Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 44 Why Are There So Many Fighters To Welcome Us?

"All quasi-sixth-generation fighters make an emergency landing! All quasi-sixth-generation fighters make an emergency landing!"

All quasi-sixth-generation fighter pilots in the sky simultaneously received an emergency communication from the ground base.

Everyone looked puzzled.

What happened?

Not only did the ground alarm go off, but their exercise planes also had to make an emergency landing?

"All the fifth-generation fighter jets in the base are dispatched to conduct frontal air-to-air interception!"

The commander-in-chief of the exercise base responded quickly.

This is the only way to intercept ICBMs.

With a speed of Mach 24, only by intercepting it in the front can there be a slight chance of success.


"The fifth-generation fighter is ready to take off!"

Thirty fifth-generation fighter jets flew from the runway to high altitude one after another.

However, when the entire base was in full swing.

An unfamiliar link completed the link with the exercise equipment.

"Huh? Why are there so many fighters coming to welcome us?"

Lu Yuan looked at the number of fighters on the radar.

A total of thirty planes took off from the ground base and quickly flew towards their direction.

The corner of Chen Yong's mouth twitched, and he explained with a bit of bitterness: "Master Lu, we seem to be, perhaps, probably, possibly being regarded as targets for invading the airspace."

Lu Yuan's eyes widened: "Take it as a target for invading airspace? Haven't we already completed the connection of the exercise equipment?"

Thirty fighters approached.

Is this going to knock them straight out of the air?

"It should be that our speed is too fast, and we were misunderstood as intercontinental missiles..."

Chen Yong was already unable to complain.

The speed of this fighter plane is simply too inhuman. He is a fighter pilot, but he was almost stunned by the extreme cruise speed.

"Then why are you still standing there! Hurry up and explain the situation to the ground. What if the fighter on the opposite side throws two poached eggs and scratches the paint surface of our fighter?"

Lu Yuan felt a little distressed when he thought about it.

This is the special paint for universe-level fighters that he has spent a lot of effort on.

The cost and production process are very outrageous.

Scratch a little.

It is estimated that a second-hand car worth tens of thousands is gone.

Chen Yong heard the words.

The corner of the mouth twitched directly.

Scratches the paint?

Are you sure we didn't just disappear?

But he didn't dare to delay.

Quickly connected to the equipment of the ground exercise base and began to send communication requests.

"Please reply if you receive it from the ground base, and please reply if you receive it from the ground base. We are personnel involved in the fighter exercise of Factory 106, and we will be flying fighter M000 to the sky above the base."


"We are personnel involved in the fighter jet exercise of Factory 106, and we will be driving fighter jet M000 to the sky above the base soon."

at this time.

Ground exercise base.

Several academicians and school officials stared at the exercise communication equipment with some surprise.


In the fighter link column that was empty before, a fighter number named M000 has appeared at this moment.

"The alarm we received just now was not triggered by this fighter plane?"

Academician Huo stared in disbelief.

But as soon as his words fell, he couldn't help shaking his head again, denying this idea.

Speeds in excess of Mach 20.

There is nothing in the whole world that can be reached except ICBMs.

Especially manned fighters.

The limit speed of the whole world is still testing back and forth on the edge of Mach 3, but there is no way to break through the last step.

"Stop attacking!"

"This is our fighter plane!"

Academician Zhang opened his mouth to terminate the interception order.

It's not that he believes that the fighter can reach Mach 24.

Instead, it detects unknown targets in the radar, after the M000 fighter plane is connected to the base exercise equipment.

The intrusion alarm was immediately stopped, and it was identified as its own flight unit.

He had to accept this fact!

"What's going on? How did the target become our fighter?"

"Didn't it mean that it is not ruled out as an intercontinental missile? And this is really the speed that a fighter plane can achieve?"

Thirty fighter pilots reduced their flight speed and communicated with their teammates through the communication channel.

But just as they were talking.

A fighter jet with blue light particles gushing out of its engine quickly appeared directly above the exercise base.

And from a Mach speed of more than 20, it dropped to a stationary state almost in the blink of an eye, hovering at an altitude of several hundred meters.

The eyes of the people on the ground who were paying attention to the situation in the sky widened.

A fighter plane flying at high speed.

Just hovering in the air?

Newton's coffin boards can't hold it down, right?

"Old, old Song, this, this will not be the first, the second fighter in your factory, right?"

Beside Song Kaiming.

Many chief teachers kept swallowing their saliva.

The light beams emitted by the three engines changed from blue to yellow, forming a ninety-degree angle with the fuselage, continuously providing reaction force towards the ground.

Such an alternative design.

Completely subverted their perception of fighters!

"I... I don't know too well, but it seems that this fighter plane is not... that's right."

Song Kaiming was also shocked.

Staring at the super light particle fighter above the head.

He is very familiar with the appearance of this fighter plane. It is a quasi-third-generation fighter plane designed by him more than ten years ago.

Unexpectedly, with little change in appearance, Lu Yuan directly endowed it with an anti-gravity design that stays in the air!

And the speed before...

"Call the ground base! Call the ground base!"

"Fighter M000 is ready to land! Fighter M000 is ready to land!"

Chen Yong's voice.

It was transmitted from the exercise communication equipment again.

Ground response: "Landing allowed! Repeat! Landing allowed!"

finished talking.

Chen Yong pulled the lift lever on the main driver's seat, and controlled the ultra-light particle fighter to slowly land from the sky.

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