Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 296


Chapter 296 Dead Land
The gist of the rainstorm plan boils down to one sentence: to force the Teltowns into the cavalry A battlefield where formidable power is difficult to play.

How to do this?
Winters' strategy is simple and straightforward - block all other routes.

Defense must rely on the dangers of mountains, rivers, and rivers. What about the Pangtuo River who has no danger to defend?

Then there are only mountains and rivers rising from the ground.

A wall is a man-made mountain.

Among the two fortifications, the construction of the [Shield Wall] was coordinated by Bard, which broke ground as early as Winters mobilized to evacuate the people of [Lower Iron Peak].

The manpower used by Bard was the refugee civilians in Black Liquid Town and Wuzhen Town.

Refugees were recruited to build the wall not just for military needs, but also as a way of administration and relief.

The total length of the [Shield Wall] is about 18 kilometers, and most of them are located in areas where the terrain is uneven and difficult for the army to pass through.

The road leading to Oxhoof Valley and to Little Rock, Budd left open on purpose -- at Winters' request.

So Tai Chi actually wronged his subordinates.

That Qingling Yu didn't lie, he crossed the river to explore two roads, and indeed he didn't see anything. Not to mention walls and trenches, the road is flat, and there is not even a ditch.

On the night of the second attack of the Teltown Division, Winters led a large force to the battlefield, using wooden stakes, baskets, soil and a new way of earthwork to build a nearly 4-kilometer-long building in one night. [Wall of Daggers].

Wait until the second day, when the army of Teltown's army crossed the river, the scene in front of Tai Chi appeared: a low wall that can't be considered blocked his way, and the two ends of the wall extended to the field of vision. end.

Subjects and slaves may be afraid of the rumor that "demon helps two-legged people build a city overnight", but Zhu Keta and Nayan are a little surprised.

Although it is still unclear how the two-legged man built the ten-kilometer-long wall in one night, but after years of fighting, the more sturdy city defense buildings have also been seen by the Turdun nobles. .

The question is, how to break it?


Telltown riders, carrying sheepskin sacks full of soil, took turns rushing to the ditch and dropping the sacks.

The Tiefeng County militiamen returned fire with bows and arrows, and at the same time threw fiery clay pots filled with lamp oil, but they were still unable to stop the soil sacs from getting higher and higher.

This fence is so short that an adult can climb over it with a lot of effort.

Telltown barbarians certainly don't fail to see this.

When the riders attacked the city from the front, another Armored Soldier quietly approached the wall and climbed up the wall in cooperation with each other.

The sentry tower on the wall saw this scene and immediately sounded the alarm and waved the flag to indicate the location.

A Tordun Armored Soldier just climbed up the wall, only to hear the sound of wind in his ears, the next moment was shattered by a flail in his head, and his head fell with blood.

On the other side of the wall, a honest and timid militiaman shouted with uncontrollable excitement: "I killed one!"

Most of the militiamen were just ordinary farmers half a month ago , Compared with the brutal close hand-to-hand combat, the "thieves" who knock down the wall with flails are more courageous.

Without waiting too long for the Honest Militia to be happy, one after another, Tordun Armored Soldier jumped over the wall.

Just after "captured Level 1", the honest militia grew bold and shouted and raised the flail to hit the barbarian.

Telltown Armored Soldier, however, unhurriedly raised his shield and met the flail at a slight angle.

The yoke left only a scratch on the shield, and Torton Armored Soldier strode forward, raising his machete and slashing ferociously.

The honest militiamen who were stunned on the spot were unable to react in time, and their necks were almost split in two, and they died on the spot.

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the other militiamen dispersed in a hurry.

Telltown Armored Soldier laughs viciously, while his personal slave kneels uncontrollably and retches.

But Tordun Armored Soldier soon stopped laughing, and neither did his slave vomit because they were both dead.

It was a lance that killed the Armored Soldier in Tordun, and the man holding the lance was Bart Shalling.

Bart Schalling didn't stop beside the corpse for much longer, and he wanted to hunt down the other Tordun Armored Soldiers.

Ancient military strategists described the Hurds as follows: "These Barbarians have short and weak lower limbs, shrunken by years of riding, so that they cannot walk for long periods of time, let alone fight on foot."


