Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 149


Chapter 149 The Airborne Boss

It’s late December and the comfortable and cool autumn has passed Now, I don't feel warm even with two layers of clothes on.

Located at low latitudes, Paratu is only icy on the coldest days of the year, but you can occasionally see hoarfrost on the ground in the morning.

Outside Shuangqiao City, in the corner of the army camp, Bell was sitting in a daze in front of the fire.

The wood was crackling and the wind blew the outer flames from time to time, but the flames stubbornly radiated light and heat.

On a cold, wet winter day, this little flame is the only thing that keeps you warm.

Beside the bonfire is the top military tent, and Berrian came out of the tent with an iron pot.

Seeing the blacksmith coming over, Bell used a stick to make the fire more vigorous. Berian put the pot on the fire and turned back to the tent.

At the edge of the tent, Anglo was humming an out-of-tune ditty, happily brushing a reddish-brown horse.

"Second lieutenant doesn't usually ride Lezhik, why are you so diligent in brushing?" Bell picked up a stone and threw it at the stableman: "If you have spare time, come to help the blacksmith and me get food. !"

Anglo turned a deaf ear, still busy around the horse. Redmane snores comfortably with the sound of the brush "sha sha".

The shepherd now only sees horses and ignores people at all.

On the other hand, another person by the fire crawled out of the blanket.

"It's ready?" Pierre, who was half asleep, stretched his waist and asked tiredly, "I think I heard something to eat?"

"Yes There's food, but it's in an hour." Bell said, leaning on the Fire Burning Stick, "If you two would help, we'd be able to eat earlier."

"That's fine." Pierre burrowed into the blanket: "Call me in an hour."


"Let the stableman help you, I was on the night watch last night. It's gone."

"Then can you go back to sleep in the tent? Don't get in the way."

"It's colder in the tent than outside, with the sun and fire outside." Pi El's consciousness gradually blurred: "I'm not you, I can hug the lion for warmth."

Bell was speechless.


The little hunter may be able to hide from others, but he cannot hide from his comrades who share a wok and a tent.

The news spreads quickly in the barracks that the militiamen of the Hundred Men Squad in Wolftown now know that the second lieutenant has a pet.

But most people thought it was a rare hound, only Pierre knew that it was a lion.

Berrion, Pierre, Anglo and Bell are all in the Ten Men Squad in Wasica, where all but the Blacksmiths are Dussacs.

Because he often has to take the lion cubs out into the wild, the little hunter's secret is soon discovered by several others in the Ten Men Squad.

Although others startled when they first learned about the matter, they chose to hide it for Bell in the end without exception.

Firstly, it is because of the friendship of "brother", and secondly, the little lion is now about the size of a large dog, and it is still in the period of cuteness rather than terrifying.

Because they shared the same secret, the relationship between them became even closer.

There is of course another potential reason: the cubs were kept in officers' tents, and the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander was clearly in the background, and no one wanted to be uncomfortable with their immediate superiors.

In fact, Winters also had his own considerations for incorporating several people into a "group".

[Note: Because the Ten Men Squad share a tent, they are also called "partners" or "tents"]
Pierre and the pony are the best friends of the little hunter, Vashi Card and the other three Dussacs were again Pierre's friends. As for Bellion, the blacksmith is usually a taciturn and the most impossible leaker.

Those who knew the inside story kept their mouths shut, while others increasingly distorted the truth, and the news eventually became "the second lieutenant raised a dog".


Anglo took care of the red bristles and pulled out the bristles of forcing.

The pony was reluctant to keep two good horses in the stables of the large camp, so he built a stable on the edge of the camp.

The water in the pot was already boiling, and Berian took out the wheat flour, meat, and a few wild vegetables from the tent, and started the soup.

The sun is at its highest and it's the warmest part of a winter day.

Other soldiers and civilians in the barracks were busy getting food to eat while the sun was shining.

The hunter Bell brings back a few rabbits and pheasants from time to time from the woods, and the blacksmith Bellion is very good at cooking, so Wasika's Ten Men Squad's meal is pretty good.

Other people's meals are good or bad, depending to a large extent on the level of the soldiers in charge.


Shuangqiao Camp is divided into Hundred Men Squad, and the tents of Ten Men Squad in Wasika are surrounded by the army tents of Wolf Town people. Next to the wolf town people are the black liquid town people, and then the Sanke town people.

Auxiliaries from various sub-towns in the New Reclaimed Province camped in the open space on the east wing of the barracks, and they were now nominally affiliated with the New Reclaimed First Auxiliary Legion.

