Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 295


Chapter 295 weakened
Twenty-six years ago, a sultry afternoon.

In the Army Officers Academy Auditorium, an old soldier is teaching.

Theoretically, the auditorium, which can accommodate all officers, students, and faculty, was packed. Not only did the Lu Yuan gather together, but many commissioned officers also came to listen to the lecture.

The identity of the old soldier is self-evident, it is Ned · Smith - the Union Field Marshal, the founder of the Union Army, the Principal of the Army Officer Academy.

"...Today people think that the eleventh slash is a barbaric military technique. But in the ancient empire, the slash was just harsh, not barbaric." Ned Principal paused for a moment: "Different eras, different societies, wars The moral standards of the people are also different. You can’t judge the past by today’s standards, and you can’t justify today’s behavior by the moral standards of the past.”

Maybe disappointing to some people who meet for the first time, Ned · Smith does not have the so-called "star style".

On the contrary, he looks more like an old blacksmith in a dim shop: with thick knuckles, dark palms, and a little hunchback, because his eyes are a little blurry, he always leans back slightly unconsciously. .

Ned Principal looked at the immature faces: "War is moral, and war is unfair. It seeks to use the strong to bully the weak, use the many to attack the few, and use the more to win the less..."

In the auditorium of absolute silence, a youngster stood up abruptly, with the rebelliousness and stubbornness unique to his age in his eyes, and asked loudly and unconvinced: "What if we can't bully the weak? ”

The faculty and staff in the front row looked back to see who the daring fellow was.

The questioner's friend, another tall, thin young man with big eyes, tugged at him, trying to make him sit down.

But he insisted not to sit, squatting his neck, staring directly at the Union Marshal on the stage.

"If the enemy is strong and I am weak." Ned Principal signaled that the staff should not be nervous, and answered sincerely: "Then we must weaken the enemy, accumulate strength, and fight when the strong can bully the weak."


Years later, some people remember this scene in the auditorium, others forget it, and still others mistake the questioner for another person.

We bring this up because twenty-six years later, the youngster's son is facing a critical situation of "the enemy is strong and we are weak, and we have to fight".


What strategy should be adopted when the enemy is strong and we are weak? Winters doesn't know, because Army Officer Academy doesn't teach strategy.

When Marshal Ned set up the curriculum for the Alliance Army Officer Academy, he divided all the courses into two categories: "Military" and "General".

If the class hours of general education such as mathematics and grammar are [ten], then the tactical class time is [six], the content of war history is only [one], and the courses related to strategy are [zero]. ].

In fact, Luyuan originally had a "Strategy" class, but it was conducted in the form of a "Principal Lecture". After Marshal Ned passed away, this "course" was naturally removed from the curriculum.

To be precise, because of the limited scale of the war, no one has so far been able to clearly define "strategy", "tactics" and "grand tactics".

It is difficult to distinguish the subtle differences between strategy, tactics, and grand tactics when a single battle can determine the outcome of the war.

Winters has an imperfect understanding of strategy, and naturally there is no strategy to speak of.

But against the full cavalry of the Teltowns, Winters developed basic principles of warfare.

He distilled it into three words: [weakening, limiting, eradicating]—that is, "rainstorm".

Turn the hour hand back to the Time Reverse Winters just learned the Turtletown Ministry was coming to threw the grassy valley.

"I recalled all the battles I knew." He explained rainstorm operations to his company commanders in this way: "With few attacking the crowd, with the few winning the many, there is nothing that does not depend on the terrain."


"We also have terrain advantages. The Dajiao River is a natural city wall, while the rivers in Xia Tiefeng County are like screens. Dajiao River, Langzhen River, Black Liquid River, Baishui River, and Pantuo River, each passing a river. River, the battle strength of the Telltown Division will be weakened once. For every kilometer they travel, the Telltown Division will divide their troops and snatch the ground."

"Whether it can defend Iron Peak County or even destroy Telltown. The success or failure of the main force of the Tunbu is dependent on whether it can force the Teltuns to change their offensive direction, force the Teltuns to follow the route we have set for them, and force the Teltuns to enter the battlefield that we have chosen for them.”

"Weaken, limit, annihilate, this is rainstorm combat."


The big hourglass flipped for the twenty-sixth time, and Ciel woke the fire Winters by the heap.

"The Seventh Company is here too," Ciel said softly.


"A quarter past one in the morning."


Time, time, every second invaluable.

The road conditions are suitable, and the infantry can walk 24 kilometers per day, and this distance can be doubled by giving up all the baggage and forcibly marching.

At first glance, 24 kilometers sounds close, and 48 kilometers is not far.

However, I don't know how many victorious generals in the world have died on this short one-day journey, resulting in the loss of their teachers and humiliation to the country and their reputation and reputation.

The battle that took place in Zhongtiefeng County was basically a competition for time.

Telltown's big detour strategy was to take advantage of the fact that the defenders were drawn to the banks of the Bighorn River, going around Winters' back and attacking from both sides.

This is where the fighter jets appear.

Winters seized the time difference and stabbed his opponent in the chest when the Fireboiler threw a right uppercut, knocking back the scattered Teltowners, who were about twenty cavalry in total.

Although it is not a rout, it can't be called annihilation, but it temporarily relieves the threat from the west wing and gives the troops a chance to re-form their fists.

At noon the day after Winters had driven off the pinned foe, the Turdtown Vanguard made their first assault on the Field of Soldiers.