This is of course a completely untrue misunderstanding, and of course the Hurds can fight on foot if necessary.

However, the reason for the misunderstanding is that the Hurds will try to avoid dismounting and fighting, so that their enemies are almost invisible.

When the Hurds lose their horses, they leave their most powerful weapons.

For example, these first-class elites in Teltown armor, they never imagined that one day they would become two-legged men, and the two-legged men charged at them on horses and with guns tucked.

Bart Schalling led three ten cavalry teams, and with a single charge, the dozen Armored Soldiers of Teltown who came over the wall were defeated.

So Teltown Armored Soldier ran for his life on two legs, while the Palatine cavalry raised a high bone and smashed it down the back of the Telton man's head.

This scene not only happened in the defense area of Bart Shalling, but also happened in three other defense areas with flat terrain and suitable for cavalry attack.


Although it is only a low wall, Winters and Budd have also made careful planning:

On the one hand, it is based on the shape of the place and minimizes the cost as much as possible. A small amount of work; on the other hand, because of the situation of the mountain, as far as possible to choose the position where the cavalry is difficult to pass to build the wall.

Just looking at the map, it's easy to see Iron Peak as a plain.

In fact, Iron Peak County is located at the northern foot of the Golden Peak mountain range. She is the last ripple in the mountains. The terrain is undulating and there are limited places suitable for large-scale cavalry troops to pass.

Based on this, Winters deployed his main company in three "throat spots", while he himself sat on the [Wall of Daggers].

The defense zone of the 2nd, 4th, and Auxiliary Militia Detachment was the most suitable key point for the cavalry to deploy - because the main road of Tiefeng County passed from here.


Tych and the rest of the Turdon-nails couldn't see what was going on on the other side of the wall.

The wall blocked not only the steeds, but also the view of the Terdon people, preventing them from knowing the defenders' deployment.

Under the ponytail banner, a few Turdun blue feathers could only see the Armored Soldier who climbed over the wall, either crawling out with blood and blood, or never coming back.

Tai Chi looked all around, and the expressions on Zhu Nayan's face became more and more ugly.

Even if Zhu Nayan didn't speak, Tai Chi knew what Zhu Nayan was thinking.

During the winter and spring battles at Bianli and Netherworld River, the Terdun division lost a lot of troops, and many leaders have not recovered until now.

At the end of the month, the horses were getting fat, and the Turdun team wanted to join forces with the Suzi team to loot.

The result? Didn't get any benefit.

When it comes to dispatching troops this time, the fire roasters clearly said that they are here to slaughter grass and slaughter sheep, so why did they start to fight for their lives?

The robbery in Quanliyue was barely profitable; in the robbery in Shasheyue, if one bone and one bone were gnawed like this, no matter how many things were robbed, it would have to lose money.

[Note: the full moon, the lunar month of August; the sacrificial month, the lunar month of October]
Just as a thief suddenly discovers that stealing has turned into a robbery, and like a robber who is caught off guard, many Teltown The leader also had the intention of retreating.

To understand this mindset, it is important to keep in mind the fact that, for the low-productivity Heard ministries, the motive for war was more economic than political.

All in all, it is very reluctant for the nobles of Teltown to turn grassy valleys into trenches.

Let's not talk about whether you win or not, so what if you win? earn? Lose it!

At present, the right-wing army of the Teltown Department can basically be divided into two factions.

One faction is the leader who has harvested. They have already had enough to eat, and they just want to return the harvest to the tribe as soon as possible, so they do not work hard and are not interested in filling the trenches;
The other faction It was the leader who had nothing to gain, and also posted a lot of war horses and cattle and sheep.

But the two-legged man's resistance was too fierce and resolute. If the fight continued like this, the Yans were worried that trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

As far as Tai Chi knows, the leaders of the latter faction are colluding with each other, wanting the fire-boilers to come forward and redistribute the loot of the former faction.

Look at it, the North and South divisions of Iron Peak under Winters rule, and the same contradictions among the people of Teltown.

Things are so absurd and bizarre, this war is not so much a game of two chess players as it is a skinny hospital dog fighting to the death with a lame wolf.

