Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 21 Breaking The Sound Barrier In One Second! Acceleration Of Zero Hundred And Three Seconds!


The test countdown is over!

Liu Xun manipulated the anti-missile mech to spread his feet.

Just like when he lifted the military off-road vehicle just now, he supported the body of the tank with one hand supporting the bottom.

At this moment, everyone held their breath for an instant.

Especially Zhang Dahai.

At this moment, the palms of the hands were already wet with sweat.

If this mecha can really lift the Type 96 main battle tank.

Tanks that used to be rampant on the battlefield, after encountering this individual mecha, can definitely turn over like a bastard!

"Get up!"

Liu Xun let out a low roar of excitement.

The asphalt ground under his feet was instantly cracked inch by inch under this terrifying pressure, and the feet of the mech also sank deeper into the ground at the same time!

One centimeter!

Two centimeters!

Three centimeters!

The Type 96 main battle tank has also successfully escaped the shackles of gravity, constantly increasing the distance from the ground!

at the same time.

Before Liu Xun's eyes.

Prompts from the mecha auxiliary system constantly emerged:


"The electromagnetic power system has been increased to 100%, and the kinetic energy is continuously and stably output..."

"The system detects insufficient kinetic energy, and automatically turns on the anti-gravity thruster assistance..."

"The anti-gravity thruster is turned on successfully, and the frequency modulation of the anti-gravity element is unlocked by 10%..."

Click twice.

The armor plates on the back of the mecha's hands and arms are automatically opened, revealing the anti-gravity components hidden inside.

The mecha, which has reached its limit, erupted with a terrifying lifting force in an instant!

Lift the Type 96 main battle tank, which weighs 41.5 tons, to a height of more than two meters!


The eyes of all the researchers almost popped out.

The Type 96 main battle tank successfully lifted the mecha over the head, and at the same time, the connected equipment also showed the power output of the mecha at the moment.

The main body of the mecha accounts for 90%.

The anti-gravity element with the arm armor plate opened, an additional ten percent increase!

"Anti-gravity element? The arm of this mecha is actually equipped with an anti-gravity element as a thruster?!"

"Oh my god! This mecha actually has anti-gravity thrusters built into its arms! Whoever designed this mecha, how did he do it!!!"

"What a terrifying power!"

"Just now, the mech obviously couldn't fully lift the Type 96 main battle tank, but with the addition of anti-gravity thrusters, the main battle tank weighing 41.5 tons is not enough at all!"

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock.

Where did such an advanced mecha come from?

Not to mention Factory 106!

Even if it is a foreign technological power, there is no such advanced technology on the surface!

"Could it be the legendary secret research institute?"

In Zhang Dahai's mind.

An idea popped up involuntarily.

This mecha is too advanced!

It is so advanced that even he can't guarantee that Factory 106 will be able to develop it in the next ten years!

Perhaps only the rumored, secret research institute independent of the military headquarters has such abilities?

It is said that any technology that was randomly picked up in the research institute is a top secret above SS rank!

"Not ruled out!"

Vice President Lin nodded in agreement.

at this time.

The power increase data of the anti-missile armor has been generated:

"The fourth test is over. The testers lifted the 41.5-ton Type 96 main battle tank. Combined with the tester's physical weightlifting record, the current mech power assistance has increased by 830 times..."

Although this test.

The anti-missile mecha activates the anti-gravity thrusters.

But this is still undeniable, it successfully lifted a main battle tank weighing forty tons!

"too strong!"

"I feel like wearing this mecha, I can single out a tank battalion!"

A third speed test is being prepared.

Liu Xun was very excited and boasted to other researchers.

But no one contradicted him.

An individual mecha equipped with propellers does have the capital to single out a tank battalion.

Just the advantages in flexibility and strength are enough to overthrow a tank battalion.

"The third speed test is to directly measure the flight speed, starting from zero-hundredth acceleration, then increasing the speed, and cruising at the limit."

After a simple discussion.

Zhang Dahai and Deputy Commander Lin unanimously decided to start the mecha flight test directly.

As for ordinary running speed.

With the previous brain wave control system and strength increase as a base, there is not much suspense in this item without testing.

And this mecha.

In the hands of non-professionals like Gu Wan'er, it can display a speed of Mach 2.488.

its real data.

There should be a lot more on this basis!


"We're ready!"

Everyone hurriedly changed the third test item.

Liu Xun was also very excited.

Turn on the flight learning mode directly and start learning how to fly in the air.

Because it is brain wave control.

With his previous experience in piloting mechs, he quickly mastered the essentials of flying anti-missile mechs.

"The third flight speed test begins. Testers are asked to reach the limit speed of the mech in the shortest possible time, and maintain the extreme speed cruise for ten minutes..."

The test system is ready.

Before Liu Xun's eyes.

The ten-second countdown also appeared again.

He manipulated the mecha to hover at a height of several hundred meters. The test route was centered on Sheng City, and the edge that the Sky Eye system could detect was the radius.


Countdown to zero.

next moment.

Liu Xun controlled the mech and flew forward in an instant!

After a second.

There was a loud bang in the sky!

The anti-missile mecha breaks the sound barrier in an instant and rushes to a higher speed level!

"The zero-hundred-acceleration test was completed and took 356 milliseconds..."

"The current speed is 867.6 kilometers per hour..."

"The interval acceleration test starts, the initial speed is 867.6 kilometers per hour..."


"Interval acceleration test results in one second, speed 2875.3 kilometers per hour..."


"Interval acceleration test results in two seconds, with a speed of 5901.2 kilometers per hour..."


"The three-second result of the interval acceleration test, the speed is 9925.8 kilometers per hour..."

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