Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 55 The Five-Star Flag! That Is Our Dragon Country People!

"What? You saw a fighter plane on Mars? Are you sure you're not dazzled?"

At the same time, Liu Yang thought he heard it wrong, but when he saw Liu Yang's appearance, it didn't look like he was joking.

But how is this possible.

Mars is more than 55 million kilometers away from Blue Star, and even reached more than 500 million kilometers at the farthest point.

this distance.

Even space probes need to fly for a long time to do it.

A near-Earth aircraft like a fighter plane can't even leave the blue star's atmosphere, so how could it appear on the blue star!

"No, what I said is true, and, and I seem to have seen someone get off that fighter plane."

Liu Yang quickly explained.

He had repeatedly confirmed several times just now that it was the fighter plane on Blue Star, although he didn't know which country it belonged to.

But that is definitely a fighter that can't go wrong!


"This is absolutely impossible!"

At the same time, Liu Yang yelled in disbelief.

However, he still hurried over, took the astronomical telescope for long-distance observation from Liu Yang's hand, and watched the picture on Mars.

Because the distance was too far away, the picture he saw was just a few minutes before the fighter plane landed, when Lu Yuan and several primitive men landed on Mars wearing space suits.

"It turned out to be true..."

"There are really fighter planes on Mars, and there are still people alive!"

Liu Yang muttered to himself in shock at the same time.

It took him a while to realize that the people on Mars took out a red flag with five stars and planted it on the ground there.

"It's the national flag of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"My God! The people who landed on Mars are actually from our Dragon Kingdom!"

Liu Yang's colleague immediately screamed.

As astronauts stationed on the space station, they know very well how difficult it is to land on Mars.

Just landing and breaking away from the gravity of Mars requires fuel that is not currently technologically possible.

If it's just an ordinary unmanned device, it's okay to say, only the fuel problem needs to be considered.

But if people land in time, the difficulty factor will increase several times or even ten times on the previous basis!

"Call the space base, call the space base, we found a successful landing on Mars at the Blue Star Space Station, we found a successful landing on Mars at the Blue Star Space Station."

Liu Yang picked up the communication equipment and quickly got in touch with the Blue Star Aerospace Base.

And the pictures they captured were given back to the ground space base.

Suddenly the entire ground space base boiled!

"God! Someone successfully landed on Mars?!"

"What aircraft is that? Why does it look like a fighter jet?"

"The flag with five stars! That's us from the Dragon Country!"

"How is it possible! When did our Dragon Kingdom master such a technology? Can we successfully land on Mars?!"

"Hahahaha! No matter what! Our Dragon Kingdom has set a new record for space landing on planets this time!"



Things that the technological powers such as the Beautiful Country and the Fighting Nation failed to do, but now the Dragon Country has managed to do it!

And it looks like the fighter plane is still used to land!

"When did the military develop such an advanced fighter? It was able to escape gravity and successfully land on Mars?"

At this moment, the person in charge of the space base had a flash of doubt in his heart.

Then he picked up the phone and called his friend in the military to ask him for some information about that fighter plane.


In the General Staff Headquarters of the Southern Military Region, Zhou Wen'an, the chief general of the three armies, showed a look of astonishment on his face.

"This fighter is really developed by the military? Why didn't I receive any information?"

Recently, the four military regions have been conducting exercises of the J-6 fighter jets, and the most powerful ones seem to be able to fly close to the atmosphere.

I haven't heard of any fighter that can fly directly out of the atmosphere circle and sail directly in the universe.

Not to mention flying to Mars, completing the historic landing of all mankind, and planting the flag of the Dragon Kingdom with your own hands!

"Xiao Liu, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhou Wen'an looked at the guard next to him.

Xiao Liu took the photo, looked at it carefully for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "General Staff, this fighter seems to be the J-3 fighter that participated in the exercise more than ten years ago."

"I remember that it seems to be one of the five major military departments in the south. I'm a little unclear about which military department it is."

"Is it really developed by our military?"

"The secrecy work is good. I, the general of the three armies, don't even know about it."

Zhou Wen'an was also surprised.

Then he continued: "Since it is from our Southern Military Region, we have to follow up on this matter. Look, people from the space agency have come to ask, and I don't know anything."

"I see. Now I will investigate and find out that this fighter was secretly developed by that military department."

Xiao Liu nodded.

He hurriedly took the photo and left from the General Staff Office.

But at this moment.

At the Aerospace Museum in a certain place, many people also saw the tachyon fighter on the surface of Mars and Lu Yuan and others who landed on the surface of Mars through the astronomical telescope here.

"God! There are actually people on Mars!"

"Really! I also saw the national flag of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Didn't it mean that the technology of the beautiful country can't complete the Mars landing plan? Our dragon country has already succeeded?"

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