Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 111


Chapter 111 Knife Tip

Besieged the city, people outside the city want to go in, what do people in the city think No one knows...but they sure don't want people out of town.

After weeks of attrition, Winters stepped into the city wall for the first time.

No enemies, no traps. The soil underfoot was very muddy and oozing red liquid.

Stumps were everywhere, and the six-round grenade destroyed not only the minds of the Tanirians, but their bodies as well.

The Veneta soldiers who rushed into the breach killed all the Tanirians who were still alive—they wouldn't have survived, and a quick death was a special kind of mercy.

As Lieutenant Colonel Vauban had estimated, the defenders filled the back of the city wall with a thick mound. However, not all city walls have been reinforced this way, and it seems that there are mounds only in the places where they are heavily bombarded.

The low, humble wooden shacks are Faintly discernible in the sea fog, and the familiar architecture makes Winters feel as if he has returned to his hometown.

The slums here are no different from Hailan's slums. The poor miners set up prefab houses behind the city wall.

Many woodhouses have been demolished, and it is not difficult to imagine turning into timber for the defenders. More prefab houses were supposed to be outside the city wall, but those were cleared long before the Veneta arrived.

Some of the low bungalows were set ablaze by other troops who had broken into the city wall, and the smoke from the burning damp wood further reduced visibility.

Winters could no longer see where Lieutenant Juan was, but could vaguely see the Golden Lion flag on a red background. Juan Hundred Men Squad did not move towards the city, but started to attack the city gate along the root of the city wall.

Don Juan moved towards the city wall like a madman and dashed violently. About to be disappeared.

"Be careful! Don't get scattered! The Tanirians don't surrender so easily!" Moritz, who was leading the way, said solemnly to the sorcerers without looking back.

Several lieutenants drew swords in their hands, less than a step away from each other, advancing through the fog with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Winters nearly tripped over a corpse several times, and the thick sea fog looked eerie, and there were many enemies lurking in it.

Lieutenant Pisani proposed, "Let's work together and blow the mist away with the Wind Control Technique!"

"Save some magic!" the major replied coldly.

At this time, Winters could clearly hear the sound of broken footsteps coming from the front right, and some kind of special sound... the collision of the various parts of the armor as they ran.

"Enemy attack!" Winters yelled immediately.

The Veneta soldiers in front also noticed the difference, but they were not sure about their friends and foes. Several sergeants asked loudly, "Who?! Password?!"

Reply All they had were a few arrows that followed the sound, and a Squad Union soldier burst out of the thick fog in the narrow alley of the slum and crashed into the line of Veneta soldiers.

"Enemy attack!"

"There are tanies!"

There were a few shouts, and then the battlefield fell into a sort of terrifying silence.

This quiet is not strictly quiet. From time to time, there are gunshots in the distance, and the dying warrior beside him is crying, but in addition to these white noises, only the crisp sound of the collision of the swords can be heard. And the terrifying sound of arms entering the body.

The Veneta and Tanirians who were fighting to the death could not make a sound in their throats, their upper and lower teeth were clenched tightly, their muscles were tense, and even their brains were almost lost. Thinking ability, relying on instinct to kill each other.

Moritz went straight into the fray without saying a word.

Obviously, if the enemies in front of them can't be solved, Moritz's team can't get away either. Although deviating from their original mission, Winters and the other lieutenants had no choice but to slaughter the Tanirians first.

With the assistance of the officers with superior squad battle strength, the Tanirians who had the advantage in the raid not only failed to defeat the rear team of Juan Hundred Men Squad, but were killed by the Veneta. Retreat.

However, the sound of fighting here attracted more Union soldiers in the slums. Before Lieutenant Don Juan had time to turn back to support, another group of enemies had already hit Lieutenant Juan head-on. 's former team.

Just as Moritz and the others, their immediate enemy, fled back to the slum, another group of Tanirian soldiers killed them from the rear.

Moritz immediately took command of the rear team, shouting, "Go and make peace with Don Juan!"

The soldiers did not recognize him, but subconsciously obeyed took his orders. The back team of Juan Hundred Men Squad fought and retreated, moving towards the direction of the Golden Lion flag.

But at the same time, many silhouettes appeared on the roofs of the slums, followed by bows and crossbows. The defender's crossbowmen climbed up the boardroom and began to move towards the unobstructed Veneta firing.

