Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 148


Chapter 148 Departures
The roster has been sent to Gervodin. While waiting for the transfer, the Hundred Men Squad in Wolf Town started some regular training.

Subjects are Queue, Weapon Use, and March.

Winters doesn't expect to turn a farmer into a qualified warrior in a few days. But even an auxiliary soldier requires discipline and obedience to survive in the army.

This is a typical vernacular force, and Winters is organized so that every Ten Men Squad's militias come from the same village as much as possible.

Because when there was a beast disaster a while ago, all the young men in Wolf Town participated in the beast trapping team.

So in the Hundred Men Squad, who is capable, who is honest and reliable, who is willing to listen... After a beastly plague, Winters knows all about it.

The ten commanders he appointed were all candidates who could convince the public, but no militia was unconvinced.

Except Pierre Mitchell.

"Winters big brother." At the dining table at Mitchell's house, Pierre was still uneasy: "Why am I not the ten commander?"

Not waiting for Winters to answer , Gillard reprimanded with a sullen face: "You are on duty, and you need to be called a commander or Hundred-Men Commander. When I was on duty, I dared to call the commander that way, and please eat all you can with the whip."

Girard has been on fire since Pierre joined the militia.

Gillard can't beat his wife, so he can only count on his son to stick with his teeth, rather than die. But didn't expect Pierre to be a jerk in front of mother.

Old Mr. Mitchell is now pissed at the sight of Mr. Mitchell.

"What's the matter?" Pierre muttered softly.

"No, it's important to listen to your father." Mrs. Mitchell shook her son's arm and said gently, "You don't think it's a big problem, but being heard by others will make you feel bad. Undermining the prestige of M. Montagne. The lieutenant has helped you a lot, don't cause trouble to those who have helped you."

Pierre is not afraid of his father, but he is afraid of his mother. Mrs. Mitchell spoke, and Pierre was silent.

Gillard said angrily: "You brat wait. When you get to the barracks, someone like you will keep you in a good position for a few days."

Leisure time after dinner—also jokingly called "gentlemen's time" by the Mitchells' maids—men moved to the living room as usual.

With no other guests today, Girard lay comfortably in a leather chair, filling his pipe, pouring wine, and chatting casually with Winters.

There used to be no Pierre in this room, and sometimes there were priests, old Dussacks, and the manor of the estate on the other leather chairs.

But since Pierre's name was written on the roster, Mr. Mitchell Sr. acquiesced in Mr. Mitchell's entry.

Pierre held it for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back and asked, "Then why is Vasya able to be the ten commander?"

The little friend became ten Husband-in-law, you are still the main soldier, why? Why? Mr. Mitchell was full of this.

Gillard was about to get angry when Winters calmed old Dussack and explained seriously: "Because Vashka is older than you."

"Just because of this? "

"The Dussacks in the Hundred Men Squad are all young. If you're nineteen, you're also the ten commander."

Pierre was speechless After a while, he couldn't help but ask again: "When will we be able to practice firing guns?"

"What are they practicing now?" Gillard also asked the second lieutenant curiously.

"Queue, I'm going to focus on practicing marching in the next few days."

"It's just walking around the playground, it's very boring." Pierre hurriedly said: "A circle Another lap, it's like a donkey pulling a mill."

Girard reached out and hit his son on the back of the head: "Don't underestimate the march, it's a matter of knowledge. The old duke took us to a fight by marching. Another victory."

[Note: The old duke refers to the "Butcher" Duke of Arlean]
"What's the knowledge? Isn't it just walking?" Pierre covered his head, said aggrieved.

"Let you take a Hundred Men Squad and walk 60 miles a day, from Langtun to Revodan, with no one left behind. Can you do it?"

"Yes, why can't you? Just follow?"

"You can be a fart! You can't be stubborn." Girard slapped his son again angrily: "Let you lead the team. If you can't walk 30 miles away, the person at the head and the person in the back can be two kilometers away. You don't know if someone deserted halfway!"

Old Dussack looked towards Winters: "Second Lieutenant, fiercely Train him on the ground and let this kid suffer a little, otherwise not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”

“The past few days were all training in the town square.” Winters replied with a smile: “Tomorrow I'm going to take them for a walk in the wild."



The Hundred Men Squad in variously dressed wolf towns are in the wilderness with a single Marching in column.

Pierre limped forward, carrying a musket, every step was painful.

But the queue kept urging him to move forward, making him unable to rest.

In the morning, the second lieutenant handed out the weapons from the town arsenal to the militia, and Pierre thought he was going to practice firing guns today.

He rushed to the front and grabbed a matchlock gun, elated thinking he was getting a big toy.

While Pierre waited to fire the gunpowder, the second lieutenant ordered everyone to bring their weapons and follow him.

This is a whole day of walking.

I don't know when they left the road, and the team walked in the wild until they reached the Big Horn River, and then marched along the river bank.

In the beginning there were happy laughter and cheerful voices in the queue, but in the end there was only a painful silence.