Tai Chi didn't know how the battle was going on on the other side of the wall, but the siege of the sacks went smoothly, and the gentle slope of sheepskin sacks made it easy to run horses.

"Who wants to go first?" Tai Chi turned back and asked the Yans.

The first boarding is not only rewarding, but also can be the first to choose spills of war according to the rules. But in this situation, I am afraid that the bones are not easy to chew, so no one pays attention to Tai Chi.

Tai Chi's eldest son saw that his father was humiliated, he was angry, he pulled up the ponytail flag, and shouted: "Are you a mouse or a bird? So cowardly? Father! I'm on!"

Zhuna Yan was annoyed and sneered, all of them were silent.

Tai Chi glanced at eldest son and clicked on another face that was usually at odds with him: "Wu Lianghe, you go and kill."

Named [Wu] Lianghe]'s Qing Lingyu knew that Tai Chi was trying to provoke him, and without saying a word, he pressed his chest and saluted, and took his banner and went back to his house.

Wu Liang and how many two-legged people on the other side of the wall of thinking don't know, is it a risk of life to go there rashly?
So he summoned one of his subordinates, Turukota [Subiechi], who he didn't like very much, and asked the latter to bring his troops over to test the depth of the water.

Wu Lianghe specifically told him not to be red, if the situation is not right, he will withdraw.

Soon Biechi was ecstatic, and shooting the first arrow before the battle was not only a great honor, but also a very rich reward.

For Na Yan's worries, Su Biechi didn't take it seriously.

In his opinion, the bows and arrows of the two-legged people are weak and weak, and it is obvious that the bow-holders are all peasants and Qianshou, and they can only hold on to this point by relying on a low wall.

Once the Turdun iron cavalry jumped over the low wall and trampled by the horse's hoofs, how could two-legged people not flee?

With this kind of confidence, don't put your bow in your hands, gallop on horseback, and roar up to the wall.

Then he tried to stop the horse in horror, because he finally saw what was ahead.

Inertia wouldn't allow Subei to do this, and his warhorse leaped off the wall with a neigh.

With the height of the wall close to two meters, Subei's warhorse can stand stably, which is a rare horse.

Some Turdun riders, unable to dodge, also jumped off the wall, breaking the horse's leg.

Telltown riders who responded quickly swerved their horses to steer, or simply jumped off the dirt slope without their horses.

Tai Chi's expression was calm, as if he knew this would happen.

Stop jumping over one wall, desperate to see another wall—three to be exact.

Wu Liang and Chi came to Tai Chi and cursed: "Tai Chi! The two-legged man built the wall! You already knew that?!"

The clip in Heard's mouth The wall is the "multi-layer city wall" in the common language, which is also the "urn city".

Bud on the second fence gave the first order to fire a musket: "Fire!"

The musketeers in the first row pulled their firing rods without the slightest hesitation, then the first musketeer. Second row, third row.

After three rounds of platoons, Subiechi was already beaten to pieces, and there were not many survivors left of the other Teltown people in Weng City.

Zhunayan is not surprised that Wuliang and the broken people are. On the contrary, the sound of muskets from one after another surprised everyone under the banner of the horsetail banner.

A limited number of muskets are used centrally by Winters. Therefore, this is the first time that the Iron Peak County side has used the musket team.

Tai Chi listened to the sound of platoon fire, and opened his eyes abruptly: "Two-legged musketeers, they fought so neatly!"

What came from the air wasn't scattered pieces The popping sound of beans, but a uniform salvo, like a drum beat.

Tai Chi tried his best to remember, where was the last time he heard this kind of gunfire?

He remembered that it was on a small fort to the northwest of Bianli. The last time, the Teltown Department was also smashed into the wall.

"Are two-legged people know how to shoot like this." Tai Chi thought hard: "Or met an enemy?"

"A two-legged person with a musket? Not unusual. The two-legged man must be an elite like Su Wei." Another Qing Lingyu asked: "Do you want to fill the trenches again? Tai Chi? You and I might as well retreat first and then decide."

Tai Chi Chi sullen face: "Wait again."

Zhu Qingling Yu looked at each other in blank dismay, no one knew what Tai Chi was waiting for.