The Veneta were shoving each other to avoid the arrows, and their organization was about to collapse.

Moritz turned back, and steel cones flew out of his left hand. Only then did Winters realize that the battle strength the Major had shown in front of him was far from his limit. When he let go of killing without reservation, his heart made of iron also trembled.

The federation archers on the boardroom were emptied in the blink of an eye, and two steel cones were hit to ensure Moritz was killed. The Union archer who was hit between the eyebrows spattered with brains, and he didn't even have time to scream, and died on the spot without pain.

And in the eyes of the Tanirians who couldn't see what Moritz did, as long as the man in front of him stretched out his hand, he would die on the spot.

Only the devil has this ability, and the Union soldiers who reacted screamed "Devil! Devil!" and moved towards the depths of the slum.

The other lieutenants except Winters understood why some people would say that this slightly emaciated man in front of him was the strongest magical battle strength in the army.

Only relying on this pinnacle of flying arrow skills, even packing other people together is not enough to deal with Moritz.

"Chase?" someone asked the major.

"Don't chase!" Moritz resolutely and decisively replied: "Go and join the front team!"

Moritz and the others followed Lieutenant Juan all the way to kill. At the city gate, the sorcerers disguised as ordinary soldiers and killed any enemy who tried to approach Don Juan on the spot.

During this period, they did not see other flares. Second Lieutenant Juan's Hundred Men Squad cooperated with the troops attacking from the Triangle Fort to defeat the defenders of the city gate and quickly captured the city gate of Tacheng.

The whole process went unbelievably smooth, so smooth that the sorcerer officers felt a little uneasy.

But the magician's battle is so treacherous, the corpse can't speak, it is very likely that Moritz and the others did not kill an enemy magician, or they may kill all enemy magicians.

The enemy is dead, all this can no longer be verified. The sorcerers could only endure their uneasiness and continue to stick by Don Juan's side.

The sky has begun to brighten, the sun is getting higher and higher, and the fog is gradually being dispelled by the sun.

After more than two hours of fierce fighting, Tacheng suddenly became quiet, and Winters could only hear the occasional sound of gunfire and the moans of the dying in the distance.

The sorcerers, like the common soldiers of Juan Hundred Men Squad, collapsed to the ground like dead men. It was they who acted as arrows and knives that allowed Juan Hundred Men Squad to take the heavily guarded city gate so quickly.

The Golden Lion flag rattled on the city gate, but the weary Veneta had nowhere to go.

When the fog completely dissipated, everything in front of them made the most resolute Veneta feel a hint of despair.

Winters heard the sentry cry, and he didn't understand what was going on until he, too, stood on the top of the city and looked out.

Not far away, a levee made of mud wraps the "count tower" of Tacheng, and the flag of the Taniria Federation is still planted on the castle.

William Kidd built another city wall within the city wall, the Tanirians still did not give up their resistance, and the battle was not over yet.



For this general attack, the Venetas used nine battalions—nine full battalions.

And the two Legions have only twenty battallions in total, not to mention that many of them have already lost their troops in the siege battle.

The Veneta top brass wanted a final word, but the Tanirians were tenacious.

This is the helplessness of living in this era, the tactical attack overwhelms the defense, but the strategic defense overwhelms the offense.

Even if the troops are good at fighting, they can only turn the war into an endless digital exchange when they encounter fortified fortifications and tenacious defenders.

Thirty years ago, the Cenas coalition used dozens of fortified towns, forcibly dragged the Duke of Arleans to death and forced the emperor to make peace. But today other people used this trick on themselves, and all Veneta officers were not happy.

"Fight! Keep fighting!" Layton slammed his fist on the table at the military command meeting: "We are dead, but the Tani people are not dead? [Fiercely swear words]! Keep fighting! Just Let's see who can hold his last breath!"

Layton's anger almost made the air burn, but the school officers who attended the meeting did not respond, and the battallion commanders avoided Layton's sight , lowered his head silently.

The nine battalions in charge of the general attack today were exhausted, and many battalions even killed more than 30% of the soldiers. It is a miracle that the morale of the troops has not collapsed.

In normal times, I have to praise how well the army is run. However, these battallion commanders do not speak now, not because they are stingy with the lives of their soldiers, but because they clearly know that their battallion has reached the limit. Continue to forcibly drive the soldiers to attack the city, and I am afraid that there will be mutiny on the spot.