At that point in time, eight of the twelve companies of the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment were deployed along the Bighorn River, and these eight companies were generally absent, exhausted, and gathering.

A company is stationed at Xiaoshi Town, and the battle strength is relatively complete.

The remaining three companies are the general reserve team, originally stationed in Sanke Town, and are rushing to Little Rock Town and Tusher Field.

Other Musketeers were formed into a separate company, under the direct control of Winters.

And the people of Teltown are like an arrow, the tip of the arrow has touched the heart of Zhongtiefeng County, and the follow-up troops are rushing to come.

If the vain field is broken through, then Winters' two crossings of the Big Horn River will be completely in vain.

His scattered companies will be smashed by the Teldons one by one, just as he repelled the scattered Teldons.

The difference is that the Tordons can run away on horseback, and Winters' subordinates don't even have the chance to escape.

It was Bard who led the exile camp to withstand the first and second waves of the enemy's attack, gaining another day for Winters.

The twelve companies of the Iron Peaks Regiment and all the militias of Oxhoof Valley, Little Rock, and Sanke were assembled at the moved towards the ford.


The warriors of the 5th Company marched in silence, in a column, without drums or slogans, and even the flag was rolled up.

The fifth company commander [Lannis] was riding in the forefront.

Tonight is the perfect day for the moon phase, which is a good day for both parties to fight.

There was a faint sound of hoofs ahead, as if cavalry were approaching the column of the 5th Company.

Lannis raised his hand, the flag-bearer unfolded the flag, and the military police immediately took out an arrow, turned around and handed it to his comrades behind him.

After each warrior receives the arrow, it will pass it to the person behind him as soon as possible. At the same time, he will throw away all the redundant items, and move towards the flag with only weapons and armor.

Without any passwords, the Fifth Company formed a phalanx in silence.

Lannis listened attentively, the sound of hoofs getting closer and closer, from which he determined that the other party was coming for the fifth consecutive.

"Drumming!" Lannis broke the silence.

A rain-like snare drum sounded, signaling that the warriors of the 5th Company had their positions exposed and were ready to fight.

The visitors were stationed in front of the phalanx, and there were only a dozen horses.

“Who?” Lannis asked.

"It's me," Winters replied.

Lannis stepped out of the square and gave Winters a steady salute.

“Can we still fight?” Winters asked.

"Better take a two-hour break." Lannis answered truthfully.

"Turn the direction and go to the Valley of the Cow's Hoof." Winters doesn't need to be polite to his old department: "Tamas is building the third line of defense, and you are under his command for the time being."

"Yes." Lannis raised his hand to salute again.

Lannis was assigned a guide, and Winters took one last look at his old minion and rode away.

The 5th Company returned to marching formation again, heading for Southwest.


If it is a head-to-head battle, a five-kilometer-by-five-kilometer open space is enough to accommodate a grand battle with a scale of 100,000 people.

The trouble with the Teltown people, and all nomadic tribes, is that they can turn five kilometers into fifty kilometers, or even a hundred and fifty kilometers, with their mobility.

To advance in the advantage, retreat from the disadvantage, not be ashamed to run away, and be sure to win before attacking, this is the big tactical advantage brought by high mobility.

For example, in this great detour by the people of Teltown, the straight-line distance on the map alone has exceeded 150 kilometers.

If you walk 2,000 kilometers, humans may be able to compete with horses in endurance; but if you run 200 kilometers, you can't go faster than horses anyway.

Winters from the very beginning chose Zhongtiefeng County as the battlefield because Zhongtiefeng County was small enough.

The Teltown people had to go around 150 kilometers, while the Iron Peaks troops fighting on the inside only needed to travel 50 kilometers, making up for the speed disadvantage with the advantage of travel.

For this reason, Winters abandoned Wolf Town, Black Liquid Town, and Five Mastiff Town.

This decision sounds easy, but it is actually heavier than tens of millions of tons of rocks.

Now, as the Teltown people make their way around the 150-kilometer road and cross five rivers, the arduous trek reaches Central Iron Peak County.

The 1st Step of the rainstorm battle, the "nerf" has been implemented.


It is different from the previous situation where the Hurds avoided war and the Palatu people sought war. At this moment, the most eager to dignified are fighting the battle are the people of Teltown.

Tai Chi wanted to fight knife to knife and gun to gun with the two-legged man, thinking like crazy.

A wall stopped him—two walls to be exact.

A short wall blocks the mountain road between Dowdfield and Little Rock.

Another long wall prevented the Teltowners from entering the Valley of the Cow's Hoof.

Both walls are low, about the height of a person, and grown men can climb over them with little effort.

The problem is that people can climb over, but what about horses?

The people of Iron Peak refer to the long wall as the [Shield Wall] and the short wall as the [Dagger Wall].

Telltown people always call it a horse-blocking wall, because these two walls are not used to block people at all, but to block horses.

The leaders of the Teltown tribe gathered together and decided that there were only three ways: breaking the wall, filling the soil, and detouring.

The detour was immediately rejected, and the detour can only continue to go south and cross the river through Xiaoshi Town.

Not to mention the delay, the bridge in Xiaoshi Town has also been demolished. Do we need to rebuild the bridge when we get there?
"Wait, don't hide your secrets, hand over your armor and sheepskin sac." Tai Chi spit out a mouthful of spit: "If you don't break bones, how can you eat bone marrow?"

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(End of this chapter)

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