Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 189


Chapter 189 Standing in front of the Divine Technique Barrier

saw a man in pagan clothing The corpse, Winters was more convinced of his earlier speculation:
The torrential rain that nearly collapsed Sackler's layout was by no means a natural phenomenon, it was a spell, a spell of unimaginable magnitude.

But the idea, Winters didn't tell anyone.

He was no longer the hairless brat who happily demonstrated magic to Ike, and keeping secrets was the sorcerer's first rule.

A total of eight corpses were counted around the campfire Winters.

The corpses were all wearing clothes decorated with animal bones, bluestone, metal, and ribbons, with strangely twisted limbs and extremely painful expressions.

"hiss" and "hiss" cracked the silk twice, the door curtain was directly cut open, and the strong wind blew away the smoke inside the felt tent.

Officers such as Jesska and Andre led people into the felt tent, and everyone was speechless at the horror scene in the tent.

Without the door curtain, the interior of the felt tent became bright, and Winters was able to see more details hidden in the dark:

Every inch of the carpet in the tent was painted with strange symbols, Sacrificial utensils and small flags with the same unfamiliar symbols are strung together with strings, densely packed and hung on the tent wall.

"Pagan priests?" asked Lieutenant Colonel Jesska frowned.

Winters nods: "It should be."

Ciel pointed to a spot by the campfire and asked, "What is that?"

Others followed the prestige and saw a golden plate placed on the bluestone slab in front of the bonfire.

The plate was full of half-dried blood and a dagger.

"That wouldn't be human blood, would it?" Andre suddenly felt nauseated.

"It shouldn't be..." Bud's face was also a little uncomfortable: "It may be the blood of the blue horse outside."

Winters walked to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, Whispered to discuss: "Lieutenant Colonel, I'm afraid there is something weird here, let everyone leave first."

The militiamen were reluctant to stay long at the strange pagan altar, and they hurriedly retreated outside the tent after being ordered.

"Charle!" Winters whispered to Charle who was out of the tent: "Bring me Bell."

Only a few officers remained in the tents.

Andre looked around all around, this reckless man who usually fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth suddenly stood up all over his body, and he felt a chill for no reason.

He folded his arms, shrugged his neck, and hummed, "Why don't we go too? Don't stay here... eh? Winters! What are you doing?"

Winters, who was examining the corpse, replied without looking up: "We have to find out how they died, right?"

A few people watched as Winters examined one of the slightly stiff corpses from head to toe - Across the clothes.

Andre swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "What did you find?"

"They are indeed dead," Winters replied, wiping his hands.

"Nonsense!" Andre nearly vomited blood: "I can see that too!"

"Is there anything else?"

"Because I didn't find anything else, so it's strange." Winters' nose twitched slightly: "No trauma at all."

Andre sucked in a breath of cold air, and subconsciously took a few steps back towards the tent door.

"No trauma? Could it be poisoning?" Mason's expression was also very uncomfortable. He looked towards Lieutenant Colonel Jessica and asked, "Sir, do the Hurds still engage in human sacrifices?"


Jessica face revealed a bitter smile: "I'm not from Hurd, I don't know."

It's about the sorcerer, Winters didn't reveal much - he simply Didn't say anything, just continued to examine other bodies.

Bud took a few steps back, looked at a corpse, and said, "Why do I feel like this person is dancing and suddenly dead?"

Several officers at this moment Only then did I realize that the "twisted and weird" death state of the corpse...really resembled some kind of dance.

“What dance can you dance to death?” Mason frowned asked.

Winters also followed Bard's steps backwards, trying to get a holistic view of the eight bodies in the tent.

"No!" Winters' face changed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" The officer in the tent was puzzled.

But Winters had already rushed out of the tent, shouting at the militiamen: "Bell! Where is Bell?"

"Here!" run over here.

Winters grabbed the little hunter's arm with such force that the little hunter gnawed his teeth in pain.

"Bell!" Winters asked urgently, "What is the most important number in the Hurds?"

"Huh?" Bell was confused for a moment.

Winters is getting more and more impatient: "The most important, most auspicious, most solemn number! The number for sacrifice."

"I remember it was [three], three sacrifices." Bell Efforts to recall: "At the most solemn time, three sacrifices each with three heads, that is... [Nine]."

Sure enough!