Most of the wooden houses in the west wing of the main camp were empty, where the standing army camp was located.

Although there are not many army soldiers standing in the camp now, the auxiliary soldiers are not qualified to live in the prefabricated houses and can only sleep in tents.

In the center of the camp, the most heavily guarded place, there are mountains of ordnance and provisions.

Shuangqiao Camp is close to the border and is the largest storage area for the Parato Army.

A network of blood vessels brought war supplies here from every city, town, and village of the Republic.

All cargo teams that deliver supplies to the troops in the front must start from the Shuangqiao Camp.

The Hundred Men Squad in Wolf Town is currently stationed at Shuangqiao Camp, responsible for loading and unloading operations.


Boil water, wheat flour, vegetables, meat, sprinkle with a little salt and spices, and cook it into a pot of fragrant noodle soup.

Smell the fragrance, Pierre climbed up, and Anglo also led the fortune back to the stable.

Belle, Berrian, Pierre and Anglo sat around the fire. Berian, as usual, always gave others the first.

Pierre took the wooden bowl out of his bag, wiped his clothes, and handed it to the blacksmith.

Mr. Mitchell looked all around sleepily, yawned, and asked, "Where are the four of them?"

"Going to play." The blacksmith's answer was concise.

"Aren't you coming back yet?"

"Just gone in the morning."

Berrian handed Pierre the bowl of pasta soup, Pierre El took the soup bowl and stared blankly at the fire.

After a while, he lamented: "It's the militia, what's the difference between us and the miners?"

"Of course there is a difference, the miners have money, but you don't. Take it." Bell said without looking up.

Angelo next to him snorted the noodle soup.

Imperial Calendar On October 27, 558, Montagne Hundred Men Squad arrived in Maplestone.

After picking up the weapons at Legion Camp, Hundred Men Squad went to Hosenberg to escort the baggage.

It wasn't just the weapons that were handed out, Legion also assigned twice as many laborers to the Hundred Men Squad.

Gillard, who is experienced in pumping, is right, he is called a militiaman, which is actually a civilian man with a weapon.

Lieutenant Winters ·Montagne had eighty militiamen and one hundred and sixty men in name, but in reality two hundred and forty laborers.

For nearly two months after that, Winters led his men to travel around the territory of the Republic of Palato, escorting, loading and unloading, building camps, and repairing roads...

The country of galloping horses The Hundred Men Squad has been fighting, but basically it has nothing to do with the Hundred Men Squad in Wolf Town.

In mid-October, when the Paratus 6th and Seventh Army regiments crossed the Boundary River, Wolftown hadn't had a shot yet.

The Hundred Men Squad were driving their carts down the country roads when the follow-up troops moved towards the territory of the Heard tribes.

For the people of Wolftown, "war" is nothing but hard physical labor, good news chanted on the streets, and the occasional message from other soldiers.

Pierre and other young Dussacs sighed, for them the war was originally a saber hanging on the wall, an adventure story told by their parents, and Uncle's drunken boast.

They all still have some dreams of making achievements and heroism. As a result, I have been working as a poor for two months, and I have only done physical labor for two months.

But not having to take risks in combat, Winters is happy. In the military camps such as Maplestone Camp and Shuangqiao Camp, he also unexpectedly reunited with many classmates.

Before, Lieutenant Veneta was scattered all over Palatu and rarely met. Now that the army is recruiting militias from all over the country, everyone has the opportunity to leave the station and encounter them on the road or in the military camp from time to time.

The few months in Palato have been difficult for Ensign Venetta, and they have endless things to say to each other.

After inquiring, Winters got bad news: Lieutenant Veneta never saw Gold, nor did he receive the gold coin that Torgold sent him.

The pirate chief was greedy for money and stole the money?
Impossible, if this is the case, it is impossible for Charr to survive to Wolf Town. The only possibility was that Gold had an accident.

There was no other way, so Winters had no choice but to write to Gillard for help, hoping that Gillard could help inquire through the relationship of Major Ronald in the county station, but there is no reply yet.

By mid-December, the collection of materials in the Land of Galloping Horses has come to an end.

The grain, ordnance and ammunition of the piles of mountains are stored in the double bridge camp. The Palatu army is not short of materials now, but it lacks the ability to transport the baggage to the front line.

So starting from mid-December, auxiliary troops from all over the country have been concentrating on the Shuangqiao Camp.

It has been over a week since the Montagne Hundred Men Squad arrived at Camp Double Bridge.


Depression is depression, but you still have to eat.

