Xue'an spread his mind and covered the whole city in an instant.


In an independent building in the east of the city, he felt the breath of Zhuge Xuanqing.

When Xue an's mind came here.

Zhuge Xuanqing was studying the chess game, and on the table was a chess game with at least 100 layers.

When Xue an thought about it, he was close to the past.

But at this time, Zhuge Xuanqing, who had lowered his head, looked up at Xue an's direction with a cold look on his face and said in a sharp voice, "who is it?"

With that, her mind surged out, trying to capture Xue an's mind.

But with her strength, how could she get to Xue an's side.

Xue an just came back.

Zhuge Xuanqing threw himself into the air, and his face became ugly.

Although she did not have direct contact with it, she could still feel the horror of the mind by her keen sense of touch.

It's like a vast ocean, immeasurable.

Who has such a powerful mind? Are they the great powers in the sky?

Zhuge Xuanqing's heart was full of doubts.

And Xue an on this side, after taking back his mind, smiles.

It seems that I really underestimate this Zhuge Xuanqing, can actually feel their own existence.

But things are getting more and more interesting.

Xue an naturally has no opinion.

When the two little girls and octopus came out of the Fubao building, thinking about how Niannian was, Zhang Xiaoyu was already excited and about to cry.

"My Lord, can you tell me in advance when I'm released next time? I just burst a good thing and it's out before I can pick it up!"

Xue an nodded, "then you can go back and pick it up now!"

"No, no!" Take a deep breath of intoxicated fish.

"Is this the air of freedom?"

Anyan and others have already seen the strange Zhang Xiaoyu like the playwright.

But Gong Xueman gradually stares round eyes, until after a while, she just exclaimed: "what a big squid!"

This makes Zhang Xiaoyu's face collapse instantly. What she hates most is that others call her squid, so she roars.

"The LUNs are octopus, octopus, octopus! Do you understand? "

With that, she waved her tentacles, and her face was proud and charming.

But Gong Xueman looked at the octopus tentacles dancing all over the sky, and then couldn't help swallowing his mouth. "What a big squid tentacle, it must be delicious to make barbecue!"

Zhang Xiaoyu's forehead showed a black line, and then broke out completely.

"Don't stop me. I'm going to kill her! Bang

Zhang Xiaoyu has just half rushed to the ground, then Gong Xueman presses her face down with his mind, and her tentacles turn into S shape and B shape with Gong Xueman's meaning.

"Wow, it's fun!" Gong Xueman said excitedly.

Zhang Xiaoyu is going to cry.

She didn't feel so ashamed of herself.

As soon as Hu Ying's face sank, she would speak.

One side of the thought has already rushed up, and then a finger Gong Xueman, "put the fish!"

Gong Xueman glanced at Xue thought, and then said carelessly, "if you let me let you go, I will let you go? Who are you? "

"I think, little fish is my friend, I order you to let her go now!" Xue Xiang's face was full of cold.

"Yes, Xiaoyu is also my friend. Let her go now! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude! " Niannian also stepped forward,

when Anyan wanted to stop her, Xue an reached out and said with a smile, "don't go, see how they deal with it!"

Anyan had to stop.

At this time, lying on the ground Zhang Xiaoyu looked at the two little girls, moved tears in the eyes straight around.

And Gong Xueman but a face arrogant smile, "you are not polite to me? Hehe, you two are not as tall as I am. I really want to see how you are rude to me

But her voice just dropped.

See Xue want to raise pink tender small fist, cold voice way: "younger sister!"


"Hit her!"


Say, two little girls then directly rushed up.

Gong Xueman's casual face, in her opinion, is just two girls, not worth the effort.

Think of her mind, but when she tried to control her mind, she could not control it!

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