Pierre can hardly even breathe now. He only feels stiff and sore muscles in his legs, and his feet, shoulders, and crotch hurt as if being rubbed by iron sand.

Having completely lost the concept of East, South, West, North, he just followed numbly.

The luckiest militiamen were given only one bow, and the unwound single bow was like a stick in the hand.

The militia who were assigned the armed sword and the long halberd had less luck, these two weapons were heavier.

The worst hapless is carrying a musket. The matchlock guns I bought from Gervodin are 16 pounds each, without a gun belt.

Pierre seemed to have a thousand weights on his shoulders, and the flesh on his shoulders was knocked unconscious.

He finally understood the faintly discernable smile on the ensign's face when he saw him rushing for the musket.

"That fellow," Pierre thought bitterly, "must be comfortable riding on his silver-gray steed, smiling and watching us suffer."

right hand Next to the surging Bighorn River, Pierre, who was on the verge of reaching the limit, had a single thought: just jump into the river, and you won't suffer such torture.

He was startled by his own thought and shook his head sharply.

There was a voice in his heart that kept tempting him: "Why do you want to blame yourself? Why don't you take a break? Take a break, you will be very comfortable. Don't worry about it. What do people think, why do they judge you?"

Finally, Pierre gave up all his self-esteem. He sat on the ground and shouted loudly as if to declare to someone: "I'm not leaving!"

The person behind him just glanced at him, and silently bypassed him and continued to follow The queue moved forward, and so did everyone.

Sitting on the ground, Pierre first felt an indescribable joy, followed by an endless sense of shame.

He lay on the ground and buried his head in the wormwood.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?" Wasika's voice.

"I can't walk," said Pierre, sniffing. He wiped his face indiscriminately, not wanting others to see that he was crying: "I don't want to go."

Washka picked up Pierre's musket: "Keep going. Persevere."

Pierre stood up on his hands, silently nodding.

Washka had Pierre's gun and his long halberd on his shoulders, Pierre limping after him, and the two rejoined the queue.

"Vasya," Pierre whispered.


“I know why you can be the ten commander.”

The loud trumpet came from the front, someone was Shouting: "Rest where you are! Rest where you are!"

Hearing the order to rest, the exhausted militiamen threw their weapons and collapsed to the ground.

Pierre hurriedly took off his boots, his feet were swollen like radishes, and a series of blisters had already appeared.

"I feel like my crotch is frayed," Vashka said with a wry smile.

Pierre didn't answer, and the area between his legs was also burning hot.

A man came from the front of the queue, and the militiamen along the way bowed their heads in salute - they really don't raise.

Walk to Vashka and Pierre Beside them, the two recognized Lieutenant Montagne.

The second lieutenant, carrying a musket, passed by the two Dussacs, and nodded gracefully to them.



Just like that, the second lieutenant moved towards the back of the queue.

"Did you see it?" Wasika stabbed Pierre with the elbow, and whispered, "With a saber and a gun, he walked like no one else."

Only then did Pierre remember: Lieutenant Winters Montagne was not riding when he set off.


For the next few days, Winters everyday all led the Hundred Men Squad through the wilds.

Most of the militiamen from peasant households have no complaints, because participating in training not only manages meals, but also gets paid.

Strictly speaking, Winters' training intensity is not high, about 15 kilometers of cross-country marching every day, only with weapons.

If it is a standing army, the field march should be at least 20 kilometers a day, or on the premise of carrying a full set of weapons and camps.

All the little Dussacs were still tortured to the point of crying, and according to Girard, Pierre even urinated blood. But this kid didn't say anything to discourage him, he went back home and fell asleep.

Pierre suffers, and the Mitchells see it in their eyes and hurt in their hearts.

But Gillard still patted his chest and said to the second lieutenant: "Fiercely drills this kid, he's mine."

Ellen Mitchell was increasingly unable to Bear with it, every bruise, redness and blister on Pierre's body was tormenting her.

Winters is surprised to see a subtle shift in the wind at the Mitchells.

Mrs. Mitchell, who advocated sending her son to the militia, now hopes to hire someone to serve Pierre, or simply let Pierre leave the militia, and then wait until she is full.

Gillard, who was originally adamantly opposed to Pierre's entry into service, is now reluctant to agree to substitute service, nor to allow Pierre to leave the militia.

The Mitchells had another big fight.

In the end, Pierre made his own decision: "Dad, Mom, stop arguing, I want to stay in the militia."


Time flies by.

On the fourth Tuesday in October, a foggy day, Winters was called in.

The militiamen gathered in the town square, and their families came to see them off.

The son leaves his parents, the husband leaves the wife, the father leaves the children, the big brother leaves the younger brother... a sad scene.

No matter how many times it went through, Winters couldn't be numb to it.

He couldn't bear to watch, and silently went to help Gillard load the car.

Newly cultivated land is sparsely populated, and most of the time along the way has to be camped in the wild. Cooking utensils and food were loaded into four double carts, and the tents were carried by the militiamen.

Gillard bought both the horse and the cart with money from the town. Girard Mitchell was not only a good mayor, but also a good man. Winters had nothing to do with him. Thanks in words.

