Xue an laughs. "In that case, I'm looking forward to the next game."

Zhuge Xuanqing's face showed a touch of anger, but even if it disappeared, he turned around and left.

Only when she stepped out of the crowd, she stopped slightly and did not return her head: "there are masters of chess, but It won't be you

"If you don't try, how do you know it won't be me?" Xue an said with a smile.

Zhuge Xuanqing did not stay this time, but left directly.

She's gone.

Di Yuanlong scornfully glanced at Gong Changyue and Xue an, snorted coldly, and turned away.

The onlookers turned their heads to their ears and looked at Xue an and others with strange eyes. After a few banter and laughter, they also scattered.

Xue an smiles and turns to look at Gong Changyue.

I can see that this brother is looking at Zhuge Xuanqing who has gone far away,

his eyes are full of infatuation.

Xue an was funny and patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother Changyue, where are we going next?"

"Ah..." Gong Changyue shivered all over, and then he said.

"Let's find a place to live first!"

"Well, let's go."

On the way to the inn specially prepared for the chess masters who came here, Xue asked casually.

"It seems that Zhuge Xuanqing's position among chess masters is very high?"

Gong Changyue nodded, "yes!"

Speaking of this, Gong Changyue showed a wry smile, "I'm ashamed to say that this miss Xuanqing, like me, was the first time to participate in the last competition! But in the last match, they beat all the others and nearly beat the young chess king Jing Tianrui... "

Gong Changyue's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia, as if recalling that day on the field, that girl dressed in black, cold as ice, pressed Tianzhao chess player.

Looking at this infatuated seed, Xue an coughed softly, "is this Zhuge family also very powerful?"

Gong Changyue nodded and said with adoration: "of course! It can be said that Zhuge family is the most detached one in addition to the big chess families and chess academies in Tianzhao star region! "

Speaking of this, Gong Changyue showed a gloomy look. "At the beginning, our Tianmu Gong family was not bad, but our successors were weak. As a result, we ended up in this situation. What a shame!"

"ZHUGE family is also the only one that can compete with Tianzhao and Xingyu! There are a lot of talented people under her, and there are few people who are extremely talented. This miss Xuanqing is a talented girl who was born in the last term, and before that

Gong Changyue said with adoration: "what once won the championship for ten times and set a record of winning in a row, which made it impossible for all the young talents in Tianzhao star region to raise their heads. He is the most outstanding genius of Zhuge family for thousands of years, and is also miss Xuanqing's brother, Zhuge banzang!"

Xue an had a cool face, but when he heard the name Zhuge banzang, he couldn't help being a little stunned. Then he said strangely, "ZHUGE banzang?"

Gong Changyue nodded. "It's said that the name of this genius is because he knows half of the chess games in the sky, so it's named after him!"

"Half of the game What a terrible mind and intelligence it must be

Gong Changyue sighed.

Xue an's mouth but emerged a faint smile, "banzang, ha ha, interesting!"

Gong Changyue is a nine section chess player, so even the inn he stays in is different from other places.

Although Xue an didn't have a rank, he lived in the name of his family because of Gong Changyue.

The inn covers a large area, but the scenery is beautiful and the layout is elegant.

Each chess player will have a separate courtyard of his own, which has a magic array to shield the mind from other people's prying eyes.

In this quiet environment, chess players can study chess scores with ease.

Gong Changyue and others lived in a courtyard near the East, because they had been running all the way.

After the Gong brothers and sisters finished cleaning up, they all had a rest.

Xue an is sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

These Dharma arrays that block the mind may be useful to others, but they are almost transparent to him.

Therefore, when Xue an's mind spreads, the situation in the whole Inn will be clear at a glance.

Basically, all the chess players have gone to sleep.

Only a few are still studying the chess manual all night.

Seeing these serious chessmen fiddling with the game, Xue an couldn't help laughing, but also some awe.

At any time, hard-working people will win respect.

In one of the best courtyards in the inn, there is di Yuanlong, who has repeatedly challenged Gong Changyue today.

Instead of studying chess scores, he stood in the courtyard respectfully, as if waiting for someone.

Xue an slightly light Yi.Just then, a black light appeared in di Yuanlong's courtyard.

Di Yuanlong hurried forward a few steps and said in a respectful voice, "my Lord!"

Black light nodded and walked out of the darkness. He was a handsome man with evil eyes.

Xue an did not move his face, and continued to feel with his mind.

They came into the room.

The man said in a deep voice, "how are things going?"

Di Yuanlong said in a respectful voice: "my Lord, Gong Changyue arrived today, but under my test, we can see that he has no confidence in himself at all!"

The man nodded. "Good! This time, we must let the Gong family fall into the land of eternal disaster

"Yes! But... "

"But what?"

"Today Zhuge Xuanqing is here too. It seems that she is quite familiar with Gong Changyue."

"Of course they know each other But that's all! "

"I was careless last time, and I almost let Zhuge Xuanqing succeed. But this time, I was instructed by the master of chess, and I made great progress in the cultivation of chess. This time, I let Zhuge family understand the power of Tianzhao Xingyu!"

Speaking of this, the man's identity is already in the air.

That's right.

It is the young chess king of Tianzhao star region, Jing Tianrui.

Jing Tianrui, obviously very conceited, walked back and forth in the room, then sneered: "the chess master told me personally that the Zhuge family is too arrogant, especially the guy Zhuge banzang, who once oppressed us in the 10th Tianzhao star field competition. Now Zhuge Xuanqing obviously wants to be like her brother, which is absolutely not allowed!"

"We must nip this sign in the cradle in advance, even by all means! Do you remember to keep a close watch on the movements of Zhuge Xuanqing, understand? "

"Yes Di Yuanlong said.

After another words, jingtianrui just swaggered away from the inn.

Xue an stood in the courtyard, smiling rather than smiling, "it's the words after my old friend I have to take care of it

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