Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 57 The Return Of Fighter Planes, Our Equipment Seems To Have A Problem!

"What mecha?"

Zhou Wen'an was stunned.

Old Zhao said: "You don't know? Three months ago from Qingyuan City to Sheng City, it is said that a mecha flew through the sky."

"There were still some photos and videos at the time, but the videos were blurry and the photos were far away, so it didn't cause much sensation."

The impact of that time was not very big, so Lao Zhao didn't bother to pay attention to it, and handed it over to the people below to deal with it quickly.

In addition, some people have previously circulated videos of dragons, alien flying saucers, and even alien creatures on the Internet.

So he also took the video as a P picture or synthesized it.

until today.

This cosmic-class fighter plane completed the manned landing on Mars, which made him a little suspicious. Those mecha videos and photos are also real.

After all, some of the pictures were taken outside the air force base in Sheng City.

"That's it..."

Zhou Wen'an frowned.

I have never heard of the people below who reported something related to the mecha three months ago.

"Looks like I have to go to Shengshi to see what old Wu is up to."

Zhou Wenan hung up the phone.

Soon began arrangements to go to the formation of the Third Army Department of the Southern Military District.

It's not just about the mecha, but also the fighter plane that completed the manned landing on Mars.

According to the information collected by the guards, the appearance of the fighter is very similar to a quasi-third-generation fighter more than ten years ago.

The fighter R&D department of Factory 106 of the Third Military Department is responsible for the research and development.

"Master Lu, we'll be back to Blue Star in three minutes."

In the super light particle fighter.

Chen Yong sat in the main pilot's seat of the fighter plane, looking at the flying speed of He and He on the screen with some excitement.

The three academicians were sitting in the third row of air seats, with expressions of disbelief and shock mixed on their faces.

"Don't click randomly for a while, let the auxiliary brain control it by itself."

Lu Yuan exhorted casually.

However, his eyes were fixed on the tablet computer in his hand, looking at the collection equipment, the Idin stone and metallic hydrogen collected on Mars.

"Ten tons of each kind, I think it should be enough for me to tinker with an AT particle nano-mech."

This is a big boy's toy.

The previous anti-missile armor was very inconvenient to carry, and it was also very troublesome to wear.

The at particle nano-mech is different.

The metal raw materials used are very light, and when the time comes to get a set for my own home, some processes will not be so troublesome when developing other oversized toys.

Like this fighter plane.

He was still wearing the anti-missile armor for many parts before completing the final installation.

Otherwise he is alone.

Even if there is an auxiliary smart housekeeper, the time to complete the assembly will be correspondingly extended a lot.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I promise not to touch a single button."

Chen Yong hastily expressed his determination to release the joystick, although even if he wanted to control it now, he couldn't help it.

Lu Yuan nodded and did not speak.

When Chen Yong was asked to fly the fighter before, he just wanted to see the effect of the manual mode.

Otherwise, only one sentence is needed, and this fighter can complete the setting of automatic endurance cruise.

at the same time.

The exercise base of the J-6 fighter jet.

The military personnel in a hurry found that the M000 fighter plane had just disappeared for nearly an hour, and the signal appeared again!

"Report to the commander! The signal of fighter number M000 is back! It is approaching our base!"

"Report the current status of the fighter plane!"

Colonel Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

The altitude of the fighter plane continued to rise before, and when it was close to the outer circle of the atmosphere, the entire signal suddenly disappeared completely.

The whole process lasted about fifty minutes!

"The current altitude of the fighter plane is 1,000,000 meters! The descending speed is 30 meters per second..."

"Check that the current fighter jet has 30% energy remaining, and the engine injection device is in good condition..."

The man standing by the device answered quickly.

The other chief engineers also whispered: "It seems that the fighter just entered the ionosphere by mistake, where it is affected by the ionization, and the equipment signal will be blocked for a short time."

"I didn't expect the people from Factory 106 to be so courageous that they dared to take three academicians into the ionosphere."

"Anyway, it's finally back. Let's hurry up and get ready. It's time for the J-6 fighter exercise later."

Everyone looked at the sky too much.

The shadow of a fighter plane is becoming more and more obvious, and the distance is getting closer and closer.


"Superluminous Particle Fighter M000 landed successfully, and the flight distance is 100 million kilometers..."

The sound of electronic synthesis sounded.

Lu Yuan's built-in intelligent assistance system Alpha automatically transmits the voyage information to the exercise equipment that has completed the link.

"Say, Commander, it's not good, there's something wrong with our equipment!"

A school officer in military uniform ran to Colonel Liu in a panic, pointing at the exercise equipment screen incoherently.


Colonel Liu frowned.

Then he walked over to several devices.

"One hundred million kilometers? The maximum cruising speed is Mach 8,880?!"

Watched it over and over again.

The above value is still the same as the number of other Hong Kong trips.

But how is this possible? !

With a distance of 100 million kilometers, even a rocket with an astonishing speed would take almost a year to complete the flight.

Not to mention, it was done in less than an hour!

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