Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 169


Chapter 169 Enlarged Meeting
The steely General Janos is gone, the voice is like a bell , the tough guy who stride proudly ahead is gone, and there is only an angry old man on the army couch.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Brigadier General Sackler was speechless.

After hearing the news, Major General Arpad stepped on Sackler's footsteps and rushed into the tent, but he couldn't hide it.

"What's going on?" Sackler's lips quivered.

"Typhoid fever first." Alpad walked over to the bed, tucked the old man into the quilt, and whispered, "Then the stroke."

Sackler rushed to Alpad Pad, fiercely grabbed the other's collar, and his rage had made him lose his mind: "You are so bold! You dare to isolate the inside and outside! You... You dare to hide it! You! What are you trying to do?"

Arpad was so offended by Junior Brother, but not in the slightest angry, he looked at Sackler silently.

Compared to General Yanosh's loss of command ability, Arpad's reckless behavior made Sackler surprised and angry, which was no different from mutiny.

Sackler's chest heaved violently: "If you hide it for one more day, you will be surrounded by one more day? What do you want to do next? Can't hide what you want to do that day? Kill us all? Talk!"

"Have you finished getting angry? Then listen to me." Arpad took the opponent's hand away from his collar: "Once the news of General Yanosh's stroke spreads, the military's morale will definitely be shaken. It will only give the savage chief [Yasin] an opportunity."

"Shut up!" Sackler was furious: "The general is seriously ill, we should retreat immediately! You concealed the news just to put this The battle goes on! It's just to get another star! You put the safety of the army at risk for your own selfish desires, Arpad Duyoom! I'm at odds with you!"

Alpa Major General De sneered disdainfully, he dragged a bench, remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, sat down, and asked, "Do you think I am here for power? Status? General?"

Plug Koehler didn't say a word, his eyes almost bursting with anger were the answer.

Alpad patted the dust on his breeches and said casually: "As long as you support me, I will apply for retirement after this battle and go home to raise horses and grow flowers."

Reply Major General's only coldly snorted emanating from the deep nasal cavity.

The other party obviously didn't believe it, but Alpad didn't bother to swear any more. He stared at Sackler and asked word by word, "Do you know why we're here?"

Sackler was taken aback, his anger subsided a little, but he still didn't speak.

"I tell you, this battle is not about land, slave, money, power--it has nothing to do with those!" Arpadyan pointed to the direction of the city of Hede: "We are here Hit this city!"

Alpad paused for a while and continued: "The man who built this city, when he rode an old horse for me as a scout eighteen years ago, I have already noticed him. Fifteen years ago, when he was only fifty households, I had put him on the list. Over the years, I watched him roll on the grassland like an avalanche, even at night If you dream, you will wake up."

Sekler didn't expect that the other party would say such a thing, and was suppressed by the imposing manner of the major general for a while.

"The Republic is now a drunkard sleeping on a pyre." Arpad gnashing teeth: "I don't care about the generals! I am here to shovel the Chihe Department! I am in Put out the fire for the Republic! General Sackler!"


No one knows what kind of agreement Arpad and Sackler reached, anyway, that afternoon, all the troops in the army All school-level officers were called to the extended meeting.

Although it is said that the meeting is enlarged, it cannot be extended to the lieutenants like Winters.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska went to the meeting - although Lieutenant Colonel currently belongs to the lowly militia ranks, he is also a serious Colonel after all.

The lieutenant colonel had just left for the meeting, and Winters, Bud, Andre and Mason also gathered in the tent for a small meeting.

Mason and his convicts were officially assigned to the Jessica battallion, and the brothers and sisters are now huddled together to keep warm, and they still take care of each other.

There were no outsiders in the tent, and a few people gathered around the Suoya stove, discussing without any scruples.

"I don't think anyone can suppress anyone else, otherwise they won't engage in military democracy." Mason held a cup of hot water and smacked his lips: "I can't say that I have to resort to anonymous voting."


Winters put his boots on the edge of the iron stove and said casually, "It's better to make up your mind than dry."

Andre, who was reaching for the fire, thought deeply Of course nodded.

No one understands the restlessness and agitation in the Palatine Army better than the lower-ranking officers.

There have even been cases of self-harm among soldiers, with many quietly packing up.

"I guess I'll still have to fight." Mason yawned: "I heard that four waves of slaves were released into the city one after another. If the troops were withdrawn, wouldn't the Japanese sheep lose their lives?"

Andre came to be interested: "What do you mean by letting the slave go into the city?"

The others also pricked up their ears.

"Before we came, General Arpad ordered the captured slaves to be driven into Bianli City—of course, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. The Hurd people in the city have a backbone and follow the order. Close."

The tent was quiet for a while, only the wood in the hearth was beeping and burning.


Driving the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled into the city was a “very disrespectful” siege tactic.

Letting people into the city is equivalent to adding more mouths to consume reserves. If you don't let people into the city, the fighting spirit of the defenders will be weakened.

Occasionally, the defenders would even take the initiative to drive the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled out of the city, and a tragedy would follow.

Winters knew this all too well. He had not only heard of it, but had seen it with his own eyes.

At the siege of Gusa, the defenders who lacked supplies resolutely drove "Useless Mouth" out of the city, but they were quickly driven back by the siege army.

With nowhere to go, hungry and frightened, those pitiful people wandered between the city wall and the siege for eight days.

Winters has never seen a human more desperate than those, and none of them survived.

It was unwise for the Hurd people in the city to let people into the city, but it made Winters feel a little admiration.


Bud suddenly frowned and asked: "Tanylia doesn't buy slaves anymore, do the Paratus still capture slaves?"

