"Well! But let a little girl eat too An Yan Jiewei road.

Finally, Xue an and Gong Changyue have tea and chat by the porthole, while Gong Xueman and Anyan and Huying eat on the other side.

Gong Xueman is just careless in discipline, which leads to bad temperament, but his nature is not bad, and he is very innocent.

So in an Yan's three words and two words, Gong Xueman has been happy to call up sister Yan.

Looking at this scene, Xue an's heart is funny.

Yan'er's affinity is growing with each passing day!

Then he took back his eyes and sipped a sip of tea. Then he said faintly: "it seems that Changyue chess master doesn't have much confidence in this game?"

Gong Changyue was shocked and then said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Xue is really good at eyesight! Yes, I don't have any confidence in this game! "

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Xue an pours a cup of tea for Gong Changyue.

After thanking the tea, Gong Changyue sighed: "to be honest, this is my second time to take part in a chess game in Tianzhao star region, but it is the first time that I have chosen the beam as a regular guest."

Xue an listens quietly.

Gong Changyue flashed a dispirited look in her eyes, and then took a sip of tea. "The last time I went with my elder in my family as a companion, I didn't have the idea of winning any place at all. I just opened my eyes for it!"

Speaking of this, Gong Changyue's face shows a touch of bitterness.

"Of course, it's impossible for me to win the position, because I only knew that the world was so big that amazing talents were emerging one after another. By contrast, my chess skills were not worth mentioning!"

"Why did your brother and sister take part in the competition this time?" Xue an said lightly.

Gong Changyue's face looked hesitant Excuse me, I can't tell you! "

Xue an smiles, "it's OK!"

"Oh! Mr. Xue, I really don't believe you. It's because of the difficulty! What's more, I went to the competition alone this time, and I really don't have any confidence in my heart! "

Xue an does not agree, "lose to lose, with your age, this is not what disgrace thing!"

Gong Changyue shook his head. "You don't understand. Last time All the people sent by our Gong family were almost wiped out. If we can't win the name this time, then our Gong family's rank in the chess world will be forced to be reduced. Then... "

After the words, Gong Changyue did not go on, but the full face of sadness has already explained everything.

Xue an laughed and filled a cup of tea. After drinking a sip, Xue an said faintly, "so to speak, if you are in charge of the game according to the star field, you will be in charge of your lifeblood."

Gong Changyue's eyes showed a look of anger, but he finally nodded dejectedly, "yes, and this day, the chess master of Xingyu was extremely overbearing, but he had no choice but to kill people by the level of chess. This is also no way to do it!"

Just talking about this, Gong Xueman suddenly turned back and said, "brother, it's not completely like this. Have you forgotten Zhuge Xuanqing's sister?"

Hearing this address, Gong Changyue's eyes are bright, but the spin is dim.

"Yes! Miss Xuanqing's strength is indeed enough to challenge many chess masters in Tianzhao star region. In the last competition, she almost defeated Jing Tianrui, a young talent of Tianzhao Chess Academy, who won three consecutive titles. It is said that Jing Tianrui closed down for three years after the last competition, and his chess skills soared after he came out. The result of this competition is hard to say! "

Xue an was listening quietly, but when he heard the surname Zhuge, his expression suddenly became strange.

And he can also hear the tenderness on Gong Changyue's face when he recites Xuanqing's name.

It's almost like two big characters on my face.

Xue an smiles and raises his cup. "It sounds like a lot of fun. I'll take part in this competition! If you can get a chess king or something, it's not bad! "

Gong Xueman picked up his eyebrows when he heard the speech. He just wanted to talk, but his brother glared at him fiercely. He had to pretend to cough to cover up the past.

Then Gong Changyue raised his glass with a sad look on his face. "In this case, I'll congratulate Mr. Xue here."

However, no matter from the words or expressions, we can see that Gong Changyue has no confidence in Xue an's words.

Xue an didn't explain, just laughed it off.

And then there's boring interstellar travel time.

Because the speed of the starboat crossing the sea is faster than that of the Gong brothers and sisters, the journey that should have been the standard one month's journey would have been nearly finished in 20 days.

At this time, the surrounding star field has changed again.

The trace of human habitation can be seen on the past stars, and even several planets have already had friar civilization.

Of course, the level of these civilizations is not too high, but it is also out of the wilderness."Mr. Xue, in front of us is the scope of the sky and the stars!" Gong Changyue said.

Xue an stood in front of the porthole and watched quietly. An invisible mind spread to explore the star field.

Since entering the real immortal, xue'an's scope of divinity has soared again, and he can even explore a solar system wide area at a time.

But as soon as his mind touched the edge of the celestial sphere, an invisible barrier stopped him.

Xue an was not surprised.

In the places where chess is popular, spiritual monks naturally account for the vast majority.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are Dharma arrays that block the divinity from prying.

And when the starboat crosses that barrier.

The surrounding environment has changed again.

The originally silent void became lively.

All kinds of spaceships and boats come in succession, and even make the route a little crowded.

"Mr. Xue, these are the people who have come to participate in this amazing chess game!" Gong Changyue explained that her face became more ugly.

Because he found that this game was bigger than the last one.

And the more people take part in the competition, the less hope they will win the place.

Xue an looked at the surroundings with great interest and said, "it seems more and more interesting!"

In the center of the sky, is the place where the chess game is held.

All the boats and ships that arrived were anchored on several planets not far from the center.

As Hu Ying sighed before, in the bustling galaxy, there will be no blank planet at all.

These planets have obviously been transformed by great energy, and their environment is very livable.

However, this has also led to the disappearance of the heavenly way of these planets. To be frank, it is just like a hotel, which is only suitable for temporary residence.

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