Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 167


Chapter 167
The scout followed Heard's army all the way to the Netherworld River, bringing back bad news and Good news.

The bad news is that the pontoon has burned down.

The beach is littered with charred boat wrecks. The Hexi camp was also burned, and no survivors were found.

All wounded soldiers, merchants, Colin Hundred Men Squad left in the battalion were killed. Even those who returned to Palato might not be spared.

The good news is that there are indications that all the enemies have crossed the river, and the baggage team is temporarily safe. this really good news?

The old marshal once said that "the most difficult thing in war is to guess the enemy's intentions".

A battle-hardened veteran may easily and clearly understand the barbarian's intentions, but not just anyone has this ability.

As the enemy dropped the pawn, Winters gradually outlined the whole picture: From beginning to end, the Hurds' goal was the pontoon, and they wanted to bring the war back to Plato.


When the war begins, the most important thing is how to end it.

Plateau wants to end the war, the key is not to conquer the city.

The wealth of the farming peoples was concentrated in the cities, but the Hurds lived as nomads and had no city for the Palatine army to attack.

Killing and wounding soldiers, kidnapping people, plundering livestock, and beating Hart barbarians to pain, crying, and subduing them are the goals of the Paratus people.

As long as the Hurds admit defeat and move west, the war will end immediately.

And instead of fighting all the Hurds, Plato fought only the most recent one at a time.

Sometimes they even take advantage of the contradictions between the ministries to hire the Hurds to fight the Hurds.

Although the Palatine people are reluctant to admit that their ancestors were of the Heder branch, there is no doubt that the war pattern on both sides is full of shadows of nomads.

In the past 30 years, the Hurds have been in a mess.

The tribes often retreated far away in every war, with the preservation of their strength as the first priority.

At most, a small number of light cavalry will be dispatched to harass the supply line, waiting for the Paratus to be unable to consume the natural retreat.

After all, the Paratus come and go, and the other tribes on wasteland are the real enemies.

Therefore, including Winters, everyone thought that the first centurion they encountered was the vanguard, and Alaric's troops, who were chasing after the next day, were the main force.

However, in fact, the Hurds dispatched a real army this time, at least half a Naiman [Wanfu Team].

The Alaric Millennium Team, who fought with the Platoons to murky heavens dark earth, is the real outpost.


The worst estimate of the officers before was that they were cut off by the Hurds.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer nearly fainted when he learned that thousands of Heard cavalry had crossed the Netherworld River eastward.

What's east of the Netherworld River? It is a no-man's-land that is 100 kilometers wide. However, after more than 100 kilometers, it is the mainland of Palatu.

The Hurds... moved towards Palatu, and no one can stop them.

Thirty years later, the iron hoofs of Heard's raiders will once again set foot on the land of Plato.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer immediately dispatched signal troops to the front and rear.

However, the pontoon bridge was destroyed, and the signal soldiers had to go upstream and make a detour to cross the river. It was too late.

The news was so shocking that the Palatine people in the team were a little dazed, and even Winters felt dizzy at first hearing it.

The Palatians have been victorious for so long that they have forgotten that the Hudds have teeth too.

The last time the Hurds got into Palatu, Jesska was just a toddler, and most of the camp wasn't even born.

For the past thirty years, Plato has maintained absolute repression of the Herd tribes.

The Paratus throws a fist, the Heard backs up, the Paratus throws another punch, and the Heard backs away.

Victory after victory, the Paratus built up the confidence of invincibility.

Winters saw that in the chariots, behind the camp walls, no matter how dire the battle, the Paratus never doubted the final victory of the war.

Now, Winters is seeing that confidence begin to crumble.

More than one ten commander ran up to him, asking implicitly or bluntly if he wanted to withdraw Plato.

But Winters has no decision-making power in this matter.


The platoon of the cavalry and the officers of the baggage unit had an urgent meeting to discuss the next course of action.

The atmosphere of the meeting was solemn, and the officers remained silent.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lieutenant Colonel Custer was furious: "You're all dumb? Start with the lowest rank, one by one!"

There was another silence, Winters Standing up, there was probably no one lower in rank than him.

"Okay, it starts with you!" Custer slapped the table: "And then the one on your right hand."

Andre suddenly turned into a bitter face.

"I think." Winters was as succinct as possible: "Should go west and find the big army."

The air suddenly cooled.

"Why?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's eyelids jumped.

"The pontoon bridge is destroyed, and there are only two ways to cross the river. Either go upstream or build a boat to cross the river. The detour is too far and the boat building takes time. We don't know how many Heards are still wandering around here, It's safer to go to the big army."

"How do you know the big army is not defeated?"

"Because the enemy crossing the river is still wearing a leather jacket." Winters replied: "The Hurds don't waste anything. If the army in front has been defeated, they must have more than those tatters."

"That's right!" Custer immediately agreed: "Where did the Hurds come from? The ability to eat 20,000 troops? It must be the sword moves with side stroke, making a dangerous move, the battle is not lost!"

Others present looked towards Jieska, if he If you hold the same opinion, there is no need for further discussion.

"You hit you, I hit me." The one-eyed lieutenant colonel suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head: "This is the old marshal's strategy, when did the Hurds learn it?"


After the tone was set, the officers discussed and decided to leave immediately, and at the same time sent a ranger to gather the other three platoons of the Custer regiment.

Because most of the supply camps along the route were looted, Custer's cavalry would follow the baggage team to obtain supplies and provide protection.

The merchants on the team were frightened and wanted to go home, but they couldn't help it now.

