Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 56 It's Bad! Dragon Kingdom Has Already Completed The Mars Landing Plan One Step Ahead


The photo about the super-light particle fighter was posted on the Internet.

Many people were shocked!

The fighter plane broke through the atmosphere, flew to the Martians, and completed the manned landing plan on Mars!

This is simply a historic feat!

The other side of the blue star.

At this time, the beautiful country is holding the next space program. The old leader stood on the high platform, facing many relevant departments, and gave an impassioned speech.

"Our beautiful country, as the number one scientific and technological power of Blue Star, will complete the manned landing plan on Mars within the next three years!"

"This will be a big step in my human history and civilization!"

"Compared with other planets in the solar system, Mars is the planet that is most suitable for our future immigration. In the future, the space research of our beautiful country will also focus on this theme!"

"As Blue Star's No. 1 scientific and technological power, our beautiful country must not let others take away this honor!"

The old leader spoke with certainty.

People from various departments below also responded with confidence.

But as soon as he finished speaking, an assistant hurried onto the stage with a mobile phone.

"Old leader! It's not good! Longguo has already completed the Mars landing plan one step ahead of us!"

"This is the latest news we just received!"

Zhuo hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dug out a message on the Internet in Longguo.

It is impressively written that the Dragon Kingdom has developed a space-level fighter, which is the first to break out of the atmosphere and complete the epic feat of manned landing on Mars.

And under the cheating article, there is also a blurry photo that is suspected to be taken by an astronomical telescope.

You can barely see a fighter jet docked on a piece of rusty Gobi.

Several people in spacesuits fixed the flag representing the Dragon Kingdom on the ground.


"how can that be!"

"A lot of Dragon Kingdom's technology is blocked by us. How could they complete the Mars manned landing plan earlier and faster than us!"

The old leader's first reaction was disbelief.

Although the Dragon Kingdom has chased after it in recent years, the time is too short after all, and it has also been blocked by many technological powers.

It is simply impossible to complete relevant research in such a short period of time.

one after another.

The leaders of other departments below have also received information related to this.

It's just that the beautiful country is in the opposite direction to Mars, not only the space station, but even the satellites in their airspace cannot take pictures from that angle.

"Immediately use all connections to find out what's going on!"

The old leader immediately issued an order.

half an hour later.

dragon country.

Old Zhao of the Bureau of War and Disregard is holding a clarification conference on the online platform.

The matter of fighter jets carrying people to Mars caused a commotion in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and the higher authorities asked him to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Can't let things continue to ferment!

"Everyone, be sensible. This photo is obviously produced by P. Although our Dragon Kingdom has been engaged in research in this area, there is still a long way to go before manned landing on Mars."

"And in terms of the performance of the fighter, let alone reaching Mars, it is very difficult for it to even fly out of the atmosphere."

Many netizens booed directly in the barrage:

"Yes, yes, what the bureau said is correct. If it wasn't for my friend who happened to see it at the Astronomy Museum, I would have been fooled by you."

"It's too much, I asked you to participate in Zhanhu, but you still want to come to Huang, we just don't believe what the boss says?"

"Yes, yes, how could our Dragon Kingdom be the first to complete the manned Mars landing plan..."

"Be low-key and low-key, we just need to know these things ourselves, if you are too high-key, you will have no friends."

A reporter from the beautiful country even used some means to sneak into the scene of this clarification conference.

"But how do you explain the angles of these photos?"

"After our analysis, it was filmed from at least several angles."

Old Zhao glanced at the reporter from the beautiful country: "Do you know what cheating is?"

"If you want to see, fighter jets are not mentioned on Mars, do you believe that the dragons in myths and legends can also appear?"

The reporter from the beautiful country was instantly speechless.

Lao Zhao answered all kinds of tricky questions in the follow-up unceremoniously.

Biting to death that the photo is fake.

Especially now that Lu Yuan has left Mars and returned to the blue star in a super-light particle fighter.

The major astronomical museums can't see them, and they are about to enter the light speed fighter.

After completing the clarification briefing.

Colleague Lao Zhao took the photo and looked at it again and again: "Brother Zhao, you think this photo can't be real, right? It doesn't look like there are any traces of P pictures at all."

Old Zhao rubbed his temples and said, "Do you think it's possible? It's outrageous for a fighter plane to fly out of the atmosphere, let alone complete a manned landing on Mars?"

"It's really that easy, so the beautiful country has not been completed long ago?"

"Although our Dragon Country has indeed improved a lot in the past few years, if we want to catch up with the Beautiful Country, it may take some time to accumulate and settle."

"That's right, the fighter planes can complete the manned landing on Mars, so how could our Dragon Kingdom's technology be suppressed by the Pretty Kingdom before." Lao Zhao's colleague nodded.

"Old Zhou, the matter you explained has been done, so you are the only one to speak. Otherwise, even if this matter does not need to be clarified, it is estimated that not many people will really believe it."

Lao Zhao called Zhou Wen'an and informed him about the clarification of the press conference.

Zhou Wen'an smiled and said, "Who told you it was fake?"

"To tell you the truth, this fighter was developed secretly by our five southern military departments."

"I didn't expect that just after the manned landing on Mars was completed, it was discovered and made public on the Internet."

Old Zhao was stunned when he heard this.

Just now he swears that it is a fighter plane from the P map, but it has really been developed?

I make it!

"What about the anti-missile armor from before? Don't tell me that thing is real too?"

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