Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 297


Chapter 297 wind and rain
Middle Tiefeng County, Xiaoshi Town.

In the mountain road, the messenger with the red flag galloped on the horse.

"Red Flag!"The sentry on the watchtower saw the red flag flying from a distance, and shouted and sounded the alarm bell: "Red Flag!"

The alarm bell sounded before the horse's hoof. The sound reached the town center, and the seventh company commander [Li Wei] stationed in Xiaoshi Town rushed to the town square.

Three foaming warhorses stopped in the square, and the leading azure warhorse suddenly recoiled and fell down with its hind legs bent.

Amid the exclamations of others, the messenger rolled off the saddle and nearly broke his left leg on the spot.

"Military order?" Li Wei strode to the side of the messenger.

The messenger immediately went to get the saddlebag, but the saddlebag was already held down by the horse, and the exhausted messenger could not pull it out anyway.

Li Wei pushed the messenger away, stood firm, and suddenly exerted force on his waist and legs, forcibly lifting the horse corpse that weighed hundreds of pounds.

The military police next to him quickly removed the saddlebag.

Li Wei grabbed the saddlebag, took out the military order, and tore the lacquer seal. There were no letters on the letterhead, just a red cross smeared with blood.

Livy can't read or write, but he can't mistake the symbol.

There are no townships or villages in Xiaoshi Town, and all those who can walk are mobilized.

The roar of the explosion roared in the canyon, the dams blocking the Huiqing River were torn down layer by layer, and the river water with full potential roared and rushed downstream.


Central Iron Peak County, Gervoudan New Town.

The setting sun Western Border, the former sergeant [Ivan] stood on the arrow tower, watching the movement on the horizon, the moist heat seeped from the palm of his hand.

He is waiting for news from Pangtuohe.

Gevodan is located on solid land in the middle of the river valley, surrounded by flat fields on all sides, except for the fortifications that are being built, there is no danger.

The main company of the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment rushed to the Pangtuo River, and the city defense of Gervoudan was completely taken over by the city guards.

Whether Ivan likes it or not, as a former city guard and sergeant, he takes up arms again.

The ordinary person who knows nothing about the war can easily develop blind trust in the Montagne tribune.

But Ivan is different. He has experienced the most temperamental side of war, and he is deeply afraid of it.

And he knew very well that the victory or defeat of this battle was not in Gervoudan, but in the fierce battle 100 kilometers away.

But Ivan didn't know how the battle on the Pontuo River was going - no one knew, the citizens of Gervoudan and the refugees were all eagerly waiting for the new issue of "War Newsletter".

Ivan looked towards the square in the center of the new city. There, men and women who have finished their day's work are queuing up for their pay -- food.

Richard Mason was also in the square, and he and his assistants walked through the food distribution stalls one by one, and randomly took bread for inspection.

At first, according to tradition, the people who participated in the project were paid in the form of food.

However, the people who came to Gervodin to take refuge had neither grinding plates nor cooking utensils. They had to take the grain and exchange it for bread, which ended up fattening the miller and baker.

After much deliberation, Mason decided to follow the 2nd Company's method of preparing rations: a unified production of bread, and a "reward" in the form of bread.

One wave has not settled, another wave has arisen.

The unified production mode of bread seems to bring benefits to the people, but in fact, it gives the worms the opportunity to sloppy-work and make their own hands.

It might be fooled to be someone else, but Captain Richard Mason is better at statistics than artillery.

Merlin temporarily recruited students from the accounting school to implement a new inspection method that requires a large amount of computing power in the production of bread in Gervoudan - sampling inspection.

Scaling was both an opportunity for the moth and an opportunity for Richard Mason to practice statistics. Because the larger the total and sample size, the smaller the error of statistical sampling.

A moth who knows nothing about mathematical tools is caught one after another, and although there may be a fish that escaped the net, the corpse swaying under the gallows is enough to temporarily shock Xiao Xiao.

Another carriage drove over the wooden bridge with toasted bread. Mason saw the visitor and walked over to greet him.

Mason grabbed the bridle and said apologetically, "If you have time to come over in person, I'll send a coachman to you."

The carriage was driven by two ladies, dressed as boys. Scarlett held the reins, and Anna, in a top hat, sat beside Scarlett.

Anna gently nods to

The fire didn't spread to Gervodan, this was the center of the storm, enjoying the last of Ironpeak. peaceful.

Gevodan ultimately failed to implement the gender-separated system. However, with the help of the Catholic Church, Mason temporarily placed all the women and children among the refugees in the old city.

Baking bread requires a lot of manpower, and women and children placed in the old city also undertake a considerable part of the baking work.

Mason knew what Ms. Navarre wanted to ask in person, and his apology was even deeper: "Sorry, there is still no news from Winters."

Ana's eyes filled with a bit of loss, Immediately cheered up, she said with a candid smile, "I think no news may be good news."

Scarlett was also a little disappointed, and Ms. Mitchell tried her best not to show it. She looked into the distance and asked, "Mr. Lieutenant, has the city wall been repaired?"

"A total of 128 construction sections have been completed, and 113 of them have been completed." Mason answered rigorously.

"If the city wall is repaired, the Hurds will not come in the end." Scarlett regressively sat back in the driver's seat: "What a pity."

Mason Shook the head with a light smile: "Miss Mitchell. Keeping the Hurds from coming here is what it means to build this new city."


