Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 190


Chapter 190: Eldest son
"The word, the Hundred-Men Commander was ordered to pull out the battalion, and the soldiers didn't know anything. The "retreat" that Andre said was told by Jesska. ]
The wounded had not been treated, and the spills of war had not been cleared. The sudden order to pull out made everyone completely unprepared.

"Where's Lieutenant Colonel?" Winters hurried back to Bianli, only to find Lieutenant Colonel Jesska not.

"Winters, you're back." Mason's tense nerves finally relaxed, and he quickly explained: "Lieutenant Colonel and Andre went to the North Bridgehead, and he asked you to gather the soldiers in the city. Get up and bring them back to the camp."

Winters knew that there were many soldiers and wounded in the North Bridgehead, and the lieutenant colonel was going to bring them back.

“Where are our people?” Winters asked again.

Mason pointed west in all directions: "It's all over the place."


There was no other way but to find it in a stupid way.

Bianli city is full of soldiers, and the militiamen of Jieska battallion are mixed in groups in twos and threes.

Winters, Bud, and Mason acted separately, looking for one house and one street, but only half of them were found when they searched Bianli.

"The others let them go back to camp." Mason consulted with Winters, his voice hoarse: "I don't have time for second time."

Budd thought for a moment , put forward a compromise plan: "There must be someone in charge of the situation at the camp. You two go back, and I will take a few people to stay in the city to continue looking."

Winters nods: "Be careful."

After finally finding half of the militia, Winters found that the bigger problem was that they couldn't get out.

Two infantry battallions are escorting the Hurds out of the city, and the baggage soldiers outside are driving dozens of carts into the city. There are three city gates in the inner city, which are still blocked.

Winters ordered to turn to the city wall gap, which turned out to be more congested.

Many disorganized soldiers did not receive the order to pull out the camp, and were still desperately crowding into the city, trying to grab something.

No way, Winters took people to the city gate again.

Just happened to meet General Sackler coming with the gendarmerie.

Sekler's solution to the problem was simple and rude. He asked the military police to read out the order repeatedly outside the city gate: "Only enter at the south gate! Only leave at the north gate! Slash!"

Language alone is very limited. There are still soldiers with a fluke mentality and want to muddle through.

Soon, their headless bodies were hung on the city wall.

As the silt in the river was cleared, the city gate immediately became clear, and Winters was able to take people out of the city.

Returning to the besieged camp, the camp was also full of people running and neighing.

The scout cavalry was dispatched one by one, and the quick-handed soldiers were dismantling tents and loading vehicles.

It was only then that Winters was convinced that it was real. Not only to withdraw, but to withdraw immediately.

He was deeply disturbed by the pitiful amount of information he had.

As far as he knows, on the land divided into three parts by the river around Bienli, there are 18 infantry battallions, 46 cavalry platoons, more than 6000 auxiliary soldiers and an unknown number of soldiers. handyman, more than 20,000 people.

How do the scattered troops regroup? That alone was enough to give Sackler and Alpad a headache.

Not to mention that the light cavalry chasing the Chihe Department may have already run to dozens of kilometers away.

Only one thing reassured him a little: the chain of command of Palatine's army had not broken down, and the soldiers were still following orders. As long as it is clenched into a fist, the Platoons are still an invincible force.

Walking through the noisy and chaotic camp, Winters finally returned to the camp at Jesska battallion.

He was surprised to find that, compared to the big camp that looked like a boiling iron pot, the Jishka camp was as calm as a deep valley.

Not only Winters, but Mason and all the militiamen were stunned by the sight:
Two rows of carriage neat and tidy parked in the clearing with all the baggage of Jesska battallion in the car.

Each sack, every box is securely tied with two ropes.

There are no horses in the cart, because the draw horses are all in the stable and are enjoying the food safely.

The other soldiers in the camp looked flustered, eager to put away all their belongings at once.

Jesska Battallion, the wounded soldier who stayed behind in the camp, was still working. Someone was cleaning the hoofs of the horse, and someone was still making face.

Many people were busy around a dozen simple earth ovens, as if they were baking something.

If Winters' memory wasn't messed up, when he moved with the army to North Bridgehead -- three days ago -- there weren't any of these ovens in the camp.

Seeing their companions come back, the wounded soldiers left behind in the camp quickly brought out dry food and water.

The militiamen who came back from Bianli happened to be tired and hungry, and they all took over to eat and drink.

The mental outlook of the wounded soldiers was so good that Winters was surprised. He asked the wounded soldiers left behind in the camp: "Who built these ovens?"

"Old Saint asked us to build them. ." The wounded soldier in charge of the oven hurriedly replied: "The day you went to the camp in the north."

Winters almost vomited blood, what old Saint? It's clearly an old scumbag! I haven't seen each other for three days, and it seems that the fanaticism of these old god stick fans has deepened.

“What are you baking?” Winters asked again.

"Dry food. Old Saint let us make wheat cakes first, then bake the wheat cakes into dry food and pack them into bags."

