Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 112


Chapter 112 Destroying the city
"My lord... just ahead." The tower forced to lead the way The Neriah trooper stumbled ahead, clutching the wound on his head and trembling.

The people behind him made him terrified from the bottom of his heart. The Tanirian veteran had never seen such a fierce warrior - rushing into the crowd with musket fire, hacking an entire team of musketeers to death.

The descendant's legs were shaking uncontrollably, and fear made him peer back involuntarily.

Seeing these little actions, Winters in a state of rage fiercely smashed the butt of the gun on the back of the soldier's head.

The descending soldiers were beaten to the point of being thrown into the muddy water, and they did not dare to delay for a second to get up, choked and prayed and walked forward.

The Veneta people who have no scruples directly blasted the mouth of the crater lake on the top of the mountain, and the water poured down the original small river bed into the Tacheng, as the first wave of Veneta people offensive.

Hours of fierce fighting ensued, the Veneta soldiers in a spurt of energy pierced through ditches, earthen embankments and the will of the Tanirians, and the defenses of the city within a city crumbled.

The "siege" in this siege has fallen into complete chaos, and there are still Tanirian soldiers hiding in the house to resist, while the red-eyed Veneta soldiers kill anyone they see.

Winters turned a blind eye to it all, and he and Major Moritz got separated in the melee—but that didn't matter, because he was all alone.

"It's here, my lord." The soldiers trembling with fear pointed to the residence of the old Red Illusion Island count, not even daring to look back. Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of a weapon being drawn. Jiang Bing closed his eyes subconsciously.

"get lost!"

Taniria descends soldiers, such as the amnesty, and scrambling away.

Winters slammed open the tower's wooden door, roaring the name: "William Kidd!"

The last Federation guards in the tower rushed down the stairs and were killed by Winters One knife and one result. With each kill, he loudly roared: "William Kidd!"

The roar echoed through the tower like a life-threatening spell, and the last guard was terrified by Death God-like Winters , even throwing away the weapon jumped out of the window and fled in a panic.

At the very top of the tower, he found William Kidd.

William Kidd sat in his chair, seemingly unsurprised by this moment.

Compared to the high-spirited and vigorous captain of the first meeting, William Kidd in front of him has been completely boiled down: his temples and cheeks are deeply sunken, and his eyes are tired and haggard. , the shoulders became as thin as leaves, and the originally broad wrists were only bones.

But even if only a layer of skin remained, Winters recognized the face, and he was sure it was William Kidd.

"Hey, Veneta, you won...for now." William Kidd on the chair looked very calm: "Kill me and go for the reward."

But next moment, he was picked up from his chair by Winters and threw him to the ground.

Kidd moaned in pain, and the furious Winters stepped on William Kidd's chest gnashing teeth and asked, "Do you think I care about that shit?"

End , he punched William Kidd fiercely in the face.

William Kidd was beaten with blood all over his mouth, his nose was broken, and red's fluid was flowing out of his nostrils unstoppably.

"I only ask you one thing." Winters gasped heavily, spat out a mouthful of blood, and pressed the tip of his knife against William Kidd's neck and asked: "Where is your wizard? "

"hahahaha..." At Winters' words, William Kidd let out a laugh of send cold shivers down one's spine, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

He laughed so violently that he even choked on the blood in his mouth.

He blushed and coughed, his features showing a morbid ruddy: "You...don't know anything...right...hahahahaha..."

Winters Don't talk nonsense with him, cut off William Kidd's right hand index finger with a knife: "Where is your wizard?"

"Ah!!!!!!!!" Heart, heart-piercing pain came from his hand, William Kidd screamed and wanted to cover the wound, but his arm was stomped on by Winters, causing him to roll on the spot in pain.

"Where's your wizard?"

This time, William Kidd's middle finger is separated from his right hand.

William Kidd curled up because of violent convulsions, and he couldn't even make a full scream, only a low-pitched sound came out of his throat.

"Where's your wizard?"

William Kidd lost another finger, and his consciousness had begun to blur.

