"What? What advice do you want? " When it comes to the word "instruction", Cai Yongxin deliberately accentuates his tone, which is full of sarcasm.

"You don't deserve it! It's just that I just listened to you and I was a little puzzled! "

"Wonder what?"

"I wonder why you are willing to be the lackeys of the sky and the stars?" Xue an said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Gong Changyue suddenly turned pale.

Because he immediately thought about the whole story.

Yeah! This Cai family obviously has already taken refuge in Tianzhao Xingyu. In this way, all their actions have a reasonable explanation.

Cai Yongxin's face was blue and red for a while, and finally he laughed grimly, "yes, we are already the people of Di Yuanlong, Lord Di! What about? Can't you? "

Gong Changyue was filled with grief and indignation, "Cai Yongxin, have you forgotten the killing of Tianmu star by Tianzhao Xingyu a hundred years ago?"

"So what? People can't live in the past all the time! Now, it's the general trend for the Tianzhao star domain leader to fight against them! Isn't your Gong family a living example? " Cai Yongxin said coldly.

Xue an waved her hand to Gong Changyue, who was already in a rage, not to speak. Then she clapped her hands and exclaimed, "it's good to say that people really can't live in the past all the time."

"But do you think that tianzhaoxingyu will really win this competition?"

"Of course Cai Yongxin looked arrogantly up and said, "I know what you want to say, but when Lord Jing comes back from seclusion and his chess skills are greatly improved, Zhuge Xuanqing will never be his opponent!"

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "you think wrong. I'm not talking about Zhuge Xuanqing!"

"Then you..."

Xue an raised her eyes, and her eyes were shining like stars. Then she said faintly, "I mean, I will win this competition!"

Cai Yongxin couldn't believe his ears. After a while, he began to laugh with sarcasm on his face.

"To tell you the truth, I really admire your courage, but before you say that..."

Xue an interrupted him. "Are you interested in gambling?"

"Gambling? What are you gambling on? "

"Bet on my words. If I win the game this time, all of you in the Cai family should kneel down in front of Gong Xueman in public and admit their mistakes!"

Cai Yongxin's face gradually became gloomy, "what if you can't win?"

Xue an faint smile, "if can't win, Gong family takes the initiative to withdraw from Tianmu star, how?"

"And this is what you want

Hearing this, Gong's brother and sister's face changed in an instant.

Gong Changyue's heart sank. Even if he was as slow as him, he finally understood why the Gong family had come to such a desperate situation.

It turns out that the Cai family, including Tianzhao Xingyu, wants Tianmu star!

Cai Yongxin's eyes exploded, "how can I know if your words can represent the Gong family?"

Xue an looks at Gong Changyue.

Gong Changyue had no confidence in his heart, but when he saw Xue An'an's calm eyes, he nodded his head.

"Good! It's a deal Cai Yongxin can't wait to agree to come down, for fear Gong Changyue and Xue an will go back on the same.

At the moment, the dispute has attracted many onlookers around.

These people also have a look of horror after hearing about this amazing gamble.

Among them, a chess player who is familiar with Gong's family can't help shaking his head.

Is Gong Changyue confused? How is it possible to make such a bet? "

"Yes! Is this an egg hitting stone? "

What does Mr. Xue have? How dare you boast of such a sea mouth? "

In these comments.

Cai Yongxin beamed at Gong's brother and sister, "I have to tell you one more thing before I leave."

"Lord Jingtian Ruijing got the personal guidance of the chess master when he was in seclusion."

After that, he laughed and turned away.

But Gong's brother and sister, including the onlookers, all looked shocked.

Get the advice of chess master!

No wonder jingtianrui is so confident this time.

Gong Changyue felt that a heart was gradually sinking into the abyss.

But Xue an, as if he had not heard of it, stood in front of the street with his hands in his hands and looked playful.


The news that Gong's family and Cai's family set up a surprise gambling agreement on the street spread quickly across the whole competition star territory like a hurricane.

Countless people shake.

"What? How dare the Gong family make a bet with the Cai family? This is clearly the other side of the challenge ah

"This is the end of the Gong family! It seems that Tianmu star will become a colony of Tianzhao star region in the future

"Tut Tut, this surname Xue is really not afraid of the wind and fan his tongue! How dare you speak outAlmost everyone is not optimistic about Xue an, let alone the Gong family's performance in this bet.

In a small building in the city, Zhuge Xuanqing also learned the news.

She stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery out of the window, until after a long time, she said with a cold face.


I just don't know if this is about Gong Changyue or Xue an, or have both at the same time?

Back in the inn.

Gong Xueman went back to the house with sad eyes.

This little girl, who has never tasted the hardships of life, has finally grown up after today's experience.

But she was not happy at all.

Because she also felt that the Gong family was over.

This kind of feeling let her heart be occupied by sadness, even have no mood to ask why Xue an did so.

And when she comes back to the house.

Gong Changyue also looks at Xue an with a dignified face.

Xue an smiles, "what do you want to ask?"

Gong Changyue hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed: "Mr. Xue, I know you are not an ordinary person, because I have been unable to see through your cultivation! But what this chess game is all about is talent and divinity. The young genius of jingtianrui was also instructed by the master of chess... "

Speaking of this, Gong Changyue can't speak any more.

Because the more he said it, the more desperate he felt.

Xue an smile, no positive response to this topic, but a light way: "how do you confidence in this game?"

Gong Changyue laughs miserably and shakes his head, "also do not have the slightest confidence!"

Xue an does not agree, suddenly took out a jade Jane from his arms and threw it in the past.

"This is..."

"Oh, these are chess scores handed down from ancient times. I think they are good. You can have a look at them. You don't have to win, but it's almost the same to win a place!"

Gong Changyue holds the jade slips in his hand. Although he only feels a little, he is stunned at the spot.

Because all the chess scores recorded in this book are unique treasures. Compared with this, all the chess scores collected by Gong family are rubbish.

"This..." Gong Changyue raised her head and wanted to say something.

But then he found that Xue an had got up, stretched out and walked into the room.

While walking, he yawned and said, "it's late. Go to bed early."

After Xue an left, Gong Changyue stood alone in the courtyard, holding the jade slips in his hand, and his eyes were full of blank color.

Who is this Mr. Xue?

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