"Don't talk to me. Who is she?" Gong Xueman points to the voluptuous and frivolous coquettish woman beside Cai Yongxin, and asks in a cold voice.

Cai Yongxin's eyes showed a touch of shivering, but even when he turned down his face, "Gong Xueman, who is she and what does it matter to you?"

"You..." Gong Xueman was so angry that the blue veins on his forehead were exposed. "Cai Yongxin, you are looking for such a mean woman outside with me on your back. Have you forgotten our engagement?"

As soon as you say that.

An Yan and others Qi stare round eyes, do eat melon masses.

At this time, the coquettish woman's face was wronged and called out: "Mr. Cai, she actually said that people are cheap women!"

Cai Yongxin's face showed a cruel look, and then sneered: "Gong Xueman, yes, we have an engagement, but we haven't got married yet? What's more, if you look at your figure, the front is flat and the back is flat. If you turn off the light, you can't tell the front and the back. So what can I do if I find a female partner to relieve my boredom? "

This makes an Yan and others face cold.

Gong Xueman is more stunned, until after a long time, she said: "you can't tell the positive and the negative, your family can't tell the positive and the negative!"

"Besides, Cai Yongxin, don't think I can't see what's going on? If you put it in the past, you dare not look for other women in front of me? Don't forget how much trouble your Cai family spent in marrying our Gong family. "

"As a result, as soon as there is an accident in our family, you Cai family can't wait to get rid of the relationship. Is that right?"

This question made Cai Yongxin's face blue and white.

But an Yan and others, who had made a melon eating crowd, understood what was going on.

It seems that Gong Xueman has an engagement with CAI Yongxin, but now something has happened to Gong's family, which makes the man no longer value the engagement.

"What a scum Zhang Xiaoyu said with hatred.

At this time, Cai Yongxin bit his teeth and nodded with a cruel look on his face. "Yes, that's what you said. What can you do?"

"Now your Gong family has been defeated. In the last competition, you Gong family elders did everything you could, but you didn't even win. You went back with a duck's egg. If you can't win the place again this time, your Tianmu Gong family's reputation will be completely finished!"

"This time, I heard that the Gong family sent your brother and sister to participate in the competition. This shows that they have no confidence at all!"

"When your Gong family fails again, the rank will surely be lowered, and then it will be our Cai family's rank above you! Then Hum, if you Gong family want to make a comeback, you must rely on our Cai family. In this case, do you dare to make a mistake? "

Cai Yongxin will a pair of villain's mouth and face performance incisively and vividly.

That is to say, Anyan and others who are watching can't stand it.

And Gong Xueman is pale and shivering slightly.

But at this time, Gong Xueman took a deep breath, gradually regained his composure, and then gave Cai Yongxin a cold smile.

"I have to say, it's shameless of you to be courteous before the Cai family and then to obey it!"

"You..." As soon as Cai Yongxin's face was cold, he was about to attack.

Gong Xueman said coldly: "the surname Cai, go back and tell your father and the elders of your Cai family that Gong Xueman disagrees with this marriage!"

With that, Gong Xueman reached out and took out a jade pendant from his arms and fell directly on the ground.

With a clang, the jade pendant fell to pieces.

Cai Yongxin's face changed several times, "you Good! Gong Xueman, this is not a family member. What you said represents you or your Gong family. You have to think clearly! "

Gong Xueman's face is pale, but his face is firm. "I represent myself, and also represent our Gong family!"

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you can't represent it!"

The voice has just dropped.

I heard a voice full of anger. "She can't represent it. What about me?"

With the voice, Gong Changyue appeared in front of the public.

"Brother..." In the eyes of Gong man, I saw the tears in his eyes.

Gong Changyue rarely smiles at his sister, "Xueman, well done! We Gong family, we must have this backbone

"Cai Leng Yong just looked at me and said," can't Cai Leng Yong represent my family? "

"You Gong Changyue, have you considered the consequences of this? " Cai Yongxin's face gradually became cold and grim.

Gong Changyue shook his head, "I didn't think about it, and I didn't intend to think about it! Because I'm just such a sister. Although she's always naughty, if anyone dares to bully her, I won't allow her! "

This makes Gong Xueman can no longer control, tears burst out.

Cai Yongxin sneered, "what a touching friendship between brothers and sisters, but Gong Changyue, your Gong family has run out of food and is completely in a dilemma. Unless you can win the place in this competition, you will never be spared!""And it's up to you ha-ha! Do you think it's possible? "

"If you want to get rid of this predicament, we Cai family is your last hope. Now Do you understand? "

Cai Yongxin was proud when he said this.

Gong Xueman, who is impulsive, looks white and starts to tremble.

Because she knew what Cai Yongxin said was true, which really related to the life and death of Gong family.

There was a trace of regret in her heart.

But Gong Changyue said in a cold voice: "Cai Yongxin, you are right. Our Gong family is really in trouble now! But if I have to sacrifice my sister to get through this difficult situation, and at the same time, I'd rather not ask for such a long time! "

"You Very good, Gong Changyue. I'd like to see what kind of outstanding performance you can make in this competition. I hope your Gong family won't come to beg for mercy from our Cai family then Cai Yongxin is about to turn around and leave with a grim smile.

Just at this time, listen to a calm voice came over, "slow down!"

Hearing this sound, Gong's brother and sister were stunned.

A faint smile appeared.

Because Xue an's body has appeared in front of the public.

Cai Yongxin stopped and turned, "who are you?"

Xue an smiles, "my name is Xue. You can call me Mr. Xue!"

"Oh! I remember that you are the man who said that he would defeat Lord Jing! " Cai Yongxin's face showed a hint of banter.

Xue an's words in front of the public had already spread under the deliberate guidance of Di Yuanlong and others. Now many people know that there is a person who is not even a first-class chess player who has raved to defeat Jing Tianrui.

This has become a joke among the population.

Xue an just laughed, "yes, it's me."

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