Get on the iron Peak County, Hammer Castle.

There are two hammer castles in Hammer Castle, the Old Hammer Castle is an old high tower wooden castle.

Newhammer was built by Captain Richard Mason in response to the Vigne attack and was located further north.

The old and new hammer castles, one after the other, lie on the main road between [Vogne County and Iron Peak County], firmly guarding the gate of Iron Peak County.

However, there is a design problem in the old and new Hammer Forts: due to the lack of a wall structure, the two Hammer Forts can only block the passage of the large army, and it is difficult to defend against small groups of enemies interspersed.

At this moment, the "Birthmark" company commander in charge of defending Hammer Fort squatted beside a mass of horse dung, with a deep knot between his eyebrows.

"There must have been a barbarian Hurd passing by." The old sergeant Dussack poked the horse dung: "It's all frozen, at least it was last night. Looking at the hoof prints, there are not many people and horses, it may be The barbarians who were driven into our place from Vigne County."

"Light the beacon." The birthmark company commander gave an order coldly, he thought silently: "Shangtiefeng County is not peaceful anymore."



Lower Tiefong County, Dajiao River.

Samukin's fleet not only captured the ferry, but also captured a large number of sheepskin rafts.

Relying on small boats and captured sheepskin rafts, Major Ronald led militiamen, women and children across the Bighorn River and camped on the west bank.

The situation has undergone a wonderful reversal:

The people from Xiatiefeng County, whose family lives on the east bank, went to the west bank to build a camp; The people of Teltown, because there are no boats, stand on the east bank with big eyes staring at small eyes.

Leaving a part of the sheepskin raft, Samukin took the fleet to the downstream battlefield.

Before leaving, Samukin told Major Ronald: "The total strength of the Teltown right flank army should be seven to eight thousand troopers.

The fire roasters are at least in the West Bank. Two thousand troopers were left behind, and this part of the Teltowners, although repelled, could return in a swirl of dust at any time.

The Montagne Tribunal wants you to know that you not only It is necessary to guard against the enemy crossing the river on the east bank, and be more careful of the raids of the Teltown people on the west bank."


Great wasteland, the winter pasture of the Teltown people.

The fertile winter pastures of Tertown have now become a fire of loss of life.

On wasteland, the wind direction is erratic in a small area, but the regularity of the monsoon in a large area cannot be defied.

The spring and summer monsoons run from east to west, and the autumn and winter monsoons run from west to east. This is an iron law that has not changed for thousands of years.

The cavalry led by Andrea Cellini and Don Juan first hurried westward, slaughtering the ox of the Teltown people when hungry, and crowding Teltown when thirsty. The milk of the goat of man, and the horses of the horses are exhausted to rob the horses of the people of Telton.

Then turn around and turn around, using the power of the monsoon to set fire to the pastures along the way.

Like a fire star falling into a haystack, in a dry and rainless winter, the flames spread out of control.

The thick smoke shrouded the sky over the wintering pastures of Teltown Department, and Teltown people scattered all over the place drove cattle and sheep, and fled with their belongings.

But where can they flee?

The fire won't kill you, but the smoke can choke to death. Even if they were lucky enough to escape the fire, the overwintering grassland would have been burned to scorched earth.

Don Juan on the hillside looked at the hell scene he created with his own hands, and his expression was a little solemn: "Maybe we have gone too far and burned it, and the Hurds have not eaten or drank, and they will still be alive next year. They will come again."

"They will come again if they have food and drink." Andre replied in a muffled voice: "Let's go, bypass the fire, let's go home."


Central Tiefeng County, Pantuohe Road.

The river in the field was stained red with blood again, and this battleground for the military changed hands again.

The Terdun people left nearly a hundred Armored Soldiers to garrison the camp, while Winters personally led four main companies and auxiliary militia troops to attack and annihilate it.

Compared with the previous fighting style of the Teltown people who ran if they won, or walked if they couldn't win, the Teltown people who defended the field showed amazing toughness.

This war is no longer a low-intensity conflict with a quick victory and a one-shot breakaway, it has revealed a more brutal side.

"Build a camp here." Winters changed his horse and called the second company commander Bart Shalling in front of him: "Give you two companies and four militia Hundred Men Squad. Don't let them go. Let a Teltown person go, and no Teltown person is allowed in."

Bart Harling, who was injured in his right arm, raised his hand to salute with difficulty with his left arm.

"The water is rising!"Charle galloped forward, shouting excitedly: "The water was rising!"

Charle rushed all the way to Winters and Bart Shalling In front of him, out of breath, he said, "The water has already passed the second stone pillar!"

Twenty years ago, when the Pantuo River was regulated, the masons laid five pillars in the lower reaches of Xiaoshi Town. stone pillar , used to indicate the water level.

Once the water does not cover the second stone pillar, it means that the canyon trails exposed by the dry water will be blocked by water again.

"Let Silian fix the horse-blocking wall in the canyon!" Winters without the slightest hesitation ordered: "Since you have entered, don't let the Terdun people come out again."

Shire and Bart Shilling looked at each other in blank dismay , not knowing what form the order should take.

"Ciel, you go and pass my password." Winters put his helmet back on.

Charle raised his hand in salute and rode away.

[Sorry, I still haven’t finished writing this battle]
[I’ve been pigeon for two days, I’m very sorry, Orz]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket,月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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