On the other side of the wall, Bud waited for Winters instead.

"I'm wrong in my judgment that the muskets should not be used," Bud said wearily to Winters. "When the guns go off, the Teltowners will be back, and should have waited."

"It's fine." Winters took off his helmet, took a deep breath of fresh air, and motioned to the other riders behind him to remove the saddlebags: "They're going back anyway... pick these up and show them. Look."

Blue Plume Feather, Red Plume Feather, and the ordinary Teltown members were shocked to see long poles with heads inserted one by one from the trees on the other side of the low wall,
The long pole carried not only the head, but also the bloody armor and the flag of the horsetail.

Other Yan looked back at Tai Chi, and Tai Chi complexion ashen, clutching the reins tightly, his teeth rattling.

The west coastline of Zhongtiefeng County is about 80 kilometers wide, and the Dagger Wall and Shield Wall together are about 22 miles wide.

The Winters shortened the width of the defense after the Tordons reversed course.

But 22 kilometers is still too wide. To some extent, this line of defense is full of holes.

The advantage of the Teltown people is mobility, and the advantage of Iron Peak is the terrain.

So Winters focused on defending a few chokepoints, and in other places cavalry against cavalry.

The Tertuns can send a small group of fine cavalry to detour over the mountains and mountains, and the Winters can also send out cavalry to counter-sweep.

Tai Chi chose to retreat when the soldiers were destroyed.

The other Teltown people who attacked and feinted in several ways also returned without success.

Winters ordered the militia to take away all the earthbags Tordun had left outside. Sheepskins are good things after all.

Daytime battles take place in the Wall of Shields, and nighttime battles take place in the Wall of Daggers.

"Why didn't the enemy generals guard the river bank, but instead gave way to the river bank and deployed defenses inland?" Tai Chi was puzzled by this question.

He got it that night—or at least, he thought he got it.

The terrain dictates that the shield wall and the dagger wall are roughly L-shaped.

If the [L] were smaller in size, within the range of muskets and artillery, then the clearing between the two walls had a term called the "Killing Zone", also known as the "Killing Field". ".

Although the dimensions of the Dagger Wall and Shield Wall are measured in kilometers, the relative position of the two walls still implies a flanking situation.

The wall is not only a shield against the enemy, but also a sortie position to launch an attack - the content of the siege tactics lesson.

That night, Tai Chi learned that there were battalions attacking from the "long wall", not only was not surprised, but shouted "OK" three times.

[Note: "Long Wall" and "Short Wall" are Terdon people's terms for "Shield Wall" and "Dagger Wall"]
The night raid, and it must be attacked from the short wall, the long wall's noisy attack must be to lure the enemy.

In any case, as long as the opponent chooses to leave the fortifications to fight in the field, it is to give the Teltown people a chance.

According to Tai Chi's arrangement, the leaders of the scattered camps gradually contracted, attracting the two-legged people to go deeper.

Tai Chi's elite troops are guarding near the low wall, waiting for the raiding troops dispatched to ambush the low wall.

As expected, after the long wall made a noise, the low wall also moved.

Torch lit up one after another, people screamed and neighed, and Tai Chi waited patiently.

Tai Chi didn't realize something was wrong until a thunderous hoof sound came from behind.

Winters is neither attacking from the wall of daggers nor from the wall of shields.

He erected a pontoon at the location where the Turtleton Raiders once swam upstream, led the cavalry through the mountains, moved towards the barbarian and stabbed him in the back.

After a night of scuffles, all the people of Teldun retreated to the south bank of the Pantuo River, and Tai Chi only kept a small number of elite soldiers on the north bank to control the Tuishu field.

Iron Peak County finally controlled the battlefield. From this point of view, it was the Teltown people who lost.

But the Terdun losses were short-lived, and at dawn they re-entered the North Shore.

And Tiefeng County's troops have once again contracted back behind the two walls.

The offensive on the second day was even more ferocious than on the first day. If the first day was just sacks and detours, the people of Teltown on the second day began to use brute force to break the wall.

Winters also did not save any more energy, threw himself into the reserves to defend the shield wall, and attacked the Teltun flanks with cavalry.

