Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 47 Sorry! My Fighter Can Fly In Space

"Huo Lao, this is a boarding and lifting platform made using a miniature ark reactor, coupled with an electromagnetic generator and electromagnetic anti-gravity components."

"In addition, in order to ensure the integrity of the cabin, after the lifting platform is closed, the internal locking device will activate the vacuum mode, allowing it to completely integrate with the body."

"Even if you bombard it with poached eggs in this state, it won't cause any impact or damage to it."

Stand on the lifting platform.

Lu Yuan seemed to open up a chatterbox, chattering about this hyperparticle fighter.

Huo Lao and the others were stunned.

The micro-ark reactor is used as the power source of the lifting platform, and it is also equipped with electromagnetic generators and anti-gravity components.

This is simply the ultimate luxury!

Controlled nuclear fusion has been studied by the Academy of Military Sciences for so many years, but they have not yet mastered a relatively stable and long-lasting solution.

so technical.

It is estimated that it will take at least ten years to barely achieve it even if the entire Academy of Military Sciences is assembled.

"This is the flight cockpit inside the fighter plane, and the entire space occupies half of the main body of the fighter plane."

"Of the remaining half, another half is allocated to quantum entanglement and the miniature ark reactor, and the rest is the control system, defense system, and weapon system."

Lu Yuan pointed to the cabin with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, including the main and co-pilot seats, and introduced.

"With such a large space, it seems that this fighter is really not powered by conventional fuel."

Huo Lao and the others studied it carefully.

The space inside the entire fighter plane is very large. Except for the height being a little shorter, the width almost catches up with the small rooms of two commercial houses.

In order to convince everyone, Lu Yuan deliberately opened the area where the Ark reactor was placed.

A super-large ark reactor with a diameter of 1.5 meters, connected with various pipes and lines, is running smoothly in the rear area of ​​the fighter plane.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, is this what you said, the Ark reactor made using controlled nuclear fusion?"

Zhang Lao asked excitedly.

Lu Yuan nodded: "That's right, it uses conventional palladium, deuterium, tritium and other elements, and catalyzes them in a special way, allowing them to produce nuclear fusion stably."

"In terms of energy intensity, after being equipped with an electromagnetic generator, it can provide the entire year's electricity consumption for the imperial capital before the internal atoms completely decay."

"What?! One...a whole year?!"

Several academicians were stunned again.

The population base of the imperial capital is very large, and there are many enterprises. It is conservatively estimated that the annual electricity consumption is at least about 20 billion kWh.



This guy actually uses a nuclear power plant that can provide a year's electricity for a first-tier city to serve as an engine battery for a fighter plane?

"Xiao... Comrade Xiaolu, isn't this a bit, a bit too wasteful?"

Huo Lao swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "Waste is impossible to waste, even I think it is not enough, only the first mode is enough."

"Once the fighter plane enters the second mode, it is estimated that the energy in the Ark's reactor will be completely exhausted within an hour."

"What's the second mode? It can consume a year's electricity consumption of a big city in one hour?"

Everyone looked at Lu Yuan curiously.

Lu Yuan waved his hand: "That can't be said, this is our secret."

Huo Lao didn't continue to ask, but just smiled and said: "The young people nowadays are really amazing, we old guys don't want to admit defeat."

Zhang Lao nodded: "Yes, controllable nuclear fusion can be used as a battery, let alone when we were young, even now we dare not think so."

"There is also a quantum entanglement engine. Although I don't know if it is true or not, it can provide fighter jets with a speed of more than Mach 20 and solve the problem of fuel. This technology is absolutely extraordinary." Wang Lao also said while holding his beard. with.

It's just that he still can't believe the authenticity of the quantum entanglement engine.


Does this mean that he is bragging?

Lu Yuan's stubborn temper came up a bit.

He interjected directly beside him and said, "Old Wang, this is a serious quantum entanglement engine."

"Although the appearance looks similar to ordinary rocket propulsion, the principle and technology inside are completely different."

"No matter in terms of stability, noise or vibration control, they are not on the same level."

Old Wang shook his head: "I don't mean that either, it's just that none of us have seen the real thing, so it's hard to be sure of its authenticity."

"Okay, old Wang, I think Xiao Lu's words are quite reliable. Could it be that you can think of other ways to let this fighter take off without using conventional fuel?" Huo Lao opened his mouth to smooth things over.

Wang Lao stroked his beard: "That's not necessarily the case. Didn't Comrade Xiao Lu master the electromagnetic frequency modulation technology? Maybe it can be done with this technology."

This is true.

The inside of the fighter plane was hollowed out, except for the Ark reactor and a few oversized engines, only the airframe was relatively large.

Compared with other fighters, its overall quality not only has not increased, but has also decreased a lot.

Lu Yuan said: "Old Wang is right, using anti-gravity technology can indeed make this fighter fly, but there are certain limitations."

"The electromagnetic frequency modulation anti-gravity technology can only be used in the atmosphere, and it is too far away from the planet. Because of the weakening of the magnetic field, the follow-up power of the fighter will also be automatically reduced."

"But my fighter plane does not have such a problem. Not only can it break through the atmosphere, it can also enter space flight."

"In other words... this is actually a space-level fighter that can realize space travel."

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