Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 43 Push The Lever To The End! Fly A War Machine, You Are A Fool!

"Master Lu, can we... drive slower? This speed is too, too fast..."

In the sky hundreds of kilometers away from Sheng City, Chen Yong was already scared out of his wits.

After getting acquainted with the super light particle fighter.

He only pushed one-third of the lever, and the feeling of pushing the back of the entire fighter almost didn't push his whole body into the seat.

Looking at the flying speed of Mach 6, he now just wants to pull back the lever to a quarter, or even a fifth.

"Why slow? We still have to go around the Baodao Strait, drive back at your speed, the J-6 fighter jet exercise is already over!" Lu Yuan sat in the passenger seat and looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm a little scared..." Chen Yong replied very timidly.

Lu Yuan was a little speechless: "What's there to be afraid of?! Push the lever to the end! You're ashamed to open a fighter!"


He reached out to help Chen Yong.

With a click, the lever of the fighter was pushed directly to the front.


"The power of the quantum entanglement engine has been increased to one ten-thousandth, and the speed of the fighter jet has reached Mach 10..."

"The power of the quantum entanglement engine has been increased to 1.5/10,000, and the speed of the fighter jet has reached Mach 15..."

"The power of the quantum entanglement engine has been increased to 2/10,000, and the speed of the fighter jet has reached Mach 20..."

Electronic synthesis sounds echoed in the fighter plane.

Chen Yong's body was pressed against the seat, and there was no blood on his entire face.

But the next moment his eyes widened.

At this time, outside the window of the super-light particle fighter, a wide strait separated the two sides.

"Lu... Chief Master Lu, here we are, have we reached the Treasure Island Strait?" Chen Yong swallowed.

Lu Yuan didn't answer.

I just took a notebook and recorded this on it: "Two minutes for a thousand kilometers, it seems to be a little worse than the extreme speed cruise of the mecha."

Chen Yong, who was still thinking about luck just now, suddenly had a big brain.

Two minutes for a thousand kilometers?

Is this still a fighter plane?

at the same time.

J-6 fighter exercise base.

The sixth-generation fighter exercise officially started.

"All inspections of the quasi-sixth-generation fighter jets are over! Test flight personnel from all factories and institutes are in place!"

"The countdown to takeoff begins!"

More than a dozen fighter planes, one by one behind the runway on the tarmac, completed preparations for takeoff at any time.

"Factory 102's fighter is good. Its appearance is similar to that of the previous generation of fighters, and a lot of modifications have been made. It looks more aerodynamic."

"Factory 101 is not bad either. Looking at the research direction in the information, this fighter plane should focus on the innovation of the aircraft engine and increase the air flow rate of the external valve."

"I compared the AJ-91 of the 109th factory. When this fighter was in the 81st model, it was only close to winning the first place in the fifth-generation fighter."

With burning eyes, several academicians quickly swept over the fighter planes on the tarmac.

Along with the countdown to the takeoff of the fighter plane, it sounded in the exercise base.

The quasi-sixth-generation fighter jet of Factory 109 rushed out of the tarmac in the first place, and took off almost two fuselages faster than the second place.

Behind it are Factory 102, Factory 101, and some military-industrial cooperative design institutes.

The quasi-sixth-generation fighter designed by the research team led by Song Kaiming, although this time there is no tragic bottom.

However, the take-off speed of the fighter planes in the first echelon was still nearly two seconds slower!

"Old Song, it's not very good for you to prepare for the sixth-generation fighter this time. It's not too much behind just after taking off."

"I don't know if it can keep up with the ultimate cruise in the follow-up test?" The chief engineer of fighter development in the 105th field couldn't help but tease.

The chief engineer of the 101 factory next to him also said unceremoniously: "Aren't you also behind in the second echelon? Then you can let it come to the first echelon."

"Go, go, it's just taken off, so it can't explain anything. Besides, my fighter is not focused on the take-off project." The chief fighter of the 105 factory retorted.

"You guys are really, every time you get together, you have to make such a fuss."

"With this time, it's better to pay more attention to the situation in the sky. No one knows what the final result will be until the end."

The chief engineer of Factory 109 also spoke.

Swish Swish Swish!

All fighter planes have taken off.

Including the research institute's quasi-sixth-generation fighter jets, nearly twenty of them took off to participate in the J-6 exercise.

After a few minutes.

A chief teacher who has a good relationship with Song Kaiming leaned over here and asked: "Old Song, when will the second fighter plane in your factory arrive? It is only ten minutes away from what the academicians said. Three minutes."

"It should be soon."

Song Kaiming looked up at the sky.

"The distance from Shengshi to here is only more than 20 kilometers, and it only takes more than ten minutes to get here by high speed, let alone driving a fighter plane directly."

"Why don't you call and ask? If you miss this time, you will have to wait five years for the next opportunity." The chief teacher kindly reminded.

Except for the dozen or so quasi-sixth-generation fighters that took off before, he didn't find any other fighters in the direction of Shengshi.

The chief teacher of Factory 105 walked towards the two of them: "Maybe Lao Song is afraid. Seeing the performance of our fighters, he is too scared to take out the second fighter?"

But at the moment when his voice fell.

The sirens of the entire exercise base sounded instantly.

A school officer trotted all the way to the podium and quickly reported the situation:

"Report to the chief! An unknown object is found to be approaching rapidly! The speed exceeds Mach 20!"

"It is not ruled out as an intercontinental missile!"

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