crossing boat, though not very large, is extremely strong and powerful.

Even in the face of the huge suction of space-time vortices, they are still comfortable.

So Xue an directly controls the star boat and sends out a chain of emptiness, reaching deep into the vortex.

At this time, the people on the starboat obviously also found the starboat. When they saw the chain, they immediately tried their best to drive here.


The starboat came into contact with the chain and then joined together.

The starboat was slightly shaken and dragged for a distance by its powerful suction.

Xue an's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his powerful mind directly controlled the whole starfish crossing boat. His horsepower was fully opened in an instant, and then he dragged it out crazily.

The chains of the void are stretched to the limit.

Under the full pull of the starboat, the starboat was gradually pulled away from the vortex of space and time.

Finally, the two star boats are out of the scope of the space-time vortex, to the safety zone.

An Yan was relieved.

At the same time.

A divine thought came from the star boat.

"The other party wants to come and thank you!" Hu Ying felt the other side's mind and said softly.

"Well, let them come here." Xue an is not sure.

In fact, before saving the starboat, Xue an had already seen the situation through his powerful mind.

This is a small star boat, the spirit breath on it shows that there are only two people.

It is obvious that this is not the way for the StarCraft pirates to rescue each other.

Otherwise, it would be a fatal thing to abuse compassion in the universe.

When the two starboats dock, the people on the opposite starboat come over.

An Yan and Hu Ying slightly light Yi.

Because in front of them, they were actually two brothers and sisters who were no more than 212 years old.

At the moment, the two childish brothers and sisters still have the fear of being swallowed up by the whirlpool of time and space.

But look at the appearance, all show the origin of the other side should be good.

And this brother and sister are also a Zheng, is obviously by an Yan and Hu Ying two people's appearance startled.

However, soon, the older boy regained consciousness, and then came forward and bowed his hands respectfully: "thank you for your help! Thank you, Gong Changyue

And the girl also wakes up from the panic just now, but her attention is obviously attracted by Hu Ying.

"Brother, this is like a fox! How lovely

Gong Changyue frowned, "snowy, don't be rude!"

Gong Xueman shrunk his mouth, but his eyes have not left Huying.

Hu Ying's face became a little ugly.

At this time, the side of Xue an is light way: "God recite monk?"

Hearing this, Gong's brother and sister are stunned. Then Gong Changyue looks at Xue an with a suspicious look and nods.

"That's right, but I don't know that your adult is..."

"Oh, nothing! We just passed by from here, just met, and then we saved you Xue an said lightly.

At the moment, Gong Changyue's heart is shaking because he finds that he can't see through the man in front of him.

In his mind, the man seems to be covered by a thick thick fog, this discovery let Gong Changyue heart a Lin, attitude has become respectful three points.

"My Lord did it in a way that saved the lives of our brother and sister Gong!"

Xue an smiles, "the void is so vast that it can be regarded as predestined to meet by chance!"

At this moment.

Gong Changyue's sister, Gong Xueman said in a strange tone: "brother, they are also playing shennian chess game!"

Sure enough.

On the table of the star boat, there is a very simple three-layer chess game.

An Yan's face turned red.

This is her leisure boring, her own under the relief.

But because the mind and intelligence are not what an Yan is good at, so after several days of thinking, he can only barely achieve three levels of chess.

At this time, Gong Xueman covered his mouth and snickered: "hee hee, when I was three years old, I could win with my eyes closed. Is there anyone else to play now?"

Gong Changyue's face was flat and he said in a deep voice, "it's snowy!"

It can be seen that Gong Xueman is very timid to his brother. He spits out his tongue when he hears his speech, but he still says in a low voice.

"Do you still want to participate in the Jingtian chess competition at this level?"

Although the voice was small, Xue an heard it and his eyes flashed.At this time, Gong Changyue said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, my sister is obstinate by nature. You don't have a common sense with her!"

Xue an smiles, "it's OK, but I seem to hear what your sister just said about Jingtian chess game?"

Gong Changyue was stunned, "aren't you going to participate in this chess game? Otherwise, how could you have appeared in such a wild star field? "

Xue an said no, "I'm passing by because of something else."

Gong Changyue said with a wry smile: "so it is. It seems that our brothers and sisters are really doomed. Otherwise, they would have died in the whirlpool of time and space."

Then, Gong Changyue explained the chess game roughly.

"This amazing chess game is a great chess game held by Tianzhao star region, which is one month away from here."

"The Gong family of Tianmu star has also received an invitation because of their good cultivation in chess."

"But because of the long journey, we were delayed by other things, so the time was a little tight. In order to get to tianzhaoxing before the opening ceremony, we took a short cut and planned to go straight through the wild star region. As a result, we encountered a space-time vortex!"

Xue an didn't care too much at first, but when he heard the sky shining on the star field, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then asked with interest.

"It sounds like the star field's accomplishments on the chess path this day seem very high!"

Referring to this matter, Gong Changyue flashed a look of decadence in his eyes, and then sighed helplessly: "yes, it can be said that in the past 200 years, Tianzhao star field has always been the leading player in the chess game, so the scale of this amazing chess game is getting bigger and bigger!"

Xue an nodded his head and suddenly laughed, "it's just that I have a lot of research on chess. Why don't we go to Tianzhao and Xingyu to have a look at the bustle?"

Gong Changyue was slightly stunned.

Gong Xueman turned his mouth and said with some disdain: "even my brother doesn't dare to say that he studies chess quite well. You..."

With that, Gong Xueman pointed to the very simple three-layer chess game on the table. The meaning was already obvious.

Gong Changyue looks cold, "Gong Xueman, if you dare to speak to your benefactor like this again, be careful that I will lock you into the chess room when I go back, and I won't let you out for ten years!"

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