Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 168


Chapter 168
Mountains and rivers alternate, either evil or danger.

Two fast-flowing rivers like silver snakes merge into one, and the earth city of the Hurds is built on the high ground where the two rivers meet.

Legion sent Major Bello from the Intelligence Unit to lead the officers to watch the enemy when the baggage team arrived at the camp.

Bello led the crowd to stay cautiously half a kilometer away from the city wall.

The Tucheng in the distance looks no different from an ordinary walled city, except that it is a little rudimentary.

The terrain of Tucheng is higher than that of all around. Outsiders can't spy on the movement of the city. They can only see silhouettes walking on the city wall.

Cooking smoke curled up over the city, and it seemed that a fire was being made to make rice.

Major Bello pointed at the city wall with his whip: "Gentlemen, that's 'Bian Li'."

"Bian Li? What's wrong?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked.

"The barbarians are called like this, it is said that it means the meeting of two waters." Bello explained: "In our words, it should be called Convergence City."

"Look here. I don't know." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska raised his whip: "Come closer."

Major Bello hurriedly stopped him: "Squad leader! No way!"

"Come closer and see Can't you?"

"The barbarians in the city have artillery!"

"The artillery?"

Bello said with a bitter smile: "The barbarians shouldn't have this ability yet. It is presumed that someone smuggled it to them."

"How many Hurd defenders are there in the city?" Lieutenant Colonel Ka lightly pulled on the reins.

"A lot, but I don't know how much." Bello sighed, and replied: "Within a few hundred miles, all the people who didn't flee west ran into Bianli City."

"How long have you been besieging the city?"

"About a month and a half."

"More than a month? Haven't the Hurds starved to death yet?"

" I'm also surprised." Major Bello spread his hands: "Maybe the barbarians have already run out of food, and the smoke is just confusing us." Building a city and holding on, can’t it hold food for two months?”

Andre, Mason and the others pricked up their ears, and they had the same question.

Major Bello heard this without answering directly. Instead, he frowned and looked towards the second lieutenant, as if asking, "Don't you understand?"

Jesska sneered and swayed. He waved his hand: "He's from Veneta."

"Oh, so that's the case." Bello laughed heartily, and his brows suddenly stretched.

Winters and Andre got angry, and Lieutenant Mason was embarrassed.

Bud said before the others: "Your Excellency Major, we really don't understand, please enlighten me."

"The Hurds mainly drink milk and eat meat." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska said, "They have almost no ability to resist risks. That's why in the past, when the Hurds suffered disasters, they went to Palatu to loot."

Bello The major explained the logic to the Winters: the Palatians could survive on food, but the Hurds couldn't.

Different from the Barbarian Race's impression of "devour raw meat and fowl, drinking and eating meat", the Hurd people mainly live on milk, supplemented by wild vegetables and wild wheat sown on the nomadic way. The herdsmen seldom even eat meat.

Therefore, the Hurds can't hold on to the city. If they choose to stay in the city, the livestock that have nowhere to find food will only starve to death faster than people.

Without livestock, the Hurds may be able to last a while by eating meat at first, and when the carcasses of the livestock are also eaten up, they can only eat people.

And if they feed on animal meat, even if they can persist until the Paratus retreat, the Heds will be strong great injury.

This is also the reason why, seeing the Hurds building a city and holding on, the Paratus expedition not only were not in a hurry, but rather slowly besieged and fought a war of attrition—even if the supply line of the Paratus was long, it would still be difficult. It must be the Hurds who couldn't hold it first.

But now that thousands of Heard Marauders are crossing the Netherworld River east, the tide is turning.


After the news of Heard's army crossing the river reached the siege camp, the leadership of the Palatine army immediately fell into a state of division.

The officers supporting the withdrawal surround Brigadier General Sackler.

The withdrawal faction believes that the top priority is to return to Paratus. The two standing Legions were dispatched, and at this moment, no field troops in Palatu could meet the thousands of Heard cavalry.

The officers felt heartbroken when they thought that the brutal Hurd army was burning, killing and looting in Palatu at the moment.

Brigadier General Sackler's voice was deafening: "Are you going to let the barbarians loot Palatu?! Can more land make up for Palatu's loss? If you don't come back, the barbarians will We've entered the castles!"

The other faction, led by Major General Arpad, advocated continuing the siege and even launched a storm on Bianli City immediately.

"If you withdraw troops now, you will fall short!" Major General Arpad gnashing teeth: "The barbarians will soon be unable to hold on! The barbarians stab us, and we have to stab us back! How can we withdraw now? Now withdraw our troops. It's too late! Attack the city! If the barbarians kill one Paratus, we will kill ten barbarians!"

Most of the high-level officers believed that the siege should continue.

Support for the withdrawal is mainly from majors and below, who are lower in rank but have broader support.

The two factions have been arguing ever since the bad news came from the signal soldiers.

General Janos, who was in command of the entire army, was also slow to make a decision.

Until the arrival of the Jesska cargo team, the Paratus people were still at a stalemate with the Hurds, and the army became more and more restless.

Winters doesn't have much realism about the collision of great characters sparks flying in all directions. He was just a little second lieutenant, not qualified to participate in the line debate.

However, he was promoted.



The sky was blue in the morning.

The ground is covered with hoarfrost, and the field is white from a distance.

Wasteland is entering the depths of winter, which is the most bitter and cold time of the year.