The other battallion commanders who did not participate in today's attack were also silent, no one knew what they were thinking... Maybe it was the tragic battle today that made them feel a little bit of heart palpitations.

"General Layton is right, the victory of the battle depends on which side can hold on for one minute more." Serbia Ti Corps Head said coldly with a dark face: "No matter how much blood we shed, William Kidd's people will only flow more. Don't let the Tanirians have a chance to breathe, I don't need to tell you more about this. In this battle, it depends on who is harder-hearted and tougher. Ruthless. It doesn't matter if we all go to hell, as long as we can send William Kidd down first! You... are you not as good as the pirates and slave dealers under William Kidd?"

The atmosphere in the Conference Hall gradually heated up with the words of Major General Serbia Ti, and the colonists gasped heavily, clenched their fists, and looked at the two Corps Heads.

"No rest, I'll be sieging the city tonight! I want William Kidd to not even have time to pee." For the first time, Serbian Major General Ti didn't discuss with Layton in advance, and Gan Gang arbitrarily directed at him. The two Legions issued an order: "There is no need to keep the reserve team. The four battalions in the total reserve team are the main attack! Report your battallion and the Hundred Men Squad of battle strength, and make a temporary battallion responsible for the second wave attack. Now Action! I'm going to hear the charge whistle in an hour! Can't hear me killing the four of you Great Captains!"

Layton was startled by this, but he still Hold back and say nothing. It was only at this moment that the colonists discovered that the more rational-looking General Antonio Seretti, in the bones, was perhaps the crazier of the two Corps Heads.

Since the beginning of the siege of Tacheng, the Veneta Army has maintained a reserve of four full battallions at all times. This reserve was never prepared for a siege, but was used to guard against possible Union reinforcements.

The war can't count on the enemy's defeat. Putting four battallion reserves into the attacking city means that two Legions are cutting off one's means of retreat.

If Veneta's navy fails to let even a small Confederate reinforcements land in the port of Red Sulphur, it will be a disaster for both the Veneta Legion and the San Marco Legion.

But the Corps Head has made up its mind to do whatever it takes, and the others just have to obey.

The numbers of the Hundred Men Squad surviving battle strength were quickly gathered, and the Hundred Men Squad of Second Lieutenant Don Juan was on the list.

"Conte! You bring a temporary battalion!" Layton ordered one officer, then another: "Field! You bring one too! And..."

"Corps Head..." Someone interrupted Layton and reminded with difficulty: "...Lieutenant Colonel Field, was killed this morning."

This is the fifth time I have been reminded The parchment in Layton's hands fell to the ground.



Winters and Moritz stood in silence, facing Lieutenant Colonel Field's body.

The lieutenant colonel's face was covered by the flag, but he could no longer breathe.

"Colonel Field passed away, he'll never talk to me, laugh, race he just gone?" Winters felt himself out of breath.

"Let's go." Moritz pulled Winters away: "It's just Field's body, not Field."

The first red flare came from Lieutenant Colonel Field, No. The two red flares came from another Lieutenant Colonel Petrarch, who was killed.

By the time Moritz and Winters arrived at the second red flare, the mysterious magician in the city had already killed Lieutenant Colonel Petrarch and most of the witnesses and disappeared into the mist.

"If we..." Winters' eyes were a little hot: "...if we can get there in time, wouldn't it..."

"Don't think about such a thing! Even if Don't have a single thought of that!" Moritz glared, grabbed Winters' shoulders, snapped, "You, me, Field, we're all going to die, it's just a matter of time. Field is dead, a part of us. He also died with him. But he has no pain, no regrets, and no sadness. No matter what you think, it will not affect him. Understand? "

In today's siege battle, three colonels were killed. The causes of death were all broken organs and massive internal bleeding. The autopsy conclusion, on-site investigation and testimony all pointed to the deeply hidden magician.

The strategy of countering the enemy magician with a highly mobile sorcerer squad proved to be a complete failure.

However, the joint command also found that the use of the elite sorcerer as an offensive tip was amazing.

In the afternoon, Moritz and other nine sorcerers got new orders.

They will act as arrows for the main attacking force, attacking the embankment first.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends Tian lens, the same week with the world, the most in your life, Tianshui has beautiful women, black computer accessories, justice and purity are recommended by koala Tickets, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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