The buckshot was flying and the war horses were flying. In the afternoon, the Terdun people, who were still fiercely attacking the moment before, suddenly retreated like a tide.

At dusk, the face deathly pale messenger brings Winters bad news.

"Your Excellency, barbarians... barbarians demolished the horse-blocking wall on the north bank of the Pangtuo River." The young messenger could barely stand still, and said with a weeping voice, "Go west along the canyon trail!"

Winters was being treated at the infirmary when the heralds found Winters. Both members of the cavalry team were also injured. The tall and thin representatives and the short and fat representatives of Niu Hoof Valley were also present.

"Fuck!" The chunky representative--his name was ["fatty" Nandore]--dizzy, grabbing the messenger's collar and tremblingly asked, "How do savages know about the canyon trails? Only the locals know! Someone betrayed us! Who?!"

The messenger shook his head desperately with tears in his eyes.

"That trail?" Fatty Nandol's emotions were on the verge of losing control: "That trail is so narrow! How can the army pass through?"

The tall and thin representative - his name is [Jacob] Green] - also ashen-faced, wobbly.

Winters said slowly: "The water is shallow, and more dry banks will be exposed, allowing more soldiers and horses to walk."

"No! That path In summer, it will not be exposed at all! In winter, no matter how shallow the water is, one person and one horse can walk! How can it be possible to allow the army to pass through?! Your Excellency!" Fatty Nandore grabbed the corner of Winters' clothes as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Hurd The barbarians must not have passed a few people! It's too late! It's too late to go now!"

"I'm afraid it's too late." Winters leaned against the tree trunk and shook his head gently: "If even the main force of the Teltown people can't get through , why am I still building a dam upstream to block water?"

"That...wasn't it?" Fatty Nandore was completely lost, and cried out in grief: "We are here to fight our lives and shed blood. , was it all in vain? Or didn't stop..."

The tall and thin Jacob Green came back to his senses, grabbed his old enemy, and respectfully asked Winters: "Your Excellency, what did you say? ...Dam, what do you mean?"

"Dam." Winters was relieved and relaxed, lying slowly among the pine branches and dead leaves, as if a heavy load had been lifted from his shoulders: "It's a dam."


80 kilometers upstream of the Pantuo River, within the territory of Xiaoshi Town.

Among the canyons, crude dams made of stakes, gabions and mud have filled with water and the river has been raised several meters.

From the dam, walk ten kilometers downstream along the channel, where it will join another channel.

Going further down, it is called Pantuo River.

And this river blocked by the dam is a tributary of the Pantuo River [Huiqing River].

That is to say, the water in the lower reaches of the Pantuo River comes from the tributary [Huiqing River] and the main stream [Pangtuo River]
Winter is the dry season, and Winters cut off the [Huiqing River]. Unconsciously, the water volume of the Pantuo River has reached its lowest point in three decades.

The people of Teltown downstream know nothing about it.


Cow's Hoof Valley, Southwest, Wilderness.

All men, women and children of all ages in the Valley of the Ox were mobilized. Led by Battalion Commander Tamas, another wall was built throughout the night.

This is where Winters chose to die for the people of Teltown.

[The thank you list for these days will be added tomorrow]
[There is a map, but it is too late today, I will draw it tomorrow. There are many maps in this chapter to be comfortable to read, such as the last river, which has been there for a long time...]
[Modified a plot bug, that is, "Winters didn't build all the walls overnight" ]
[First, his efficiency is not that high. I actually calculated that this wall is not more than ten kilometers, but more than twenty kilometers.

Caesar has a record of "30,000 people, seven days, twenty kilometers of siege walls". Although the quality of Winters' wall can't keep up with Caesar's wall, it is impossible to build it overnight in terms of manpower and efficiency]
[Second, Winters does not need to hurry. He did have the idea of inducing the Teltown people to take the initiative to attack, but for some inconspicuous places and places that are not easy to pass, it is a more reasonable strategy to build walls in advance.

If it is purely to show weakness, the one-meter wall will not be repaired, and the construction will only be started after waiting for the people from Teltown to come.四月八日(周四)见了,大家]

(End of this chapter)

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