Winters eyebrow raised: "When will the dry food start? Did you do it?"

"The day before yesterday, the day you set off on the expedition."

"Carriage? Is that what Reid cultivator wants you to do?"

"Yes." Wounded soldiers nodded like chickens pecking rice: "Old Saint let us pack up and load the car, yesterday."

"Take me to see Rhett cultivator."

Beside the carriage, Winters finds the old wand.

The old man ate well, slept well, and licked his cat every day.

Compared to the image of the saucy cultivator when we first met, the old god stick now looks a little rich.

When the two met, the old god stick, holding a small bucket of red paint in his left hand and a brush in his right hand, was sketching on the carriage baffle.

Seeing Winters coming, Rhett cultivator waved happily: "Boy, are you back?"

"What are you doing?" Winters walked to the old cultivator.

As they got closer, Winters could see what the old magician was writing:
[Owned by Jessica battallion of the Fifth Army]
[Theft and hangman must be punished]
Reid The cultivator said triumphantly: "I marked the carriage. This way, there will be no lawsuits during the march, and there will be evidence for disputes."

"Theft and hanging? Military law must be punished?"

"Not bad, right?" The old man became more and more red light across the whole face: "Concise and powerful, the confrontation is neat. Don't look at this short slogan, I have been thinking about it for several days. One word is enough to shock the younger generation. "

"What's the use?" Winters sneered: "The big boss is illiterate."

Reed's grooming changed from red light across the whole face to an old blushing, he Another holy emblem was drawn behind [Theft and Hanging Military Law].

The old man said angrily: "Is this the head office? Church property, I see who would dare to steal it!"

After finishing speaking, Reid walked to the next carriage , continue to brush the slogan.

"I want to ask you a question." Winters stopped talking nonsense: "Please teach me sir."

"Serious." Rhett cultivator glanced at Winters: "Tell me."

Winters licked his lips and asked, "You're preparing for the withdrawal, and it started three days ago, right?"

"Almost." Reid didn't look back and concentrated on painting the holy emblem on the fence.

“Why do you think we are—no, it’s Plato.” Winters chases after him: “Why do you think Plato is going to lose?”

old man sighed, throw the brush on the ground.

He turned around and looked into Winters' eyes: "Boy, you are wrong. Although I don't know anything about the military, I have never doubted your ability to fight. For Parra I have never doubted Tu's victory either."

"Then why do you prepare dry food and carry in advance?"

"Because the white lion Yasin has already won. Pala Tu will win every battle in this war until he loses this war."

"I...don't understand..."

Rid cultivator sighed again, Walk to the nearby stone bench and signal Winters to follow.

The two sat on the stone bench, and the old cultivator coughed and explained: "The victory of the battle cannot make up for the defeat of the strategy. Sin has already won. I ask you, do you think the Hurds are willing to let the Paratus one blade after another cut them to death?"

Winters wanted to retort: the strategy of encroaching step by step There are many precedents in history.

But he also realized that: this does not mean that the eroded party has no desire to resist. even more how Plato can no longer be considered nibbling, but is tearing flesh from the Heard tribes.

"If the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, the animals hurt their kind. The auxiliary vehicles depend on each other, and the lips die." The Red cultivator asked Winters again: "The Hurds saw the neighboring tribes being destroyed one by one. Will they be afraid of the disaster? Will they not resent? Will they not worry about their own fate?"

Rid pointed to the great wasteland and said: "Young and strong lion, everything on the grassland All of them are its prey. But once it shows a depraved appearance, it will not only be driven out by the lioness, but even the hyenas on the grassland will dare to provoke it. There is no other reason, but the potential."

"Potential? What? Means..." Winters was stunned.

"You brat, you spoiled my interest." The old man sighed heavily: "In words that you can understand. In the past, the Herds went uphill, and Plato went downhill. , The Hurds beat the Platos with bloody nose and swollen face. Thirty years ago, Ned Smith changed the trend in the first battle, the Platos began to go uphill, the Heards began to go downhill, and the Platos again He fought so much that he covered head and sneaked away like a rat."

The old man coughed again: "When going uphill, all contradictions, mistakes, and problems can be covered up by victory, Once they go downhill, they will all break out. This is why the Hurd people have been beaten for 30 years after only one defeat. It was not the sudden increase of Pratu's national strength, but the fact that the rifts accumulated by the Hurd tribes were once again destroyed. The defeat detonated."

"But... did we defeat the Chihe Department?"

"I'll ask another question." Reid cultivator's eyes were bright: " If God can bleed, is God still God?"

If God can bleed, is God still God?

Winters chewed on the words.

Not waiting for Winters to answer, the old cultivator continued: "Plato is the lion, and the Heard tribes are the hyenas. The lion king can't beat a hundred hyenas, but he can chase a hundred hyenas and bite them. , it is because the Lion King has [potency].

For thirty years, the tribes of Heard have been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity for a Platonic to show their decline.

If If Pratu can destroy the Chihe Department like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, then the [allies] of the Chihe Department will be scattered, and no one will come to rescue.