The two lieutenant colonels were worried that the traders who left the team would reveal the track of the baggage team, so they forced the traders' carts and beasts to be conscripted, and they were also incorporated into the militia.

Unconsciously, the mentality of the Platonic people has quietly changed.

Before encountering Heard's army, the Paratus saw the supply lines as the rear, with only occasional harassment.

Everything is different now. It seems that it is still the vast wasteland, but there are hidden murderous intentions in the eyes of everyone who has started anew. Behind every hillside, there seems to be an ambush of the Hurds.

The cargo team changed its route, and Custer threw the scout 20 kilometers away. Everyone was nervous, and they didn't even dare to start a fire during the day-because the smoke from the wasteland was too conspicuous.

Soldiers and husbands, regardless of division, can only cook with earthen stoves after dark.

But the advantages of the iron furnace built by Berrian are revealed.

The iron stove has no open flame, it is concealed and safe, and will not leave a stove pit. Because it consumes less fuel, the smoke is also very small.

The more senior the officer, the more wonderful this iron furnace is.

For a starving, cold, and tired soldier, nothing boosts morale more than a bowl of hot soup.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer checked the iron furnace inside and out, and tsk tsk was amazed.

"Are you a blacksmith?" Lieutenant Colonel asked Berrian suddenly.

"Apprenticeship for two years."

"Not married?"

"My lord, no."

"Come to me That's it." Caster generously recruited Berrian: "I'll make it for you as a sergeant, and I'll guarantee you three years to save a wife's book." His walls are still so generous.

The meaning of a sergeant in the Republics varies slightly. In Veneta, sergeant is the name given to the ten commander.

But in Palato, the sergeant is an excellent position between the Ten Commander and the Hundred-Men Commander. Senior sergeants are paid even more than junior officers.

Hearing Custer's words, Winters was a little nervous. He really couldn't bear to be such a good cook.

Berrion was stunned for a moment, then replied dumbly: "Thanks to the love of the adults, I still have a younger brother at home, and I can't let him go."

Lieutenant Colonel Custer lightly snorted , he personally recruited to give enough face, impossible to say more.

Before leaving, Custer turned his head and asked, "Does this stove have any name?"

"Yes, it's called the Sawyer stove." Berrian's eyes were a little red: "It was designed by my father."

That night, the blacksmith Bellion took over the Fire Burning Stick from the second lieutenant, and was honorably promoted to a full-time cook in the cavalry regiment and baggage corps officers' cafeteria. liberate.

He was immediately the most heavily guarded man in the team, even safer than the two captains.


After three days of cautious marching, the reconnaissance cavalry that went out was confronted by friendly scouts.

Behind the friendly scouts were forty platoons of cavalry, more than five thousand light and heavy cavalry.

Afterwards, Major General Arpad brought his personal guards to the baggage team and asked the two lieutenant colonels for information.

The movements of the battallion Heds and horses were impossible, and the Palatine army, who sensed the enemy's movement, immediately dispatched all cavalry to pursue it.

It was still too late, and it took three days for Heard to cross the Netherworld River before the pursuers finally arrived.

Learning that the pontoon bridge had been burned down by the Hurds, Major General Arpad was furious.

After further learning that the Hurd Marauders crossed the Netherworld River eastward and went straight to Palatu, Major General Arpad was almost killed on the spot.

Arpad, who had gray temples, scolded the two lieutenant colonels bloody. If the anger had temperature, Jessica and Custer would have been roasted to the point of burnt.

But the bridge has been destroyed and it is too late to say anything.

Alpad could only reunite with the infantry force before making plans.

As Jesska and Custer were scolded by the Major General, their subordinates stood at attention behind them.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was humiliated, which made Winters a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help but say to others: "It's clear that we didn't stop the Hurds in front of us, but we were scolded hard!"


"That's not the case." Cavalry lieutenant Kossuth waved his hand.

Having been stirring spoons in the same pot for days, the lieutenants of the cavalry regiment had become familiar with the Winters.

"What's the matter?"

"Major Alpad has already defeated three Hurd Thousands teams on the way, otherwise it wouldn't have come so late." Kosu Lieutenant Te explained in a low voice, he added: "I heard what the first regiment said."

Winters' pupils dilated suddenly: "There are also three defeated thousands of troops, plus those who crossed the river. Hurd, that doesn't mean..."

"That's right." Kossuth wiped the sweat from his forehead: "A savage, solid Wanfu team."

"Thousands of cavalry! How could they hide on wasteland?"

"Is there any need to say that?


The impatient Major General Arpad left behind the sluggish baggage team and led the cavalry to join the large army first.

After another fourteen days of difficult trek, the Jesska baggage team finally arrived at its destination.

The sun sets in the west, and the red glow covers the sky.

Winters trotted up the hill with his strong fork, with Camp Palatine in plain sight.

It was only now that I finally understood why this battle had dragged on for so long.

Just in front of Palatu's camp, a dirt city stands quietly on wasteland.

Hard barbarians... built a city.

Weekend! My motherboard is coming back soon too! Good things come in pairs.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, especially the book friends who voted for the recommendation in the past two days! than heart!
Thanks to the book friends Mr. Hei Cha and Soda Bird for the reward, thank you, I am really flattered, a kind of gratitude mixed with regret and shame;
Thank you book friends for seeing my ID, learning is really good Goblin, Family Tree, Evil Teddy Super Fierce, Struggling for Chang'an Flower, Book Friend 20180830192648978, Three Points Blue, Moon City Snow Rabbit I, Soda Bird, 92 Sauce Mengmeng, Cute and Charming Villain Monthly Pass , thank you all;
Thanks again to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation in the past two days, thank you all.

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