Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 20 Terrifying Power Increase! Use The Type 96 Main Battle Tank As A Barbell!

"The mecha strength test has begun, and the testers are asked to lift the corresponding weight target as required..."

"Current target weight: 200kg..."

Strength assist testing begins soon.

According to the quasi-generation mecha they developed, the researchers prepared several kinds of heavy objects of 200kg, 300kg and 400kg for the anti-missile mecha as a reference.

This is the highest standard that the current quasi-generation mecha can complete!


Liu Xun controlled the mech to approach quickly.

The hands are very accurate on the 200kg barbell.

There is almost no feeling of effort, this big guy needs at least two people to lift it.

He easily lifted it above his head with one hand!

"At the end of the first test, the tester lifted a 200kg weight. Combined with the tester's physical weightlifting records, the power assistance of the current mecha has increased by four times..."

Zhang Dahai held the communicator and asked, "Liu Xun, how do you feel?"


"I feel that I haven't exerted any strength yet, and I picked up the barbell very easily just now!"

"Compared to the quasi-generation mecha we developed, this big guy's auxiliary boost to strength is simply not too strong!"

Liu Xun's excited voice came from the mecha.

However, with the previous brain wave control technology in the background, the researchers did not feel much surprised.

It's just that the second test hasn't started yet.

Liu Xun controlled the mecha, passed the 300kg barbell directly, and came to the side of the 400kg heavyweight.

The same is held with one hand.

There is also no feeling of effort.

The barbell, which is close to the weight of seven male compatriots, was lifted above his head with one hand again!


"400kg, 800kg barbell, or just lift it with one hand?"

"How strong is this mecha's strength support? The mecha we developed seems to be the limit at 800 catties, right?!"

"It's outrageous! It's outrageous! Although the body skeleton of a general mecha has a very good load-bearing capacity, it is hindered by flexibility...

When the volume of the exoskeleton of the mecha is produced, it will take this issue into consideration and optimize the design. Therefore, in terms of power assistance, most of them can only be three to four times that of the human body. "

Nearby researchers whispered.

Zhang Dahai's eyes on the anti-missile mech became even hotter!

In a limited space, the strength of the mech can be increased to more than eight times that of the human body!

This thing is definitely an epoch-making military product!

Lin Yuan: "At the end of the second test, the tester lifted a 400kg weight. Combined with the tester's physical weightlifting record, the current mecha's power assistance has increased by eight times..."

The test results were displayed again on the equipment.

However, Liu Xun was very dissatisfied: "Report to the chief teacher, this kind of test is a bit too slow, or we can go straight to the point and try to find something heavier?"


Liu Xun's gaze.

Consciously or unintentionally, he looked at the military off-road vehicle on the tarmac.

This big guy uses bulletproof glass and reinforced parts, and its weight directly reaches nearly ten tons.

Although it is not as good as an armored vehicle comparable to a tank, it can easily crush several family SUVs.


"Lu Ming, do you have any heavier things here? Hurry up and get them all out!"

Zhang Dahai nodded.

He looked at Lu Ming who was at the side.

"Report to the chief! There is still a scrapped fighter plane in our warehouse. We can disassemble the engine on it. One looks like a ton."

Lu Ming answered quickly.

"Okay! Then use it!"

It's just that Zhang Dahai just wanted to explain to Liu Xun, when he saw that the guy had strolled near the military off-road vehicle.

After looking around.

Report to him that he wants to see if he can lift it.



Zhang Dahai and Lin Yuan looked at each other.

Agree directly.

Liu Xun is also a man who doesn't talk too much.

Two arms covered with metal armor plates stretched out to the bottom of the car with one hand, and supported the door with the other.

Controls the anti-missile mech.


Just lift this big guy, which weighs nearly ten tons, to a height above his head at an extremely fast speed!

"Good guy!"

"This guy really lifted the military off-road vehicle?!"

"The weight of this thing, as I remember, is almost ten tons?"

"What a terrifying power assist! What kind of drive does this mecha use? Why can it transmit such terrifying power?"

"Ten tons! The power support of this mech definitely exceeds ten tons! That kid Liu Xun looks so relaxed!"

Liu Xun, who was standing tens of meters away, directly alternated his hands left and right, tossing the military off-road vehicle up and down for fun.

A relaxed look.

It seemed that the big guy in his hands was just made out of an inflatable ball.

Absolutely no weight whatsoever.

"Liu Xun! Report the situation!"

Zhang Dahai was stunned for a while.

Then he took the communication device and said loudly to Liu Xun.

"Report to the chief! I feel like this hasn't reached the limit of the mech yet."


"How about we get a tank to try?"


All the researchers were speechless.

The lightest tank weighs at least 25 tons.

No matter how fierce this mech is.

It's also impossible to get the tank up, right?


"Arrange immediately!"

Zhang Dahai also wanted to see the limit of this mecha.

Now that Liu Xun is throwing a military off-road vehicle, maybe he can really lift the tank!

Army Major Gu Chuan was also very cooperative.

He gave the green light all the way to the army base of the military department, and in one step, someone transported an obsolete Type 96 main battle tank to the base in one step.

"Start the fourth strength test!"

"Target Type 96 main battle tank! Weight: 41.5 tons!"

Zhang Dahai personally directed.

He stared at the anti-missile armor with scorching eyes.

Everyone present was also very nervous at this time, and their hearts were almost raised in their throats!

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