"Where's your wizard?" Winters just asked repeatedly: "Where's your wizard?"


"Your wizard Where's the wizard?"

Major Moritz, who led the other survivors to the tower, was stunned by what he saw.

"Winters! What are you doing?!" Moritz strode over and dragged Winters away from William Kidd, who was already confused: "You calm me down!"

"Let me go!" Winters struggled and roared like a mad brown bear: "William Kidd knows who that magician is! He knows! He knows it! Let me go! XXX let me go!"

"Lello! Joshua! Take William Kidd away!" Moritz and Pisani couldn't hold Winters together, and immediately ordered others to take William Kidd away: " Quickly get him to stop the bleeding, Major General Serbia Ti has named him to live!"

William Kidd was quickly carried down the tower, and the Major and Pizarro held Winters tightly to prevent him from chasing him. go up.

"I'm more saddened than you are that Field died!" Moritz pressed his forehead against Winters' forehead: "But wars always kill people! Got it? Field doesn't need you to avenge him! Got it?"

It took some time before Winters recovered from his rage. He suddenly felt very tired, his strength seemed to be drained all at once, and the saber in his hand fell to the ground.

Moritz saw that Winters was no longer out of control and finally sighed in relief.

Seeing Winters' blood-stained armor and clothes, the major quickly ordered Lieutenant Pizarro and another second lieutenant to "escort" Winters to the army doctor to deal with his injuries.

Looking at the dark red blood stains on the floor of the tower, Lieutenant Kirk said to the major with lingering fears: "This little fellow... is crazy compared to normally two people! It's like... just... It's like changing a soul in the skin..."

Moritz watched Winters' back from the tower, moved towards the direction of the camp, and sighed.


Outside the officers' infirmary, Winters said to the two second lieutenants who "escorted" him: "You two Seniors, don't follow me. Rest assured, I won't. Go to William Kidd."

Pizarro watched Winters for a while, and seeing that Winters really seemed to be back to normal, he gently nodded: "Well, if you need help, just do it. Come to me."

Winters, also nodded, walked into the infirmary.

The military doctor Kane was almost frightened by Winters' appearance. Kane's assistant helped Winters to take off his breastplate, which had two terrifying depressions on the front.

Dr. Kane pointed to the two depressions and asked Winters: "How did this get done?"

"It was shot by a musket." Winters recalled the previous fierce battle. , replied: "Maybe it's far away and didn't wear it."

"Take off your clothes, I'll check it for you."

"No wear, chest The armor doesn't fit close to your body, it's fine."

"It's not as simple as you think, just because the musket doesn't penetrate your breastplate doesn't mean you're not injured." Kane insisted: "Take off your clothes, I'll check it out for you."

"Mr. Kane," Winters said wearily, "You'd better take care of my left arm first."

"Your left arm ?" Kane looked at Winters' left sleeve, which was covered in mud and blood: "What's wrong?"

"I was shot when I crossed the ditch," Winters replied casually.

"Where's the arrow?!" Kane was surprised.

"I pulled it out myself."

Kane yelled angrily: "Mr. Montagne! Are you dying?!"

"I'm not Aren't you dead?" Winters said with a chuckle, "You can wash the wound for me and then sew it up."

With that, Winters started to take off his military uniform.

"Don't move!" Kane yelled: "Don't move! I'll cut it for you with scissors! Don't move!"

Doctor Kane Going to get the scissors, Winters suddenly felt as if his internal organs were surging, his throat was straight, and then a huge force came up from the depths of his chest.

Winters retches involuntarily as he supports Kane's assistant. The violent retching made him feel as if his internal organs were displaced, but he spit out nothing.

Kane strode back to Winters, quickly cutting Winters' uniform.

The position corresponding to the two bullet marks on the breastplate was bruised like two purple flowers blooming on Winters' chest.


"I still don't understand that Tower City is a lonely city destined to fall." Antonio sat next to the dying William Kidd, his tone was like It was chatting with an old friend: "You know you will lose, why don't you surrender?"

