Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 54 I Saw A Fighter Plane On Mars!

"Cough cough cough..."

Huo Lao and the others coughed violently in shock.

They never expected that the fighter plane in front of them was actually built by Lu Yuan to mine Idin stone and metal hydrogen.

This simply subverted their three views!


Song Kaiming was the most surprised. He knew very well that what Lu Yuan said was true.

On the first day Lu Yuan arrived at Factory 106, he had explained to the factory manager that he needed idingite and metal hydrogen.

It was only later that I heard that Chen Luo, who was in charge of collecting materials, sent him some Iding stone and metal hydrogen.

After that, Lu Yuan went to his department to study the fighter planes on the tarmac.

At that time, he thought that Lu Yuan was holding the Iding Stone and Metal Hydrogen to design a fighter plane, but he didn't expect that the design of the fighter plane was entirely because the amount of Iding Stone and Metal Hydrogen was too small.

That's why I have to tinker with myself to create an extremely fast fighter that can fly in the universe and has super-light speed.

The purpose is to collect enough quantities for Mars, a planet that is dissatisfied with Idinite and metallic hydrogen.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, what do you mean to say that this fighter was developed to collect Idin stone and metal hydrogen?"

Huo Lao stared at Lu Yuan, and it took him a long time before he asked word for word.


Lu Yuan nodded.

"The reserves of idinite and metal hydrogen on Blue Star are too small. They are just sent from the purchasing department, which is not enough for what I need to use next."

"So there is no way, I just need to try to focus on Mars, and see if I can make a fighter fast enough to complete the leap from Blue Star to Mars in the shortest time."

Lu Yuan didn't hide anything, and very directly stated the purpose of creating a super-light particle fighter.

But that's what I said.

Huo Lao and Song Kaiming in the cabin were immediately paralyzed with shock!

In order to collect ore on Mars, a super-light fighter was directly produced.

This is simply a genius!

If you put it on them, I'm afraid you don't even dare to think about it.

Superlight fighter.

It would be great to be able to arrive within a month, less than ten minutes, this is completely unimaginable!

"Are you going to go down and have a look?"

"This is my first time in outer space, and I want to see the difference between Mars and Blue Star."

Lu Yuan said at the same time.

While putting on his own clothes, he put on a one-piece space suit.

"Of course I'm going!"

"It's my first time to Mars too!!!"

Chen Yong ran over excitedly.

The corners of Huo Lao's mouths twitched.

Look at what they say, as if it's not their first time to Mars.

And not to mention landing on Mars.

It is the first time they have come to this outer space.

in addition.

The human exploration area for Mars is very limited.

Even if there are unmanned probes landing on Mars, there is still a big gap between this and what you have seen with your own eyes.

"Alpha, start the Mars landing mode!"

Lu Yuan put on the space suit, and his voice was transmitted through the glass mask inside the cabin.


"The Mars landing mode is turned on, and the air pressure inside the cabin begins to adjust..."

It fell with Lu Yuan's voice.

The air in the cabin began to be sucked out by the auxiliary system of the fighter, and gradually had the same content as the air on the surface of Mars outside.

"The air pressure balance is over, open the lifting platform..."

Electronic synthesis sounds appear.

Lu Yuan stood directly on the lifting platform and began to descend towards Mars outside.

Huo Lao and the others were also full of excitement at this time.


They can go to outer space and land on Mars in their lifetime!

Because the astronauts faced a very harsh environment and Longguo's technology was not very mature, the selected astronauts were all young and strong.

And a certain period of physical training is also required before departure.

Old bones like them.

I can't stand such a toss at all.

Therefore, landing in outer space has nothing to do with them!

"This is Mars!"

Huo Lao seemed to be breathing very rapidly.

The body movements also became cautious, and slowly raised his feet to step out to the ground outside the lifting platform.

But because of poor gravity.

Huo Lao felt that his whole body became much lighter after leaving the lifting platform.

"One small step forward, one giant leap forward for human civilization!"

Huo Huo stood on the ground of Mars, his voice was so loud that it echoed in everyone's ears.

Each spacesuit has a built-in communication device.

Just turn it on.

Everyone can communicate with each other based on the distance between them, which is similar to the same distance on the blue star.

That is.

The closer the distance, the louder the sound that can be heard, the farther the distance, the smaller the sound, or even disappear.

There is also a calling mode.

Can conduct long-distance voice conversations.

In this way, as long as the communication distance of the equipment is not exceeded, people wearing spacesuits can communicate.


Just when Huo Lao and others landed on Mars.

At this time, in the Longguo space station, two astronauts stationed in the space station are boredly observing the situation of the nearby solar system planets.

What a coincidence.

They checked out to Mars and found tachyon fighters that had landed there.

"Ah... Ah Hui, I, I seem to see a fighter plane on Mars..."

One of the astronauts spoke incoherently to his companion with a face full of shock.

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