The starboat also docked on one of the planets. When it came down from the starboat, there were many people on the huge tarmac.

Of course, this is just a very general term. In fact, many of them are not human beings.

For example, the Mechanical creatures have no connection with the Chinese character.

An Yan this can be regarded as a big eye opener.

From down after the eyes have not stopped, looking around, very interested in everything.

Of course, the majority of them are still human friars.

After all, no matter how prosperous other races are, they are not as powerful as the Terrans who are favored by this fate.

And among these human friars, there are clear boundaries.

Those short stature, clogs, arrogant face of the Terran friars are all gathered together, and to the monks who come here to comment, from time to time issued bursts of laughter.

In the face of this extremely rude behavior, these monks can only face the color of indignation and bow their heads, and even no one dares to look up at each other.

Xue an saw all this in his eyes, but the smile on his face did not change at all.

But Gong Changyue's face is not so good-looking, he lowered his head, as if trying to avoid something.

But in front of the spiritual monk, this kind of action is pure to hide one's ears and steal the bell.

After listening to the group of clog friars whispering and laughing, one of the friars in scarlet clothes came here arrogantly.

Gong Changyue turned pale, lowered her head and whispered, "Mr. Xue, let's get out of here quickly!"

"Go? Why go? " Xue an asked with a smile.

With this delay, the friar in Fei approached Gong Changyue and said, "Gong Changyue, I didn't think you really dare to come this time! Yes? Didn't you think it was enough to lose last time? "

Gong Changyue looks pale, but she still raises her head with courage, "Di Yuanlong, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Di Yuanlong sent out a sneer, then looked back at it, "what? This time, you Gong family didn't even send out a senior citizen. Did you just send two of your trash here? "

"Does this mean that your Gong family has given up completely? Gaga, if that's the case, I advise you to go back home as soon as possible, so as to save your life and make a fool of yourself in the chess game! After all, even the elders of your Gong family didn't win a single victory last time, so they ran back to the village in a bad mood

This remark is extremely acrimonious.

Gong's brother and sister, especially Gong Changyue, were angry.

He was also a qualified chess player, but now he was so insulted that even his family was not spared. You can imagine the anger in his heart.

But in a moment, his look darkened again.

Because what Di Yuanlong said is true.

In chess, weakness is sin.

As long as you are weak, then you die!

So he couldn't even say a rebuttal.

He was in despair.

A long and powerful hand patted him on the shoulder, and then a voice came, "long moon chess player, I heard that you intend to win the place in this competition, so as to prove yourself! How can you forget it so soon? "

Gong Changyue is shocked all over, and then looks up at Xue an in a daze.

Xue an smiles at him.

At this time, the di Yuan Long frowned, "who are you?"

Xue an glanced at him with a faint smile, "me? I'm here to take part in the competition, too! It's said that you play a good chess game in the star area this day, and there is even a young chess king. I wonder if I can also try to win a chess king and a chess saint

All the people around him were dumbfounded by this remark.

Di Yuanlong was stunned, and then he was furious, "bold, how dare you be so rude to Lord Jing! What level of chess player are you? "

Xue an smiles, "I'm sorry, I just got off the star boat, I haven't had time to take the exam, so I don't have a Duan now!"

As soon as this is said.

The audience was quiet first.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

"This is the best joke I've heard this year. A guy who doesn't even have a rank has to challenge Lord jingtianrui of Tianzhao Chess Academy! I don't know what to think Tianzhao said sarcastically.

"Well, the Gong family was a chess giant at the beginning, but how could the descendants become more and more unbearable and even keep company with such people who don't know their heaven and earth?" A chess player who knows Gong's brother and sister shakes his head and sighs.

Even Gong's brother and sister are scared to be silly by Xue an's "bold words".

Gong Xueman, in particular, has a strong disdain in his eyes. He thinks that Mr. Xue, who saved himself, is good. He only likes to brag.

At this time, di Yuanlong laughed angrily, "tut Tut, it really opened my eyes! Gong Changyue, do you want to rely on such a guy this timeThis question once again attracted the laughter of the people around.

Gong Changyue is speechless. She doesn't know how to respond.

Hu Ying was not angry.

What she hated most was that someone questioned her invincible brother Xue, so she would attack.

But it was just then.

Just listen to the commotion behind the crowd.

"It's Miss Zhuge. Here comes Miss Zhuge."

"Miss Xuanqing is here!"

Amid the tumult of respect, the crowd took their own course.

Even Di Yuanlong, with a face of arrogance, also restrained his arrogance and gave way to the roadside.

In the distance, a woman was coming.

The woman was tall and slender in black, with a black chess bag one foot above her shoulder on her back.

Although she was beautiful, her expression was very cold, only a pair of good-looking eyes twinkled with a light that people did not dare to look directly at.

From afar, it looks like a female killer coming from the night.

All the way along the way, people bowed their heads.

Such as Miss Xuanqing, Zhuge girl's shouts are one after another.

But the woman did not seem to have heard of it, but went straight to Gong Changyue, and then stood still.

"Gong Changyue!"

The voice is clear and beautiful.

Since the woman's figure appeared in the crowd, Gong Changyue's eyes have never left. But when he stands in front of him, he doesn't dare to look up. He just nods and says, "Miss Zhuge!"

That's right.

It was Zhuge Xuanqing, who made Gong Changyue miss so much.

Zhuge Xuanqing looked at Gong Changyue in silence. After a while, she said faintly, "I didn't expect you to come alone this time!"

Gong Changyue showed a bitter smile and was about to say something.

Zhuge Xuanqing turned his head directly and looked at Xue an. Then he said coldly, "I heard what you just said!"

"So what?" Xue an said with a smile in his eyes.

"I can only tell you that the strong are respected in chess, and I have seen a lot of arrogant people like you who don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes flashed a cold color, "but the end, it seems, is not very good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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