at the same time.

Headquarters base of the Third Army.

Commander Wu Linghui is studying the recently delivered anti-missile mech for individual soldiers.

14.3 million units.

A total of six units were produced in three months.

The metallic armor looks very handsome, at least a man would like this kind of futuristic mechanical equipment.

"Old Zhang, these mech pilots must be carefully selected. In a few days, we will participate in a joint Chinese-foreign individual exercise. We must give those pilots some color."

Wu Linghui is full of confidence in these mechs.

In the past few years, Dragon Country has been crushed by almost overwhelming advantages in this kind of joint exercises every time, such as Pretty Country and other technological powers.

Although Longguo has made a qualitative improvement in weapons in recent years, the time for exerting force is too short after all, and it is impossible to catch up with a few cars in a short time.

But now it's different.

They have individual anti-missile armor, and one soldier can be a tank battalion.

Even if it is a beautiful country.

It still has a lot of advantages in the research and development of tanks, but it is still very powerless in the face of this kind of individual anti-missile mecha with strong flexibility and a strength of more than 40 tons.

"Don't worry, chief, before the quota is finalized, we will evaluate the pilots every day, and only the six most outstanding can officially become the first batch of mecha soldiers in our army!"

The colonel answered very seriously.

Wu Linghui nodded in satisfaction.

But at this moment, a personal guard trotted all the way and brought him a satellite phone.

"Commander, the head of the General Staff is looking for you..."

The excitement on Wu Linghui's face quickly subsided, and he quickly took the phone and went back there.

"Chief, are you looking for me?"

The phone connects.

Wu Linghui's voice was full of caution.

Zhou Wen'an directly snorted and said, "Wu Linghui! Do you still know that I am your chief?!"

"You're not timid now? You have developed such an important individual combat weapon as a mecha, but you are hiding it from me?"

Wu Linghui's face changed slightly, and then he quickly replied: "Chief, I just got it, and I haven't had time to report it to you."

If he is not good, he complains endlessly in his heart.

This is an opportunity for the Third Army to turn around. I didn't expect that the chief general of the three armies of the General Staff would know about it before the joint exercise.

The possibility of the Third Army Department wanting to dominate was now gone, he was sure.


His thoughts just fell.

The voice of Zhou Wen'an on the other side of the phone continued: "Old Wu, it's not about you, you are hiding such good equipment? Don't you know that I have four other military departments in my hand?"

"As long as you are so rich, what will they think of me as the general of the three armies?"

"Chief, I don't have much if I don't have it? The second batch, the second batch of mechs will be delivered, and I will definitely send them to you."

Wu Linghui wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Zhou Wen'an also knew that he would accept it as soon as it was good, and didn't directly let him be separated from the first batch of mechas.

"But Old Wu, do you have anything else to say to me?"

The topic changed.

Zhou Wen'an continued talking to Wu Linghui.

"What else is there? It's gone, Chief..." Wu Linghui was a little at a loss.

Zhou Wen'an's voice became stern again: "No more? You think I stay in the General Staff all the year round, so you don't know the situation there, right?"

"Shall I remind you?"

"A space-class fighter jet? Mars manned landing plan?"

Wu Linghui was even more confused: "Chief, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand a word?"

Zhou Wen'an: "Pretend! Continue to pretend!"

"I have received documents from the space agency, and found that a fighter plane has successfully landed on Mars, completed the manned landing plan, and planted the national flag of Dragon Kingdom on Mars!"

Only then did Wu Linghui wake up.

He is lying on the ground!


"This matter has nothing to do with me. If you say mecha, I will admit it, but I don't even know about this space-level fighter plane and the manned landing plan on Mars..."

"And the reason why this mecha didn't report, I actually have a reason."

"You have a fart reason!"

Zhou Wen'an asked bluntly.

"I already have definite information here, which can prove that this fighter was designed by Factory 106 under the jurisdiction of your Third Military Department!"

"Quasi third-generation fighter!"

"Song Kaiming, the Fighter R&D Department of Factory 106, is in charge!"

"What else do you have to say now?"

Wu Linghui opened his mouth.

It is true that this quasi-third-generation fighter has some influence, but what is the situation when it flies to Mars?

And it was a pity that the fighter plane just missed the first place.

"Chief, did you make a mistake? The research and development of the third-generation quasi-fighter in Factory 106 has stopped after it failed the selection."

Wu Linghui explained.

Zhou Wen'an didn't talk nonsense, and said to him directly: "I will send the information to your mailbox later, and you should think about it carefully."

"When I get to the Third Army Department, you are thinking about how to explain it to me!"


Zhou Wenan hung up the phone with a snap.

Not long at the same time.

Wu Linghui received an information email from the General Staff, which contained some information about the quasi-third-generation fighter jets of Factory 106.

And photos of Mars sent by the space agency.

The fighter planes in the two documents are more than 80% similar!

"Isn't this the result of the newly established toy research and development department?"


An idea popped into Wu Linghui's mind.

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