Winters strode back to the tent, yelling, "No! One less person!"

"What do you mean?" Andre couldn't keep up.

"Look at these people!" Winters dragged Andre all the way back to the tent door, pointing to the corpse on the ground: "They don't stand casually! They stand regularly! This dance Missing someone! Missing a lead dancer! The lead dancer is not dead! Find him!"

Winters rushed out of the tent, jumped high, and yelled at all the militiamen with loudspeaker: " Find them all for me! Find the Heard in fancy clothes! Dig three feet in the ground and find him! No! Go and find me all the Heards in the city!"

Bell walked into the tent cautiously and was taken aback by the sight in front of him. He became stammered: " many did they die?"

Winters hearing this rushed over Asked: "Are priests? These are the shamans of the Hurds?"

"Yes." Bell was busy nodded.

"Go find it!" Winters yelled again at the outside militia.

The militiamen rushed to their mission in a panic.

Winters' mood swings were so high that all officers noticed the difference.

“What’s the matter?” Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked.

Winters couldn't answer, and he finally had some idea of how the secrets of court mages could be kept for thousands of years.

Because no one wants to share that knowledge.

It's like Winters is reluctant to share this knowledge casually with the Platoons.

What an extremely rare opportunity to capture a weak dive technique user alive.

It is probably the closest time that the divide technique barrier has been broken since Antoine-Laurent established the alliance sorcerer system.

Be aware that unless the sorcerer surrenders, no one can capture the sorcerer alive.

No one can get a word out of their mouth unless a sorcerer speaks up.

While holding Winters' hands and feet, he can still blow off an enemy's head...or his own with a single shot of his Decomposition Spell.

In the same way, no one can catch the user of the divide technique alive.

Capturing mages and priests alive and interrogating them?
Might as well just kill them, that's easier.

The only time a person with a spell ability is alive is when they can't use the spell ability.

Winters is almost certain that the shaman of Hed, who leads the dance, must be the one leading the spell.

The other eight shamans all died violently, and the shaman who led the spell would never be any better.

"The resonance of the plural sorcerer can push the spell formidable power to unimaginable levels."

The idea has been reverberating in Winters' mind for a year and a half.

From the night the Fire Dragon roll swept across Jade City, the idea started.

It was just a casual thought at first, like a murmur in the wind.

As Winters' experience increased, the idea was not only not forgotten, but put down roots.

After seeing how the Hed shaman destroys all gunpowder weapons with a torrential rain, the murmur in the wind has turned into a billowing thunder.

A voice shouted in Winters' mind: "It must be so! Find that shaman!"

But he was too impatient, too lost self-control - he also realized to this point.

Winters didn't want to play tricks with Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, but he also didn't want to tell the sorcerer.

After calming down a bit, Winters asked back: "When I first arrived on the battlefield, I almost lost consciousness, do you remember?"


"I'm afraid it was some kind of attack from these Hed shamans. I want to find that shaman and find out how he did it."

This is another speculation by Winters.

"He's in the city, you're outside. How can you attack you at such a distance?" The lieutenant colonel raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know either, so I have to find him and ask more clearly."

Jesska thought for a while, then said casually: "Let your people start looking for him from nearby. All eight died so miserably, and the one alive is half disabled."

Winters nodded, turned around and was about to run outside the tent, but was grabbed by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

"Don't get your hopes up too much, if this shaman is really important..." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska began to pace around the felt tent: "...I'm afraid it has been sent by the Hurds. The city is over."

"Here, it's here!" Jesska stopped and stabbed the saber fiercely on the ground with his backhand, and the tip of the knife sank into the ground a palm-deep.

The lieutenant colonel suddenly pulled out, and the carpet and the wooden planks below were pulled up together, revealing a dark tunnel entrance.

"The barbarians are the most cunning." Jieska patted the dust on her body, and seemed not surprised: "I taught you."


The interior of the tunnel is damp and cramped, and only thin people are allowed to bend over.

Winters can't get in at all - he can crawl through tunnels without armor, and if he does, he'll get stuck.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska also did not allow Winters to enter the tunnel.

Because it is very likely that there are enemies waiting inside, no one knows whether it is a tunnel or a tunnel.

In the end, the lieutenant colonel selected a few small and powerful militiamen to investigate the tunnel situation, while Winters was anxiously waiting for news in the city.