But the front line of Pratu will stop. Under the fortified city, the rear was invaded into the mainland. The white lion Yasin has transformed Palatu from an invincible god to a man who can bleed.

The hyenas have already smelled the blood, and the white lion has Lion Yashin's [allies] will scramble to take part in this feast. They no longer see themselves as prey, they see you as prey.

You can defeat one tribe, two tribes, but when all When all the Heard tribes come to share the lion meat, you will be shattered. If your generals are not stupid, you should withdraw your troops immediately after winning this battle."

Winters cleared his mind and asked, "You It means that Yasin, the white lion, is deliberately trying to prove that Palatu is not invincible. Although we defeat the Chihe Department, we will be besieged by all the Hed tribes."

"From the result, That's what it means."

"But aren't the Hurd tribes scattered?" Winters couldn't accept: "How can there be tribes helping the White Lion?"

"Then I won't Got it!" Reid cultivator patted Winters' shoulders: "Boy, if you want to know how the Chihe tribe colluded with other tribes, then you have to ask Yasin himself."

Winters said some Unexpected taste: "Then you think that the Plato people will definitely lose?"

"No! On the contrary!" Reid said heavily: "I think that the Plato will win the final Victory."

"Why?" Winters wondered.

Reid said with emotion: "From my point of view, Plato is still on the rise. Its people are brave and strong, and its king is not incompetent. With the backing of other four countries, one failure It won't hurt the bones.

Platu's strength is much stronger than that of Heard's clan, and failure will allow the Platu people to learn a lesson, and the next time they punch, they will be more ruthless and tougher. Accurate and more powerful.

In the past ten years, I have traveled all over the republics, and it is not the Palatu country that is on the rise, but the whole alliance is flourishing. Ned Smith leaves you with thirty years Peace of mind, the future of this alliance is limitless."

"Boy, your age is just right." Rhett looked at Winters with a smile on his wrinkled face: "Maybe you will be complete. This time, it was Winters’ turn to sigh and sigh: “Prosperity? Let’s not fight a civil war first.”

The old man asked back, “What about a civil war? A civil war is also a unity. A way of resources."

The grievances between the Federal Province and Veneta are inextricably linked, and Winters and the old gods can't tell.

He suddenly thought of something, raised his eyebrows and asked the old magician: "Since you think you will lose this battle, why don't you remind me, or remind Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, and remind General Sackler?"

Reid gave Winters a sidelong glance and asked, "Do you understand when I said [chicken breast]?"

"What do you mean?" Winters was at a loss.

"Have you ever heard of a wise man named [The Land of Plenty]?"

Winters shook his head, but he couldn't think of any wise man named after him. [Abundant Land].

"Have you heard of the book [Romain Legendary of Three Nations]?"

This is even more outrageous, and Winters has never heard of it.

"Then I can't explain it to you no matter what." Reid laughed heartily, coughing with laughter: "You treat me as a swashbuckling old god and tell you a bunch of crazy things. These The general won't believe me if I speak to the general. It's that simple."


At the same time, at Legion headquarters, Arpad sullen, bad news One by one they were brought to his desk.

Twelve hussars platoons chasing the remnants of the Chihe Department encountered nearly 10,000 enemies in the Northwest.

The enemy was cautious and did not take the initiative to attack the Palatine hussars, but continued to gather the remnants of the Chihe Department, and the number grew stronger.

The twelve hussars platoon only had more than 1,500 cavalry. Seeing that there was no opportunity to take advantage, they left a few sentries and returned to the camp.

The information brought back said that the barbarian chief who brought the enemy tonight was red-faced and tall. Judging from the appearance, it may be the chief chief of the Teltown Department, the fire roaster.

The arrival of the Fireboilers wasn't the worst thing for Arpad, after all, the Teltown Division had already participated in the war before, but their focus was on the Jesska Division's bridgehead.

The information that most disturbed Major General Arpad was the information sent overnight by Plato's informants and eyes and ears in Heard's ministries.

The eastern part of the sea and the Suz are gathering their forces, demanding that the small tribes attached to them [make out the eldest son].

Because of the delay on the road, Arpad judged that when he received the tip, the East of the Sea and the Suz were probably already dispatched.

Herd's three divisions are coming together.

[The author would like to take a leave of absence, there will be no changes today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday). If I'm not in Night City these two days, I'm on my way to Night City. The update will resume next Monday, thank you all. ]
Thanks to book friend G·Longinus, Dongmen Wang Baoqiang, book friend 111220192513078, luochengxian, proudboy, single dog who loves to read books, XAXAX, ZHAOYESH, book friend 20180830192648978, STONY, a sword seals the throat 2, Akaseti First mate, 54 months, pure white light, 92 sauce Mengmeng, windfirewate, Jiang Xue Diao Weng monthly pass, thank you all.

Finally, I would like to thank the book lovers for reading, subscribing, liking, recommending, monthly and rewarding. Thank you all.

See you Monday.

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