It's this amazing Kung Fu.

Two little girls have already rushed to the front, and then raised the bottle big fist, the rain generally fell on Gong Xueman's body.

During this period, Xue an had begun to lay a foundation for her two daughters consciously, and every day she spared no effort to cut sutras and wash pith for her two daughters with the original power of true immortals.

In this kind of extravagance can be called terror under the foundation, think about the strength of thinking is also rapid progress.

Of course.

Xue an did not intend to cultivate his own daughter in the same way that the nihilism cultivates successors.

This is just to let them have a solid foundation, which is convenient for later practice.

Now the most important thing is to let the two girls have a wonderful childhood.

Therefore, apart from laying a foundation for them, Xue an did not teach them any secret skills.

Even so, think about the strength of the mind or a qualitative leap.

Especially because of the blessing of xue'an's power of origin, Gong Xueman's mind attack has been shattered before it is near.

So when the fists of the two little girls fell on Gong Xueman's body, the arrogant and stubborn little girl was crying out in pain.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, it hurts so much! Don't Don't hit your face Gong Xueman struggles to say.

But her voice just dropped.

Think about it and a blow in her eyes.

Gong Xueman was beaten and stumbled out to go far away.

Looking at her now, she looks terrible.

His face was covered with wounds, and even his clothes were covered with fist marks.

Gong Xueman cried bitterly, "brother, did you see it? They both bullied me

Think about closing the fist, raising the chin, a calm face said: "first say clearly, you bully our friend fish, and I told you in advance, let you let her go, but you just don't listen, so we can only beat you!"

"My sister is right!" Niannian made a final supplement.

At this time, Gong Changyue looked at his sister, and her face gradually sank.

"Brother, it's the two of them who started it first..." Gong Xueman gave a shrieking cry.

"Enough!" Gong Changyue snorted coldly, then took a deep breath, "I just saw it! Gong Xueman, when can you change your troublesome mouth? If you open your mouth and call them squid, you can't say that even if they look like them? "

Lying on the ground, Zhang Xiaoyu, who had already revealed a trace of smile, was gradually solidified.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm so straight. Don't take it to heart! " Gong Changyue didn't forget to apologize to Zhang Xiaoyu.

Then he turned his head again and said, "do you dare to tease others with your mind? As a monk, is that how you control your power? "

Gong Xueman was trained to be about to cry, "but it was me who was beaten up clearly!"

"You have the face to say, look at people..." Gong Changyue pointed to two little girls and said bitterly.

"Their age and height are not as big as you. As a result, you can't beat them. Do you still have the face to cry?"

Said, Gong Changyue an apologetic face a fist.

"Mr. Xue, my sister is really too much to worry about. I'm really sorry!"

Xue an smiles.

He doesn't have a bad feeling about Gong Xueman, but he appreciates Gong Changyue.

So he just nodded, "nothing, just let her apologize to my daughter!"

"My face is like this, and I want to apologize?" Gong Xueman points to the scars on his face.

Xue an nodded seriously, "yes! My two daughters almost hurt their little fists by your face. Shouldn't you apologize? "

Gong Xueman almost didn't jump up, but under his brother's strong suppression, he had no choice but to bow his hand, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have hurt your two fists with my face! "

Think about nodding, "it doesn't matter, pay attention next time!"

Gong Xueman:.... "

The storm is over.

Gong Xueman looks into the mirror with heartache and feels that his plan to go out to play this time must be in vain.

She was complaining about herself, and Xue an threw a small bottle.

"What is this?" Gong Xueman is stunned.

"It's for internal and external use to cure the wound on your face!" Xue an said with a smile.

Gong Xueman didn't want to use it, but he couldn't help being attracted by the delicate bottle. After applying a little bit of it on his face, he immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Gong Xueman is shocked.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue!"

"Thank you

"You're welcome!"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian witnessed the whole scene.Niannian asked in a low voice: "sister, why does Dad give this bad sister potion?"

Xue wanted to be thoughtful, and then said in a low voice, "silly read, haven't you seen it? This should be what people often say, slap a sweet jujube

Read suddenly, and then sincerely praise: "sister, you know so much!"

Think of the proud head up, "that is, or how to be your sister?"

The fact that she was born only six minutes earlier than recitation was totally ignored.

Xue an heard the conversation between the two little girls, and she couldn't help laughing in her heart.

My two daughters are really more and more sensible.

Especially when you think about it, it's getting more and more Black belly!

But it's also a good thing. It's easy to be bullied if you are honest like reciting!

Xue an sighed in his heart.

And here Anyan has prepared everything, and then went shopping with Hu Ying, two little girls and Zhang Xiaoyu.

Gong Xueman, who has just been beaten up for a while, walks with his face in the back.

Xue an didn't go.

Shopping is a woman's nature, but a man's enemy.

I don't believe a few men like to go shopping.

Xue an would rather deal with a strong opponent than go shopping.

So he stayed in the inn.

Xue an plans to take advantage of this time to sort out the chess manual reserved in his mind.

Then find a chance to teach Gong Changyue.

But just as he was digging into it.

A slight throb suddenly came back through the mind.

Xue an was stunned, and then his body disappeared in the same place.

Then, Gong Changyue, who was preparing for the competition in his own room, also noticed that it was wrong and rushed to the past.


On a very busy street in the city, a confrontation is going on.

Gong Xueman's face was iron green, and he gritted his teeth at the opposite person and said, "Cai Yongxin, what do you want to do?"

The opposite is a man in a white dress with a lot of fuss. His face is arrogant and his eyes are vacillating.

He smelt speech to smile, and then casually arched his hand, "Miss Gong, I didn't expect to meet you here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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