Winters bought an extra double cart, which was only described as a second lieutenant's suitcase, but the lion cub was actually hidden inside.

Bell was no longer able to take care of the lion cub, so Winters took the cub from the hunter's wood house to the police station and fed it with boiled minced meat mixed with goat's milk.

Seeing that little fellow's body is getting bigger and bigger every day.

Winters couldn't help but seriously consider Bell's proposal: give the "white lion" to a certain Heard tribe on the prairie, and then don't have to worry about it, because the other party will definitely be happy to give the white lion to him. their khan king.

It sounds absurd at first, but when you think about it, it's possible.

Seeing the life is the death that he can't bear to see. He really can't bear to let Winters kill the little lion who will lick him intimately.

No matter how bad it is, it is also a way to take the lion to the wilderness far away from Wolf Town.

So Bell and the Cubs both appeared in the team, with Bell serving in place of Ashley Wilkes.

Unbeknownst to the little hunter, Winters returned the money from the Wilkes family in private.

It is reflected in writing that Bell is not a substitute, but a voluntary service, which can also be deducted from Dussac's first period of active service.

Ralph should also hope that his son can be accepted by the Dusa again.

No one came to escort Bell, and no one came to escort the pony Anglo, the two orphaned boys sat in the cart, silently watching the militiamen who were warm with their families in the town square.

Among the people who came to see him off, there was another person who should not have been here: Franz "Master" Schmidt.

Winters walked to the southeast corner of the town square, and in an unobtrusive corner, the hair grey-white old executioner was talking to his grandson.

The executioner's grandson wears a plain gray coat, completely different from the costumes they show on the execution ground.

The old executioner came to see his grandson Heinrich Schmidt.

Seeing the second lieutenant coming, Franz took off his hat and bowed deeply: "Thank you for giving Heinrich a chance, my lord."

"no effort at all. "

No matter how you explain it, the executioner is killing. It's a cursed profession, and "executioner's bastard" is the most vicious swear word.

People need executioners, but they also despise, spurn, and stay away from executioners.

Because there is no other profession or crowd to accept them, the executioner often becomes a family craft in the end.

Many families of executioners have been appointed executioners because of their reputation, including the Schmidt family.

Famous teacher Franz also dreams of restoring the family's reputation. If not, then at least let the descendants get rid of the fate of the executioner.

The draw at Wolftown was an opportunity, after serving as a soldier, Heinrich would have the right to first purchase new land in the Republic.

There, he may be able to remain anonymous, hide his family's past, and live the life of an ordinary farmer.

"Don't be afraid of hardship, don't be homesick..." Franz rambled.

Heinrich nodded, but the grandfather's next move got him startled.

The old executioner took out the decapitation sword from the carriage and gave it to his grandson solemnly.

"Take this." Franz said word by word: "Remember the pain this sword brought to the Schmidt family, always remember."

"Then What are you going to do, sir?" Heinrich held the big sword in a panic.

Franz sighed: "I should retire too."


"Winters big brother! The car is ready!" Shire Running to Winters, out of breath, he said, "When are you leaving?"

"Charle." Winters patted Shire's shoulder: "You have to call me Hundred-Men Commander now."

Hundred Men Squad, Wolf Town, with a full force of 80 soldiers, two gendarmes, and an officer, all counted together.

Two gendarmes, Winters assigned to Shire and Heinrich Schmidt.

The procession formed a neat two-way column, and Father Kaman presided over the departure blessing ceremony.

After the ceremony, Kaman led two horses from the back of the church yard, one saddled and the other a pack.

"How can I do without a military priest?" asked the young priest with a smile.

Rid cultivator came over from the crowd seeing off: "Kaman brother, do you want to follow?"

"I don't worry if I don't follow." Kaman's tone was like is begging for forgiveness.

"Ai, you're gone, it's no use for me to stay here." Reid sighed and said to the second lieutenant, "Boy, do you still need a scribe?"

Winters is no nonsense: "I asked Ciel to pack your luggage."

"What do I have?" The old alms-cultivator laughed heartily: "I came here with only my sleeves in the air, and naturally I left when I left. With only the wind on your sleeves."


The pony herd came running in response.

"Get Redmane ready and saddle up for the Rhett cultivator."

"You kid, I think you want me to die." The old cultivator glared at the second lieutenant : "Let me ride this old bones? You can't figure it out. Don't you have a big car? I'll go take a ride."

After finishing speaking, the old cultivator moved towards carriage gracefully.

Winters stepped on the fortune, and his eyes swept across the faces of the soldiers, the wolf town in the morning fog, the forest hidden behind the fog in the distance, the mountain range and Wannianxue.

"Let's go." He clamped his horse's rib lightly, and was the first to walk out of the town square.

Montagne Hundred Men Squad, Langtun Town, was ordered to go to Maplestone City Camp.

Reid old man who almost had a heart attack: You want me to die!
Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before;

Thanks to the book friends for the recommendation vote of Stone last night;
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(end of this chapter)

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