Gong Xueman doesn't dare to say anything, but his eyes are still full of dissatisfaction.

Then Gong Changyue hesitated and said, "yes, I can, but I still have a month's journey away from that day, you..."

He was just about to go on.

Just outside the porthole, their starboat suddenly faded, lost all its power and floated in the void.

"What's going on?" The brother and sister were both stunned, and then said in a startled voice.

Xue an said faintly: "although your star boat is out of the whirlpool of time and space, because of the tearing of gravity, it has damaged the source of power, and now it has been completely abandoned!"

This made the brother and sister look pale.

Before becoming a great Luo, even the physical arts friars did not dare to stay in the void too much, let alone those monks who specialized in divinity.

Xue an smiles, "it seems I just don't want to go! "

Although the cross sea star boat is not very big, it has a variety of facilities, including several passenger rooms.

With Gong Changyue's thanks again and again, their brother and sister lived on the starboat.

After that, the star boat turned its direction and ran towards the sky and the star region according to Gong Changyue's guidance.

When the brothers and sisters both went back to the room to have a rest, an Yan asked curiously, "husband, are you really going to take part in this amazing chess game?"

Xue an smiles, "of course not!"

"Then you..."

Xue an looked at the front and said, "Yan'er, didn't you hear the star field of holding this chess game mentioned by their brothers and sisters?"

An Yan was stunned, "you mean "The sky shines on the stars?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's the sky shining star region!"

An Yan's eyes gradually brightened up, "I understand!"

Xue an smiles, "what do you understand?"

An Yan laughed, "although I don't know much, I also know that Tianzhao is the God in the legend of country R, and this day's star field is obviously related to this one! Is that right? "

Xue an patted an Yan's head, "OK, I'm getting smarter and smarter."

An Yan a little angry, "said as if I was stupid before."

Xue an smiles, "be confident, take it out."

"You...!" An Yan is so angry that she can't wait to bite Xue an.

Hu Ying turned her head and said, "cough, brother Xue, you two should pay attention. I can be here!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows, "I don't say I forgot. It's time for three hours today. Go back to the small building quickly!"

Hu Ying's face suddenly collapsed, "don't you, brother Xue, come and I'll pinch your shoulders for you!"

Said, she then incomparably assiduously comes up to want to wait on Xue an.

Xue an waved his hand, "or forget it. If your brother fox night saw this, he thought I was squeezing you!"

"Oh, don't mention that fellow now! But brother Xue, do you want to enter the celestial realm through this celestial region? " Hu Ying asked.

Xue an nodded, "yes, after all, you and I don't know the star map here. It will take a long time to look for it slowly like this!"

Hu Ying nodded and was about to speak.

Gong Xueman crept out of the room and looked at Hu Ying with bright eyes, "Wow, this little fox can still talk! It looks so cute

Said, she then as if no one else to come over, hand out to pinch Hu Ying's face.

Now Hu Ying looks like a 11-year-old girl. Her face is pink, and she is cute.

Such charm naturally makes Gong Xueman such a girl unable to stop.

An Yan just wanted to say something to stop, Xue an waved his hand like a smile and motioned her not to speak.

For this kind of spoiled "bear child" since childhood, Xue an has seen a lot.

Naturally, I also know that if you want to be honest, you must have a painful enough lesson.

So let Hu Ying give her a lesson, is also good!

Sure enough.

Gong Xueman's hand is about to touch Hu Ying's cheek.

Hu Ying, whose face was already gloomy and was about to drip out of the water, said with pity: "you know what, I hate that others say I am cute!"

"Well?" Gong Xueman is stunned.

Before she could react, Hu Ying raised her head and stared at her fiercely, "so I'll teach you a lesson today!"

With this, Hu Ying grabs Gong Xueman's hand and twists his wrist. Gong Xueman has no pain, so he falls down.

However, her reaction was also very quick. With a cold hum and a flash of light in her eyes, she rushed straight to Hu Ying and tried to control her mind.

But her mind to Hu Ying face before and after, with a gust of breeze like dissipated.

Gong Xueman is stunned.

Hu Ying said in a cold voice, "dare you show off in front of your aunt on this point?"Said, fox Ying a pair of eyes in the twinkle of light, Gong Xueman can not even resist, then showed the color of obsession.

Then Hu Ying said coldly, "now kneel down!"

Gong Xueman kneels down on his knees.

Fox Ying one face complacent raise chin, "say, dare dare later?"

Gong Xueman's eyes show fear.

It's too bad that she's still conscious, but she can't control her body.

At this moment.

Gong Changyue heard the outside sound is not right, rushed out in a hurry, and then was also in front of a scene stunned.

Seeing his brother come out, Gong Xueman blinks at Gong Changyue with all his strength, full of sorrow.

"This This is... " Gong Changyue asked hesitantly.

Hu Ying put his hands behind his back, and his face was full of pride and said, "your sister dares to come forward and touch me. Let me give her a lesson to taste!"

Gong Changyue immediately understood what was going on. He couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Miss Fox fairy, my sister is really too naughty. I'm really sorry. Please give her a high hand and spare her this time."

"That's about it!" Hu Ying enjoyed the feeling of being flattered, especially the fox fairy girl, which made her in a good mood, and she also enjoyed seeing Gong Changyue.

Therefore, with a wave of her hand, she untied Gong Xueman's restrictions.

Gong Xueman got up in a hurry and ran behind his brother. His face was full of grievances and said, "brother..."

"Don't talk about it. Let's see how I'll deal with you when I go back!" Gong Changyue a face hate iron not into steel said.

Gong Xueman is too scared to say anything.

But Xue an said with a smile: "it seems that the chess master can't sleep for a long time. Why don't you come here for tea and have a chat?"

In the face of Xue an's invitation, Gong Changyue hesitated a little, then nodded, "in this case, it's nagging!"

Then he turned to Gong Xueman and said, "go back to sleep! You are not allowed to come out unless I call you

Gong Xueman's face was helpless, "brother..."

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