"What about you?" William Kidd, who was unable to move even a little bit on the bed, struggled. Spit out the words: " were me...would you surrender?"

Antonio was silent.

"If I... Kaesong surrendered." William Kidd actually squeezed out a smile: "I'm afraid it's not to make you think... the islands have no one..."

"Do you have anything else to say?" Antonio stood up.

William Kidd replied not to be outdone: "Do you have any more...any questions?"

Out of the room where William Kidd was being held, Morrie Major Ci was waiting outside for Antonio.

"Have you found the magician of the Tanirians?" Antonio blunt asked.

"Sorry, Corps Head, no." Major Moritz shook the head: "The source of the captives is too complex to be effectively identified. General Layton said, otherwise just kill them all. "

"This is the last resort. Okay, let me and Leighton leave this matter, you don't have to worry about it." Antonio and Moritz walked side by side to the command, and praised: " You and your sorcerer squad did a great job, and Layton and I will take credit for you. What do you think about turning this sorcerer squad into a fixed organization?"

"It's hard to achieve." Moritz shook the head: "General, the sorcerers in the army are all officers. How can an officer be willing to be used as a soldier? There is actually a conflict between the identities of the sorcerer and the commander. Officers do not need strong personal battle strength. And the role of the sorcerer will be dragged down by the command function, maybe...the empire's method of using court mages is the right idea..."



Fifteen days after the Veneta army captured the tower city.

The door of Anna's studio in Navarre Manor was slammed open, and Elizabeth burst in energetically and bustlingly.

"What's the matter with you?" Anna looked away slightly from the canvas.

Elizabeth Seriti hugged Anna and said out of breath, "I... my brother is back!"

With a click, the drawing knife in Anna's hand fell to the ground.

"What's the matter with me when he comes back?" Anna bent down and picked up the scraper, unconsciously fiddling with the paint bottle.

Elizabeth couldn't help laughing: "Then why are you blushing?"

"Nonsense! Where am I blushing?" Anna threw away the drawing knife angrily and covered her cheeks .

"Okay then, I'm leaving!" With that said, Elizabeth got up and was about to leave.

"Wait, don't go!" Anna grabbed the corner of Elizabeth's clothes.

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth asked with a smirk.

"Don't go, Ella." Anna asked blushing, "Mr. Montagne...where is he now? Is he home?"

"No, he's back Hailan went to the Army Headquarters to report on his work first, and will go home after finishing there."


Winters, who left the Army Headquarters, said goodbye to the others and went straight home. go.

Getting used to the smell of sulfur, fishy smell and gunpowder smoke in the siege, and suddenly returning to the hustle and bustle of sea blue, Winters only felt a huge sense of alienation, as if he was from another world. The outsider who came. Everything in front of me is normal, and it seems very abnormal.

A black carriage stopped in front of the house, and Winters saw Ella's smiling face in the car window. Elizabeth waved at Winters and motioned for him to get in the car.

It wasn't until she opened the door that Winters realized that there was another person in the car—Anna.

Before Winters could react, Elizabeth had jumped off the carriage and pushed Winters into the carriage. After saying "I won't disturb you", he quickly ran into the house.

Anna was also taken aback. When she came back to his senses, she and Mr. Montagne were alone in the carriage.

Thinking of the brief reply, Anna regained her composure—it still makes her sad when she thinks of that letter. She took out the sword of honor that Winters had given her from the hidden compartment behind her, and the reason she persuaded herself to come to see Winters was to "return the sword to that bad thing".

But when she held the sword in her hand and was about to say some of the most heartless and hurtful words, she was surprised to find that the bad thing in front of her was staring at her, her eyes were red and transparent. The liquid slowly dripped from his eyes.

Is he... crying?
Anna panicked, and it took so many sleepless nights to figure out how to get revenge on this bad thing and was instantly forgotten.

Bewilderingly, she reached out to wipe his tears and subconsciously took him into her arms.

Winters just leaned against Anna's shoulder, sobbing softly. Anna didn't know what he was going through or why he was so sad, she just lightly stroked Winters' hair, over and over.

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