Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 46 Quantum Entanglement Engine? The Theory Just Mentioned Yesterday, You Figured It Out Toda

"Master Song, didn't you mean to participate in the J-6 exercise? Why did you let us down?"

Lu Yuan didn't make a sound yet.

Chen Yong couldn't sit still.

This fighter has a fast flight speed, and it can achieve a vertical sonic boom when taking off from zero distance.

Definitely can get the first place this time.


This fighter is too fierce, so it was reported jointly by the chief teachers of other factories?

"Come down as soon as I let you down, why are there so many nonsense?"

Song Kaiming's voice was slightly urging.

There are either chief teachers or academicians nearby, so it's not easy for him to get angry at Chen Yong.

It seems to feel something.

Chen Yong shrank his neck, quickly loosened the seat belt on the driver's seat, turned his head and said to Lu Yuan: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Song told us to get down first."

Lu Yuan didn't refuse either.

Loosen the seat belt of the co-pilot and walked towards the lifting platform.

A light blue light circle quickly lit up after he approached, marking the specific location of the lifting platform.


whispering sound!

The vacuum lock is released, and the lifting platform under the feet begins to slowly descend to the ground.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, this is Mr. Huo from the Academy of Military Sciences, and this is Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang."

The lifting platform has not stopped yet.

Song Kaiming had brought several academicians of the Academy of Military Sciences to the vicinity of the fighter plane, and introduced him to him with a smile.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang..."

Lu Yuan heard the words.

The whole person suddenly became respectful.

These people are all meritorious academicians who have worked with Mr. Qian, and they have made outstanding contributions and contributions to Longguo.

"Okay, okay, it really is the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead. Comrade Xiao Lu's fighter modification this time has opened the eyes of us old guys."

Huo Lao said directly in admiration.

At the age of twenty, he not only independently completed the research and development and manufacture of individual mechas, but also won a first-class merit award.

The transformation of the fighter is also beyond the reach.

"Mr. Huo's reputation is too high. I just wanted to get a big toy that is a one-to-one reproduction."

Lu Yuan scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

Good guy!

All the chief teachers called him a good guy!

Tinkering with a fighter jet that flies far faster than most intercontinental missiles, you tell me it's just to get a big toy that can be reproduced one-to-one?

"Haha, it's really interesting for the little guy to talk now, but you are a big toy."

Huo Lao stroked his beard.

I just feel that Lu Yuan is a bit modest, so he understates the modified fighter and deliberately calls it a big toy.

Song Kaiming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

If others don't know, can he know?

As for Lu Yuan's indistinguishable distinction between a toy and a real thing, many chief engineers of Factory 106 are well aware of it.

It's just that it is rarely mentioned to the outside world, so except for the military department directly under Factory 106, other factories, the Academy of Military Sciences, and even the General Staff Headquarters don't know about it.

"Okay, Huo, let's get to the point. I have a lot of questions about this fighter, and I want to ask Comrade Xiao Lu."

Zhang Lao interjected.

Many chief teachers also looked at Lu Yuan very tacitly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I chatted too well with Comrade Xiao Lu, and I almost forgot about the business."

Huo Lao hurriedly apologized.

Then he looked at Lu Yuan and asked very seriously: "Comrade Xiao Lu, these engines of yours are all dismantled from rockets and refitted into fighter planes, right?"

"However, in order to withstand the speed of Mach + 20, the main material of this fighter and the external armor plate should have made a lot of improvements."

"But I'm curious, how do you deal with the fuel of the rocket engine? The propulsion of this thing is very strong, but the rate of fuel consumption is also ridiculous."

Lu Yuan didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Huo Lao, the engine of my fighter plane is not removed from the rocket."

"You also said that the fuel consumption of that thing is too high. If we want to support the fighter jet to fly at a speed of Mach 20+, I guess we even empty the fighter jet out, and it won't be able to provide long-term fuel reserves."

"Then what are these engines?"

Huo Lao was a little puzzled.

Lu Yuan continued: "This is the quantum entanglement engine that I spent a month developing and producing."

"The beauty of it is that as long as it can provide enough electrical power, it can realize the quantum trap, and provide the propulsion of the engine beyond the rocket engine."

"You also know that I built a miniature ark reactor on the mech before, so this time, in order to provide enough power for the fighter, I also installed the same controllable nuclear fusion reactor on the fighter."

"According to the calculation of the first model cycle speed flight, it should be able to last for nearly a hundred years."


Huo Lao stared.

The first reaction is that it is impossible.

Didn't the quantum entanglement engine just come up with a theory yesterday?

Why has it only been a day.

He saw the actual engine on a fighter plane?

"Are you sure it's not a rocket booster?"

Huo Lao confirmed again and again.

Lu Yuan also kept nodding: "This is not a rocket propulsion, otherwise let alone five fighter jets, even one would not be enough."

"If you don't believe me, I can take you to take a look inside the fighter plane and see if you can find the fuel tank used by the rocket propulsion."

Huo Lao and the others listened.

Instantly came up with the idea of ​​boarding the fighter plane and taking a look.

If this is really a quantum entanglement engine, then there is absolutely no fuel tank in this fighter.

interior space.

It will also be more spacious than ordinary fighters.

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