So in the carriage escorted by the battallion, there are several vehicles carrying eiderdown quilts and wool coats specially designed for high-ranking officers.

Winters finally understood why the wooden boxes were all nailed to the ground, with "No Unauthorized Opening" seals on the inside and outside.

There are also "munitions" such as jam, tobacco, white flour, wine, etc., which, like grain and gunpowder, take up valuable transportation thousands of miles from Palato to this wasteland.

Learning that it was these things that were desperately saved, Winters regretted from the bottom of his heart that he didn't let Heard Barbarians set the carriage on fire.

Now in front of Lieutenant Montagne, the myriad-clad militiamen stood in a loose line, waiting to be reviewed by the new commander.

Many militiamen, wrapped in fur robes plucked from the corpses of the Hurds, looked completely unrecognizable as Palatines.

The weather was so cold that the militiamen who lacked warm clothes had to wear what to wear.

It was a pleasant autumn day when they set off from home, and no one thought the battle would drag on to this day.

The number of people was counted, and as usual, the officer said a few words.

Winters looked at the shivering militiamen and said, "Your predecessor, Lt. Marcello, the Hundred-Men Commander, was my friend."

Referring to the fallen horse Chelo, absolute silence on the small playground, everyone's eyes became even darker.

Some of the militia teams that were missing in previous operations were given to Jieska battallion, and the merchants who accompanied the army were also recruited into the army, and they were also incorporated into the militia order.

Now Jesska battallion is not only restored to full, but even strengthened.

Due to the lack of officers in the militia, Winters was promoted to "Two Hundred-Men Commander" and led two reorganized Hundred Men Squads.

It was an old problem for Winters: there was no redundancy in the chain of command, and no one could take over if the Hundred-Men Commander was killed.

After a moment of silence, Winters spoke again: "Trust me, I will never abandon you."

looked at each other in blank dismay, and the response was mediocre.

"I'm done." Winters understands that empty words are useless: "Besides, we have stewed pork with sauce for lunch today."


It is rare to find a large area on wasteland. The forest, with only scattered small patches of woods and bushes, is mostly meadows.

The trees near Bianli City were cut down by the Hurds early on.

This resulted in a desperate lack of firewood for the Paratus, and even had to dig up the roots of the trees that the Hudds had cut down.

The militiamen were given very little fuel for heating, and they have been eating dry bread and drinking cold water since entering the camp.

Many people drool even just hearing the word "pork stew".

It wasn't until noon that the military police came carrying iron pots, and everyone really believed that what Montagne Hundred-Men Commander said was true.

Smelling the aroma of the stew, some militiamen began to cry silently.

A bowl of hot soup, a piece of pork, and a piece of bread, in this cold winter, there is nothing else to ask for.

After taking his share, Ish, a militiaman from Ganshui Town, found a sheltered place nearby and began to enjoy this precious meal.

He first took a small bite of the broth. The hot soup flowed down his esophagus into his stomach, making his whole body warm.

It wasn't until then that Ish was really sure he wasn't dreaming.

He did not drink any more, but began to cautiously break the bread into the soup.

The fellow beside me felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that the meat is not very fat, otherwise it is really beautiful."

A stranger in front of the wolf town militia heard this and turned with a sneer. He turned around and said, "It's good to eat some. Do you know how many miles this pig has traveled? Without the blood wolf, you can't even eat pig hair, so what are you complaining about?"

"Who is the blood wolf? ?"

"The blood wolf is Lord Montagne, I tell you, at the time of our wolf village..." The wolf town militiamen talked about their happiness, and added fuel to the excitement of what they had seen and heard. .

The wolf town militia had seen the bodies of two ominous beasts. He told stories based on other people's stories mixed with imagination, as if he was at the scene when the blood wolf was tearing the giant lion. The villagers exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that Chief Montagne would be like this..." Ish's fellow villagers couldn't come up with a suitable adjective after thinking for a long time. The commander's subordinates are good enough."

"Hey, where is it." The wolf town militiaman blushed slightly, whether it was too cold or something else.

He suddenly came to the side of his fellow Ish, and said mysteriously, "I tell you, don't tell anyone, I heard that when Lord Montagne was on an island on the other side of the sea... ..."

This time, the story went from half true half false to pure hearsay.

Ish sipped the broth and listened quietly.


Winters didn't know that he was murdered yet. He was dividing the flesh of his militia with his own hands. Watching everyone gorge oneself, he was filled with pride.

The pigs were obtained from Lieutenant Mason. Mason took more than 400 pigs from the ranch and went all the way, all the way to die, all the way to eat.

By the end, less than half of the pigs made it to the front camp alive, but they were still overfulfilled.

It's a pity that these pigs have traveled hundreds of kilometers to develop a whole body of tendon meat. They are strong like wild boars, and they are not very fat.

While the Hundred Men Squad of Winters are feasting, another group is deciding their fate.

Brigadier General Sackler could no longer endure the endless arguments, and led his men into General Janosh's tent.

He made up his mind and must ask for an explanation. Either fight or withdraw, it must not be exhausted any longer.

But after breaking into the tent, Sackler saw the dying General Janos.

From the meaning of the story, the next form of Bloody Montagne should be the wolf-blooded Montagne, the wolf-blooded-Montagne, which is similar to the "wolf-kissed" form.

But for the sake of clarity, it's better to call the blood wolf XD. It's a nickname anyway.

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