"Big brother is so powerful!" The little girl took the lead in cheering.

The atmosphere in the field became a little different.

Some people sneer: "it's just a test. I can pass with my eyes closed. What's so proud of?"

"Yes, it's just the beginning."

Xue an did not pay attention to this group of people, but went straight to the second section of the assessment area.

No accident.

These two tests are also very simple, Xue an only took a quarter of an hour to pass again.

Then there are three paragraphs.

When all three tests are passed.

Many of the people in the crowd changed their faces slightly.

For normal people, they have to go through careful preparation to get into the rank. Few of them are promoted in such a breath, because it costs a lot of energy.

However, Xue an's present appearance is not any different. It seems that the three examinations just passed.

"However, although this person can be promoted to three sections, that's all. The difficulty of the fourth paragraph is not increased by a little bit. He will definitely stop at the fourth section!" One day Zhao Qi master sneered.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Although there are nine sections in chess, people usually divide it into three levels: chess player, chess soldier and chess master.

Each level corresponds to three segments.

The first three sections are called chess players, which are the lowest level.

This level is the least difficult and the simplest.

However, after four paragraphs, the difficulty will soar, which is also the first watershed for the chess friars.

Even those young talents rarely say that they can pass the four stage examination at one time.

I don't know where this guy came out. I guess it's the same.

Xue an didn't hear the comments of the people around him. Instead, he raised his feet and went to the four section assessment area.

At the same time, di Yuanlong, standing in the distance, winked at the four section examiner, who nodded slightly with understanding.

Then, di Yuanlong's mouth showed a grim smile.

Xue, I'd like to see how you passed the four section exam.

The chessboard of the three sections of the examination is 15 levels, but when it comes to the four sections, the difficulty is suddenly raised to 21 levels.

At the same time, playing ghost is much stronger than the previous three paragraphs.

Examiners coldly looked at Xue an, "three games win two, then promotion, can you start now?"

Xue an took a look at the chessboard on the table and the floating chess ghost on the opposite side. The light in his eyes flashed slightly. Then he said with a smile: "it's still the old rule. Let's come together."


If people didn't take this seriously in the previous three periods of assessment, they are all shocked.

Because the fourth paragraph of the assessment is very difficult, no one has ever dared to carry out the assessment in this way.

Even Zhuge banzang, who was a terrible power ten years ago, had a lot of trouble when he was promoted to the fourth section.

This man is too big.

The crowd began to talk.

Di Yuanlong was slightly stunned, and then sneered in his heart. He thought Xue an was looking for death.

At this time, the examiner looked at him with questioning eyes. Di Yuanlong nodded slightly and motioned to continue.

The examiner then said, "well, this is your choice! But keep in mind that there is only one chance for the four stage assessment. If you fail, you will have to come back next month! "

Xue an is not sure.

When the three chessboards are set, the game begins.

The examination attracted much more attention than before.

Countless people looked at Xue an, who played three sets of chess games alone, with the eyes of astonishment or ridicule.

Xue anyunzi flies like a fly, the faster he goes down, and even in the face of three sets of chess, he still looks calm, as if he is just playing a game.

This situation, let the atmosphere of the whole audience gradually dignified.

Many people are shocked.

Can this person really pass four paragraphs?

At this time, di Yuanlong nods to the examiner in the distance.

The examiner did not move, but his hands on his back were slightly printed.

Originally, some illusory three chess players suddenly flashed a flash of light, and then both coping speed and chess skills have been greatly improved.

In a blink of an eye, even across five segments, directly to the level of six segments.

This scene was seen in the eyes of many people with the intention, and all of them moved in their hearts.

It's obvious that someone is behind this Xue an.

Therefore, they could not help but shake their heads secretly and thought that Xue an would surely lose this time.

After all, it is still a one-on-three situation from four stages to six sections.

Even a chess genius like Zhuge Xuanqing would be in a hurry for a while.

Not to mention him.The idea hovered in these people's minds.

On the face of Di long.

If you stop four paragraphs, what Xue an said before will become a joke.

It's up to you to see what he's got to do in this fight.

But his complacency did not last long, because at this moment, Xue an slowly closed his eyes.

Now, everyone was stunned.

What is the reason for closing your eyes?

Although the role of eyes in chess is not too big, it is also indispensable.

After all, if you play blind chess only by mind deduction, the loss of mind will soar geometrically.

This is also the reason why strong players seldom play blind chess.

Did you know that you were invincible and gave up resistance?

These people are in doubt.

Then he saw that Xue an had three purposes in mind and carried his son like flying.

In fact, it can't be described as flying. The chess pieces have become a light column, and then they are crushed against three chess players.

This time, the audience gradually quieted down.

A lot of people looked shocked.

Di Yuanlong is more open mouth.

How could that be possible?

He's just a nobody. How could he have such a terrible mind and chess skills?

At this moment.

Just listen to a crack.

All three sets of chess are at a standstill.

However, the three chess players lamented that Qi Qi had lost too much power due to overclocking.

At this time, everyone looked at the table with astonishment.

All the examiners don't have to announce the victory or defeat.

Because of the three chess games, almost all of them were occupied by Xue an's black chess.

This kind of victory is extremely rare. Only when two people with great difference in strength play chess, can this kind of situation appear.

At this moment.

Xue an slowly got up, in the eyes of everyone's consternation, walked into the five section assessment area.

Di Yuanlong looked at Xue an's back, but in his eyes, he gradually showed a look of horror.

Who the hell is he?

Why is there such a powerful chess skill.

At the same time, Xue an passed the four section examination with the advantage of rolling, and the news that he was heading for the fifth section also reached the high platform.

Jing Tianrui, who had a good time, thought he had heard something wrong. Until he was sure it was true, his face gradually became sinister and his eyes were full of evil light.

And Zhuge Xuanqing is also one of the shocks.

Is it true that he was wrong?

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