A pot of noodle soup was eaten cleanly by four people.

Anglo scraped the bottom of the pot with a spoon, tsk tsk praised: "Blacksmith, why are your things so delicious?"

Berian was laughed and didn't speak.

Pierre hiccupped and asked casually, "Will you be on duty this afternoon?"

"No, it's Little Rock's turn today."

"Then we can play dice?"

"I can't." Anglo replied while eating: "I'm going to take Ryzhik out for a run in the afternoon."

" What about you?" Pierre looked towards Hunter.

Bell shook the head: "I have something to do too."

Pierre looked towards the blacksmith again, who didn't even need to ask.

Mr. Mitchell got back into the blanket again: "Then I'd better go to sleep."

Several people were chatting, one with a saber in his left hand and a luggage on his right shoulder. The man walked into the wolf town camp.

The man stopped a wolf town militiaman and asked casually: "This is the Montagne Hundred Men Squad?"

The number is rarely used in the army, and it is customary to use the commander's name Call a unit by name. Such as Montagne Hundred Men Squad, Contell battallion and so on. But for the militia, they prefer to call someone from the town of so-and-so.

The wolf town militiaman who was stopped was stunned for a moment, and nodded answered yes.

“Where are Bud Hundred Men Squad and Cellini Hundred Men Squad?”

Wolf Town Militia asked in confusion: “What Bud Hundred Men Squad and Chellini Hundred Men Squad?”

Liny Hundred Men Squad?"

"He's asking about the people from St. Kerk and Black Liquid." Pierre heard the conversation and crawled out of the blanket: "It's over there, Lieutenant Cellini's people over there, and Lieutenant Bud's people over there."

Pierre pointed at him, his eyes involuntarily attracted to the man in front of him.

This is a tall, strong man in an old cavalry uniform. The outline of the lower jaw is covered by a thick beard, and the high nose bridge divides the facial features in half.

Anyone will never forget this face because a black patch covers the man's left eye - he is a one-eyed person.

But when he looked towards a person with his only left eye, the oppression was stronger than the combination of the other's two eyes.

“Where is Lieutenant Montagne now?”

“Should be in the officers’ quarters.” Pierre asked as politely as possible: “Who are you?”

The one-eyed person man didn't answer, but said coldly, "Tell Lieutenant Montagne, Lieutenant Cellini, and Lieutenant Bud to come and see me."

"Who are you? ' asked Pierre Brace oneself again.

"I'm John Jessica." The one-eyed person man seemed to smile, throwing the bag on his shoulders to the ground. He stared at Pierre and said, "I am your Lieutenant Colonel Great Captain."


When Pierre found Winters, the three Hundred-Men Commanders Was having lunch with Karman priest and Rhett cultivator.

I heard that someone claimed to be Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, Winters, Andre and Bud dropped the cutlery and went to the Wolftown camp.

Auxiliary Legion Although it is an auxiliary Legion, it also has a complete organization, and there is a battallion command layer between Legion and Hundred Men Squad.

Montagne Hundred Men Squad is nominally 1st Auxiliary Legion, 3rd battallion, 1st Hundred Men Squad, and Andre and Bard conduct 2nd and 3rd Hundred Men Squad.

There are only three Hundred Men Squads in the whole third battallion at present, which can be regarded as half-edited.

The previous missions were based on the Hundred Men Squad, so there was no battallion commander, and Winters took orders directly from the Palatine Army Logistics.

It wasn't until yesterday that the Winters were informed that Lieutenant Colonel Jan Jesska had been appointed as the 3rd Battallion Commander and was due to take up his post soon.

A few people were just chatting at the dinner table, guessing where the Great Captain came from, but didn't expect the "Lieutenant Colonel Jessica" to come so quickly.

The three had just arrived at the Hundred Men Squad camp in Wolf Town, when they learned that the lieutenant colonel had gone to Legion headquarters. The three Hundred-Men Commanders who had just trotted over from the officers' quarters in the center of the camp had no choice but to turn back.

Eventually, they meet the one-eyed lieutenant colonel at the Legion archives.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel stood in front of the desk of the chief archive officer [Carl Heinrich Angus], with a saber and a rucksack on the colonel's desk.

And Lieutenant Colonel Jesska himself was looking at a file with his only right eye left.

Seeing the three second lieutenants knocking on the door and entering the room, Colonel Angus found a reason to walk away, leaving Jesska and his three subordinates alone.

"You three." The one-eyed lieutenant colonel leaned on the desk and asked in a bad tone, "How come you have been reduced to commanding the militia?"

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