The archipelago has been divided between the provinces and the Veneta. The federal province allows slave trade, but prohibits slavery in the federal province, and Veneta is completely banned.

"Really? I have no information, but it's not quite clear." Mason was slightly stunned: "But if the islanders don't buy it, they can still sell it to the dukedoms south of the Golden Peak mountain range. Hurd slave But they are in high demand, they are all heretic, and there is no moral pressure to enslave them.”

The tradition of capturing slaves of the Paratus has always been criticized by other allies, and it is also the stereotype of “highlanders are barbaric” an important part of the impression.

"Let the Platoons take you away and sell you as a slave" is a classic scare child phrase from Hailan citizens.

But it was only when Winters came to Palatu that he found out that there were hardly any Heard slaves in the country of galloping horses, and they were all exported. Probably too close, afraid of the Hurds running back.

Mason thought for a while and added: "There's no need to sympathize with the Hurds. In the early years, they captured the Paratus as slaves. It's just that the war has been one-sided over the years, and the Hurds were beaten and screamed. , it is only the Paratus who plundered the Hurds as slaves. It is said that the Hurds themselves would capture slaves from each other... Hey! This account is worthless."

The words of Lieutenant Mason are another Others sighed endlessly. The Hurds and the Palatians have been in a tug of war for hundreds of years. I am afraid that they can't tell them clearly. It would be too arrogant for outsiders to judge right and wrong.

The four of them chatted around the stove and chatted about the past and anecdotes of the military school. Life in the frontline camp was hard and boring. This was a rare leisure time.

There are two main troops standing by Legion, and even if there is a war, the militia troops will not turn.

Jesska Battallion finally took on the real duties of the militia again, mainly doing some manual labor such as digging trenches and digging toilets. Every other day, he had to go to a distant place to chop trees and bring them back for firewood. .

Andre and Lieutenant Mason are unhappy every day, and they feel inferior, so they don't have much energy.

Winters didn't think much of it, he was more than happy to stand behind and cheer for the Paratus as they fought.

In the middle, Berrian came into the tent and handed the repaired barrel to the second lieutenant.

This rifled rifle was leaded due to excessive use in practice and combat. Not only will the accuracy of the head become worse, but there is also the risk of blowing the chamber.

Originally, Winters didn't have a good solution, because it should be left to the gunsmith to deal with it, but Berrian said he could solve it.

The blacksmith's method is simple and ingenious. He first inserts an iron rod into the barrel of the gun, pours lead, pulls it out and smears it with rapeseed oil.

In order to maintain the ostentation of high-level officers, the logistics department brought a lot of porcelain tableware from Palatu, which was inevitably damaged during transportation and use.

Berrian picked up broken pieces of porcelain, crushed them into powder, sifted them through a sieve, and sprinkled them on lead rods.

Rub back and forth in the barrel with a lead stick sticking with porcelain powder, and after a while, the lead hanging part will be ground off.

Winters checked the barrel against the fire. The chamber was bright and shiny, and no burrs were visible.

Its smoothness is not inferior to the two reed guns given to Antonio by the Oathbreakers. And the two guns are smoothbore guns, Winters' gun is a rifled gun, which is more difficult to polish.

Buffing has always been the hardest and most expensive part of weapon and armor production.

Winters thoughts move and ask the blacksmith: "Mr. Berrian, can you rifling?"

"Rifling?" I don't really understand, but it is said that you have to use a spinning wheel."

"Can a spinning wheel be built?"

"I have seen it, but I have never built it."

Winters probably understood, but the blacksmith didn't want to talk, so he didn't ask any further.

The second lieutenant smiled and patted the blacksmith's shoulder: "Mr. Berrian, it's a pity that you stay in Palatu. Follow me to Veneta, and you'll make a fortune. I promise, the sea blue I especially like rifled pistols."

Andre was laughed heartily hearing this, but Mason and Budd, the two United Provinces, were a bit of an unfathomable mystery.

But Bud quickly figured it out, shook his head lightly and laughed, he explained to Lieutenant Mason, who couldn't help but laugh.

In the tent, Berian was the only one left, confused and at a loss.

"What did you say? Laugh so happily?" Another person opened the curtain and walked into the tent, bringing in a chill.

The lieutenants all stood up abruptly when they heard the familiar voice.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska went straight to the iron stove and reached over the top of the stove to bake the fire.

Seeing this, Berian is ready to leave.

Winters pulled out the purse and tossed the gun barrel and purse to the blacksmith before he got out of the tent.

With only a few officers left in the tent, Lieutenant Mason dared to ask: "Will it be finished so early? Sir?"

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sneered: "simply No, it's just calling us to set up a battle."

"The consensus is up?" Winters asked.

"I don't know what the two Old Guys, Sackler and Arpad, are doing, and General Yanosh didn't show up." Jesska's tone was a little suspicious: "It's always going to be a fight. Look...but it's not our turn."

The four lieutenants were all relaxed.

"Lead the shovel tonight." The lieutenant colonel then said, "Go dig a trench tomorrow."

The technique for polishing the rifling is from "Dedicating Everything to the Party". Although the title of the book sounds very popular, it is not a political propaganda book, but a simple autobiography of a military worker. There is only a thin book, the writing is very simple, my enlightenment reading. I still remember the accounts of the use of crude equipment to produce firearms, bullets, and mortars.

Because of the description in that book, I thought it would be feasible to machine rifling this way. After all, Wu Yunduo's Old Mister is a person who can make guns using only grinding discs, screws, and tree stumps (the barrel should be bought XD).

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before and today, thank you all.

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