On the day of the official opening of the chess game, the whole Tianzhao star field was very lively.

As the main venue, the moonlit star is the most important existence in the whole celestial region except for the Celestial Star.

The key is that Tianzhao Chess Academy is also located here.

Therefore, it has become the Holy Land in the mind of many chess monks.


In front of the gate of the Chess Academy on the star this month, it is a sea of people.

From the various stars of the divine monks, chess masters will be crowded here.

There was a lot of chatter, but the focus was nothing more than the game.

"It is said that the young king of chess, Mr. Jingtian Ruijing, was instructed by the master of chess when he closed the door, and the cultivation of chess skills has made great progress. It is estimated that this competition will crush everyone again and win the crown!"

"ZHUGE Xuanqing, the talented girl of Zhuge family, should not be underestimated."

"Well, have you heard about the engagement between the Gong family and the Cai family?" It was mentioned.

Hearing this, a lot of people's faces have a strange look, some people are even more hehe smile way.

"Is there anyone else who doesn't know about the bet? Tut Tut, if you want me to say, that so-called Mr. Xue must be a charlatan. If you don't believe it, we'll wait and see! "

"I don't think so! If he dares to say so, he should have some real ability! "

"If you have the ability, you can still beat Mr. Jing? Who does he think he is? Is Zhuge banzang? "

At the time of discussion.

Listening to a commotion in the distance, many high-level members of the Cai family came together, and it was Cai Yongxin who was in the front.

At the moment, Cai Yongxin, with a look of contentment, walked like no one else.

Because they were all nine section chess masters, they didn't have to wait outside the door, but went straight to the high platform specially prepared for senior chess players.

But before they sit down.

See Di Yuanlong, led by a large number of Tianzhao star domain chess Division also arrived.

As soon as they saw them, all the people of the Cai family rushed forward to meet them, flattering and flattering.

It's disgusting to be servile.

Then, people from the major chess families also came.

The meeting hall became hotter and more noisy.

But we can see that the chess masters in Tianzhao star region are all arrogant, and there is a clear distinction between them.

At this moment.

There was a violent commotion in the crowd.

Zhuge Xuanqing, dressed in black and with a chess bag on his back, stepped forward.

Her appearance, so that the suppressed can not lift the head of the outside chess masters are all relieved, have to meet up.

Zhuge Xuanqing nodded expressionless, saying hello, and then he sat on the high platform.

As soon as Zhuge Xuanqing appeared, the voices of these Tianzhao chess masters even turned down. At the same time, many people looked at Zhuge Xuanqing with awe.

As Zhuge Xuanqing said, in the world of chess, strength is everything.

If you are a strong man, some people will be in awe of you!

Everything is so naked, but irrefutable.

But soon, Tianzhao chess masters are arrogant again.

Because jingtianrui is here.

The talented chess king, known as the once-in-a-century talent in Tianzhao star region, is different from ordinary people in even his appearance.

As soon as he appeared, all chess masters in Tianzhao star region, including Di Yuanlong, as well as Cai's family, who sincerely took refuge in Tianzhao, stood up one after another.

"Lord Jing!"

"I've met the king of chess!"

These greetings come and go, which makes Jing Tianrui very useful.

But he soon focused on Zhuge Xuanqing who was sitting on the high platform.

The girl's cold and gorgeous let his eyes flash a greedy color, and then pretended to be enthusiastic to go forward.

"Miss Zhuge, I haven't seen you for three years since the last competition. I didn't expect you to be more elegant than before."

You have a cold look at him

This kind of salty response let jingtianrui eat a soft nail.

But he was not discouraged. Instead, he continued to smile and say: "in fact, with the strength of Zhuge girl, you don't need to come so early. After the preliminary competition, you can directly enter the final!"

There are rules for the game.

For those recognized strong chess players, they can be allowed not to participate in the preliminary round, directly promoted to the final circle.

But Zhuge Xuanqing just shook his head, "thank you, but I still like to start from the preliminary contest and win step by step!"

Jing Tianrui's expression became a little subtle, and his eyes were filled with anger.

How could he not hear the irony implied in Zhuge Xuanqing's words.

In fact, in the last chess game, Jing Tianrui did not pass the preliminary contest because of his fame, but directly entered the final circle.And Zhuge Xuanqing won step by step, and then met Jing Tianrui, who was in the final.

You should know that the chess game is very exhausting. At that time, Zhuge Xuanqing even played 17 sets of chess, both physically and mentally.

Under this ebb and flow, Zhuge Xuanqing narrowly lost to jingtianrui with three goals.

And if Zhuge Xuanqing was in a normal state, it would be hard to predict the outcome.

Therefore, when Jing Tianrui heard Zhuge Xuanqing's words, he was naturally a little embarrassed.

But the girl's greed, let him or endure down, just a faint smile. "In that case, I'd like to win step by step from the preliminaries!"

Zhuge Xuanqing refused to comment, and even showed a trace of impatience.

Jingtian sharp heart is not willing, but finally, back to his seat, just eyes full of cold meaning.

What he valued was not only Zhuge Xuanqing's beauty.

In fact, with his identity and status, in the Tianzhao star region, any hook up, there will be countless beautiful women actively posted up.

What he valued was Zhuge Xuanqing's talent and identity.

In fact, there has been a saying in chess.

The combination of talented chess players is likely to produce more amazing offspring.

This is the reason why he coveted Zhuge Xuanqing.

Hehe, don't be complacent! Wait on this competition, I let you lose speechless, and then let you take the initiative to kneel down in front of me!

Jingtianrui's heart is full of resentment.

At this moment.

I saw Gong's brother and sister come together.

The appearance of the two of them caused a lot of trouble. Many people pointed at them and then lowered their voices to talk to the people around them.

Obviously, they are saying that this is the Gong family.

But I haven't waited for the noise to subside.

Xue an's figure also appeared in the field.

After two days of rumors, Xue an has become a celebrity.

A lot of people even smile a little when they see him.

Xue an didn't care. He and Gong's brother and sister went up to the high platform.

But it was just then.

A guard blocked the way.

"I'm sorry, this is a high platform for nine level chess masters to sit on! If you don't have a rank, please stand over there

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