As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter around.

Looking up, di Yuan'an looks at Xue Zhengtai's face.

Xue an understood that this should be what he ordered, and he couldn't help laughing.

Want to use this kind of clumsy means to demonstrate, can see this di yuan long how small bellied.

And see Xue an smile, this di Yuanlong a little surprised.

The guard was indeed arranged by him, and the purpose was to suppress xue'an in this way, so that he could understand who was the leader in the star field.

However, Xue an didn't have any anger at all. Instead, she showed a smile.

What's going on? Di Yuanlong's heart is in doubt.

Xue an turned to Gong Changyue and said, "it seems that I can't go now."

Mr. Gong's face is embarrassed

Xue an waved his hand and said, "you two are waiting for me for a while."

"What are you going to do?" Gong Xueman asks in doubt.

Although Gong xuan'an still has a good attitude towards Xue xuan'an, she still can't believe her.

Xue an smiles, "of course it's going to A nine paragraph test


Gong Xueman is not only stunned.

All the people around were stupid.

Although judging from this venue, there seem to be a lot of jiuduanqi masters.

But you know, this is the elite from countless stars.

As a matter of fact, a nine level chess player is already very horrible in many stars.

Many people spend their whole life unable to testify the truth.

You can hear Xue an's tone now, just like going to the market to buy vegetables.


Xue an's words spread throughout the conference.

A lot of people look at Xue an with scornful eyes.

And on the high platform.

Jing Tianrui stares at Xue an under the stage, and a cold smile emerges from the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Long

"My Lord!" Di Yuanlong came over.

"Send a few people to add some material to this man who doesn't know the height of the earth!" Jingtian sharp light road.

"Understand!" Di Yuanlong showed a strange smile and left in a hurry.

And Zhuge Xuanqing is coldly looking at Xue an's back, his eyes suddenly flash a touch of doubt.

She suddenly felt that Xue an seemed to be familiar with her, but she could not tell where she came from.

At this time, a chess player approached Zhuge Xuanqing and said, "Miss Zhuge, I just saw Di Yuanlong go out. I don't think I'm well intentioned. Shall we..."

Zhuge Xuanqing shook his head. "No, it's just that I can't testify nine passages in such a short time."

Zhuge Xuanqing's meaning is very clear.

Even she can't do it, so it's even more impossible for Mr. Xue to come out of nowhere.

Since there is no way to prove the nine sections of Tao, no matter what intrigue jingtianrui does, the result will be the same.

"Yes The chess player retreated when he thought it was true.

Because the game has not officially started, so many people who like to watch the excitement follow Xue an to the examination office of the Chess Academy.

This is the place responsible for assessing the level of chess players.

Xue an doesn't have any rank now, so he can only start from one section.

When he came to a period of assessment, there was already a small group of people around here.

But these people are basically children of seven or eight years old, and the oldest is only about ten years old.

In contrast, Xue an is particularly eye-catching.

Many of the chess masters who followed him saw Xue an standing in the middle of a group of children and couldn't help laughing.

But Xue an did not show any angry color, but stood there with a smile.

"Big brother, are you here for a test A little girl of seven or eight years old asked, looking up.

Xue an nodded. "Yes!"

"Big brother, this section of the examination is so difficult, I passed it after two times. You will remember to refuel later!" The little girl reminded me very kindly.

This makes the examiners in charge of a section of the examination laugh.

"Well, my little sister, you can't pass the exam at your age. I don't think he's a gifted person. You can pass the exam twice, but he doesn't have to be!"

Xue an did not pay attention to the examiner's ridicule, but bowed his head to smile at the little girl, "thank you for your reminding, I will refuel!"

The assessment begins.

Because it is a test, so the content is very simple.

As long as you win three games within the prescribed time.

The chessboard is only stacked seven layers.Xue an's opponent is a chess player who is specially used to assess the rank.

It's not accurate to say ghosts.

Because these game ghosts are the simple ideas condensed by the mind master through the secret method.

This kind of mind has no self-consciousness, but it can carry out the task that you seal into.

To put it bluntly, it's like a computer program.

Although these chess players are mechanical and rigid, most people can't play them because they have a large number of chess scores as the backing.

Of course, a period of the game ghost is also very simple, even instilled into the chess score are very few.

Xue an took a look at the chessboards, then suddenly laughed and shook his head.

"What? Scared? If you don't dare to testify, go down quickly! " Someone yelled in the back.

Xue an turned her head and glanced at the crowd. These people with ulterior motives swallowed all the words behind them.

Because Xue an's eyes are indifferent, with a trace of cold killing, chilling.

Xue an light way: "such a plate of chess card section is too slow, come together!"


The examiner thought he had heard it wrong.

"Isn't a period of three sets? Come on! I'm in a hurry Xue an said lightly.

Many people looked surprised.

It is not that there is no strong person to do this in the stage of syndrome, but this will increase the difficulty a lot.

Is this man really good?

The examiner sneered, "OK! If you like, come on

With that, the three chessboards were opened, and the game was officially opened.

Among these three sets, the first is the first, and the second is later. Although it is only a seven layer chessboard, the sum of the three is also very dazzling.

Xue an did not have the slightest solemnity when playing chess. Instead, he sat on the chair with a relaxed face and controlled the three chess games with pure mind.

At the beginning, the speed was not fast, but after that, Xue an Yunzi was flying, and the three sets of chess games were fast.

This speed makes some people look dignified.

With such a speed, it can be seen that Xue an's chess cultivation should be very good.

But in the middle of the game, the ghosts of the three games were in unison, and then the smoke came out.

The crowd was stunned.

What's going on?

Xue an slightly sighed, "this chess game ghost is also too fragile, this speed will waste?"

The examiner rushed forward and examined it carefully.

Sure enough.

Because of the overheated speed, these three chess players have already burned down the source of their mind, in other words, they are completely abandoned.

The audience was shocked.

I haven't heard that playing chess can scrap the game.

And is that a win or a loss?

Everyone's eyes are on the examiner.

His face was blue and white, and finally a few words came out of his teeth.

"Three games Win! Tell the truth , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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