Meanwhile, organized and unplanned looting is taking place in Bianli.

The war is too hard, and most spills of war have nothing to do with soldiers.

For the soldiers, looting is the only way they can get [compensation].

If an army can be free from looting after a war, there must be something more sublime than material supporting them—and the Platonic soldiers obviously don't have that.

But in Winters' view, the Palatine is gnawing on a scrawny leg of lamb.

The best spills of war are of course the portable and valuable things like gold and silver jewelry.

However, there was nothing in Bian Li's longhouse, and the people of Hurd were destitute.

Bianli City is poor, and Hailan Street has more wealth than the entire Bianli.

Most of the warehouses in the city are empty, and the wealth of the white lion is not placed in the border.

"I allow you to be the first to enter the city," said Arpad to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

At the time, Winters didn't think so. Looking back now, he was flattered.

Because there are only a few valuable things in the city, they have been taken away by the first batch of Jesska battallion who entered the city.

The troops who entered the city at the back had almost nothing, and the only property that Bian Li could sell was "people".

Those old and young women and children and the injured who failed to follow the White Lion to break through are inevitably becoming slaves.

Winters watched as the quartermasters imprisoned, registered, and catalogued the Hurds in the city with great efficiency.

Slave dealers who came out of nowhere spoke various dialects and bargained with the Palatine quartermaster.

The Paratus are preparing for the carriage, and the Heard slaves will be transported back to Paratus before being exported - because the Paratus do not use Heard slaves.

The Veneta and the United Provinces were quite shocked, but Lieutenant Colonel Jesska took it in stride.

Finally, the militiamen sent to the underground cave ran back from outside the city.


"This is it! Sir!" The militia kept Winters and Bard outside the northeast corner of the city.

The tunnel exit outside the city is protected by double-layered wooden boards and covered with dirt.

Winters noticed that the soil on the planks even grew grass, just like the surrounding turf.

This means that the tunnel has been repaired since at least last summer, making Winters even more uneasy.

Bianli's terrain is high, and the tunnels run obliquely upwards. About ten meters in from the exit, there is a small space inside, with several boats stacked.

"Oops!" Seeing the boat, Winters turned and rushed out of the tunnel.

The exit is very close to the confluence river, and there are faint traces of boats dragging on the river beach.

Looking far into the distance, how can there be any trace of the boat?
"Run?" Bud followed Winters out of the tunnel.

"Can't run!" Winters shouted: "Take the boat out!"

The militiamen hurried to the tunnel again.

Winters began to take off his armor and said quickly, "The boats in the tunnel are too small to carry horses. There are no boats on the other side of the beach, and the white lions have been defeated, and the north shore is all our people. Then the Hed shaman must have gone downstream in a boat."

"Do you want to continue chasing?"

"Chase!" Winters handed the reins to Bard: "You take people across the river from the pontoon bridge and chase them on the north bank. Let Andre lead them to chase them on the south bank. I'll take a boat and chase them. I don't believe I can't catch him!"

"Wait." De eyebrow raised: "You can swim?"

Winters breathed for a while: "Then take a boat to chase, and I'll take someone to chase on the north bank."

Several cavalrymen came from the river bank. Came at a gallop, and the leader was Andre.

Winters shouted excitedly: "Andre! You're here just in time!"

"Where is it?" Andre pulled the horse in front of Winters, out of breath "The lieutenant colonel told you to go back immediately."

"What happened?" Winters had a bad feeling.

"Legion has ordered to destroy Bianli, dispose of all the Hurds, and burn all the materials that cannot be carried." Andre smiled bitterly: "The entire army retreats! Immediately pull out the camp!"


"WM's Spell Book"

Entry: Prayer for Rain
Class: Anti-Military
Principle: Unknown

Casting method: unknown

Remarks: Bell's boy said that during the dry season, the shaman of the tribe will pray for rain. Some are spiritual, some are not. Isn't this a typical bluff? But the rainstorm could not be faked. The shaman in the tent didn't seem to be doing anything else, except to jump to the great god... but in the end, he jumped to his death. is it possible that the rain prayers of the Hurds are genuine? In this way, isn't praying for rain equal to the conversion of civilian spells to military use?

Also note: There must be a cloudy weather...

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